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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / announcements
Between 14-Nov-21 06:00 PM and 21-Nov-21 11:00 PM
Cindurion 14-Nov-21 10:38 PM
@everyone No sense in waiting for 00:01 for the first information dump! I will be strict about future dead-lines though! So without further ado… Let the Mage Wars… Begin!
As the first of June approaches, you have all decided to make your way to the coastal city of Maineral, for one reason or another, almost drawn there by Fate At exactly 00:01 on June 1st, a glow surrounds your character and you feel something within you change. To some of you, it is a pain-inducing experience, causing you to convulse. To some of you it is quite pleasant, like the gentle touch of a feather. Either way, you soon realize that you are a participant of the Mage Wars and all that it entails. Should you wish to drop out, you need merely vocally exclaim so of your free will, and you will no longer be eligible for the Wish. You are able to communicate with other participants of the Mage War using this feeling within you (Using the confessions bot. Do not publicly give away your character identity as a player) Some of you might be nervous, some of you might be reluctant to fight, and some of you might simply revel in the war to come. Whichever the case is for you, The Mage Wars awaits...
So what now? Well, you are all expected to decide what your character will do during the day of June 1st. As a reminder, the following actions are available to everyone: Scouting Preparing Defenses Shopping Interacting with NPC Training In addition, you can do pretty much anything you can think of. If it doesn't fall within the basic rules we can discuss how your desired action would play out. The only thing to remember is that you are currently not allowed to attack players during the day phase! This is mostly mechanically enforced due to time-restrictions, so try not to play around this rule until such a point that an announcement rescinds it (Likely due to the player count dropping). The deadline for your day-time action is this wednesday at 23:59. However, if everyone has posted their actions early I may decide to advance this time-table at my own discretion to give each of you some additional time with the night-phase. Remember to post in your respective channels instead of direct-messaging me!
Cindurion 16-Nov-21 11:34 PM
@everyone Due to everyone finishing their actions early, the day-time phase of June 1st has concluded! You will all receive a customized summary of your actions and once you’ve read it you can decide on your night-time activity! The night-time activity will always end on exactly 23:59 on the sunday of that week, only the day-time phase can be advanced if everyone is done early. This is since the night-time phase potentially contains more intricate encounters and people may need more time to schedule inter-Magi scenes. Reminder You can now attack one another during this Phase! During day-phases you aren’t allowed to outright attack one another, and trigger battle scenes. During night-phases this restriction is lifted. If anyone is performing an action and is subsequently attacked, their action is interrupted until after the combat is over. Should that player lose the battle but escape, their action will be forfeited as well. Should they win the battle, they may resume the intended action afterwards without any penalties. In the rare case where the order of things matter, the player who writes their intended action first gets to take priority, so writing quickly could potentially have a marginal advantage. However, for the most part this won’t matter as I will lay out the scenes as simultaneously as possible, regardless of the order of the messages. If you want to be sure that you are first for some reason, however, you are free to write a quick summary of your intended action and later spruce it up with additional information. This will also help me coordinate any potential interactions so it might be a good idea for most of you to do so!