As the first of June approaches, you have all decided to make your way to the coastal city of Maineral, for one reason or another, almost drawn there by Fate
At exactly 00:01 on June 1st, a glow surrounds your character and you feel something within you change. To some of you, it is a pain-inducing experience, causing you to convulse. To some of you it is quite pleasant, like the gentle touch of a feather.
Either way, you soon realize that you are a participant of the Mage Wars and all that it entails. Should you wish to drop out, you need merely vocally exclaim so of your free will, and you will no longer be eligible for the Wish.
You are able to communicate with other participants of the Mage War using this feeling within you (Using the confessions bot. Do not publicly give away your character identity as a player)
Some of you might be nervous, some of you might be reluctant to fight, and some of you might simply revel in the war to come. Whichever the case is for you, The Mage Wars awaits...