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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / Blake
Between 14-Nov-21 06:00 PM and 21-Nov-21 11:00 PM
Cindurion 14-Nov-21 10:40 PM
In addition to the announcement, you notice an odd-looking ship in the harbour. At first you think it's merely another of your feverish dreams, but you quickly realize that you are seeing a spectral ship with a "mouth" that wails a sound that sends a chill down your spine. The captain of the ship is clearly also an undead, with a horrifying visage, commanding a literal skeleton crew of 4 skeletons. He turns on a contraption and all of a sudden you magically hear a loud, booming voice which you quickly realize is the captain speaking to all the Mages of the city using the contraption. Feel free to look at Davey Bones' message in the trash-talk channel at this point! After the message the contraption seems to break and the Captain tosses it overboard without any regard. He doesn't seem to have noticed you… yet. But living here could be dangerous if you aren't planning on dealing with him. Perhaps you can make some sort of pact with him, or perhaps it would be wiser to relocate. Either way it is looking like the Docks is about to become a dangerous place to live in. (edited)
Blake 15-Nov-21 09:03 PM
I imagen as Blake checks her news paper this morning it looks a bit like this:
Cindurion 15-Nov-21 09:05 PM
Hahaha, yeah, that's great :P
😅 1
Blake 15-Nov-21 09:07 PM
I do have a plan for what Blake will do during the day phase though (But I think I should double check with you):
Cindurion 15-Nov-21 09:07 PM
I know for a fact that the player who controls Davey is gonna love that image and its implications, so that will be fun to share once the war is over!
Mhm? Shoot!
Blake 15-Nov-21 09:09 PM
Haha, awesome.^^ Okay here goes.. Blake does see something she likes in the news papers though which lifts her spirits; Someone complimented her family! And there is a Eagle Zoo, she really want to visit and see the animals. With so many things to do and so little time she has to ask her family members for some help, which they obviously comply with. The four rats will check out alternative potential lair spots over at the warehouses, not too far away but also not too close to this mad pirate, something as lowkey and abandoned looking as possible. Two of the seagulls Legolas (with his good eyes) and Aragon will check a bit closer... what's the deal with this pirate if they are undead could they too be 'family'. The rest of the family will stick around the lair and wait for night while Blake tries play a senor and get into the zoo even if she's just 35 the white hair helps.
But my question is, can Blake do all these or should Blake just do one? They all kinda fall under "Scouting" but it might be a bit much.. haha^^
Cindurion 15-Nov-21 09:18 PM
Well, the scouting action requires you to be a Mage to have the "mage sight", but nothing is stopping you from sending your familiars to look for specific things. So the rats going to find a new lair is perfectly fine. The seagulls would beed a bit more info on what to look for, as well as instructions on how close they can risk going (basically, if you have to choose between risky or safe, what would you pick?) As for Blake, she could definitely go to the Zoo, but what would she do there? Just go and watch the animals, or some other plan?
Blake 15-Nov-21 09:26 PM
Yeah, that makes sense, the seagulls would be very watching from the distance so the "safe" option, just keeping a general eye on the pirates and if the seem like friendly to other undead or if they even notice the seagulls 🤔 As for the Zoo Blake is a certified animal fan so mostly checking out the zoo, and if the opportunity presents itself perhaps recruit a new family member or... see if there are any animals that Blake could come back and abduct in the middle of the night... check the zoo security and such. haha ^^
But I'm also glad the rats can find a plan b-lair'
that is cool
Cindurion 15-Nov-21 09:29 PM
Nice, nice, fair enough! That warrants another question... Most undead are somewhat of a puppet, following their master's will blindly, is that the case for Blake or does she just generally befriend them?
Blake 15-Nov-21 09:32 PM
Oh, yeah, Maybe we should have talked about this before, sorry. I imagined Blakes undead have some kind of dulled "personality" but not quite as expressive as if they were actually alive. That or Blake is just delusional enough to think they have personality because she sees them as individual family members haha
Like they have some "soul" but like a very broken soul' I don't know if I'm explaining this supper well
Cindurion 15-Nov-21 09:34 PM
Hehe, fair enough! The reason I'm wondering is if you were to "rescue", say, a tiger from the zoo, do you have anything that would make it friendly to you or would you have to essentially find a tiger corpse and bring it back to life for it to follow you?
If not, I believe you had some character creation points left, that you could spend on something like that, if that was your plan
Blake 15-Nov-21 09:41 PM
Well yeah^^ 'rescue' haha, I think I had like 1 extra points so I can put them into it if needed however I don't want to make extra work for you after the deadline already passed '. how I imagined it being is that the tiger doesn't have to like Blake but if the tiger doesn't stick around Blake the tiger will just go die somewhere else since her family get powered by her magic ( and then they need to be close to her for like some time, like they all have necromancy batteries and Blake is the outlet 🤔 )
I guess the tiger could even bite or attack her ~after~ she resurrects it lol (edited)
but she would probably see that as the tiger being 'grumpy' or something
Cindurion 15-Nov-21 09:48 PM
Fair enough, I think I get it, so ultimately it would probably die, either from being a wild tiger in the city, or possibly from the diseases you carry, and then you could just bring it back afterwards? But fair enough. I would say you could probably scout the area as well as going to the zoo at the same time so you can get a feel for their security and such while also getting an idea of if any mages happen to live in the area or are currently in it. Does that work?
Blake 15-Nov-21 09:49 PM
Yes to both^^
Sorry for the convoluted plans, but i think that would be great
Cindurion 15-Nov-21 09:51 PM
Oh, no, this is not a problem at all, some people's plans are waaay more convoluted and messy, but I enjoy it so do whatever crazy stuff you want really! ^^
Blake 15-Nov-21 09:52 PM
Ok that is good ^^
Cindurion 15-Nov-21 09:53 PM
Also, I would like you to make a Charisma check using Blake!
Cindurion 15-Nov-21 09:57 PM
Ooooh, oh nooo! :P
You rolled a natural 2
Blake 15-Nov-21 10:02 PM
ahh noo
I thought i clicked the wrong button first '
but natural 2 is also very bad hahah
Cindurion 15-Nov-21 10:04 PM
Let's just say that you aren't fooling anyone that you are a senior and won't be getting in since you are poor, unfortunately. But I'll say that you can either try to sneak in or just look from outside?
Blake 15-Nov-21 10:05 PM
ahhh, damn lets try and look from the outside, see if there is any fences suitable for climbing later^^
Or if there are surveillance cameras
Cindurion 15-Nov-21 10:05 PM
All right! That's not a problem and won't require a roll
So I'll give you information on what happens with your actions at the end of this phase!
Blake 15-Nov-21 10:06 PM
Ok, Cool^^
Cindurion 16-Nov-21 11:36 PM
You send the seagulls to keep an eye on Davey, and the rats head off to the warehouses. You, however, head to the Zoo! You decide to give the nearby housing district of Eagle Gardens a look on the off-chance you detect any Mage auras, but you are unable to find any so you head to the Zoo itself. You attempt to make your way in, saying that you are a senior citizen, but the cashier isn’t fooled, saying you look far too young to be a senior citizen and demands to see your ID, but you manage to get away. You then scout out the security of the place and see that while there are a fair amount of guards during the day, all but one gets off their shifts at the end of the day so if you wanted to sneak in, you should definitely do it at night. The zoo is rather big with lots of exotic animals, a terrarium, an aquarium section and a large section with more common animals walking around fairly freely where the visitors can pet and feed them. When you make it back you are greeted by your many pets. Bilbo seems to be recovering from a fever that took hold of him during the day, but he’s looking better now. Through charades the cats tell you of a great swarm of Mice travelling through the district. Seemed to look at your home. The Mice are able to tell you about a good-looking empty warehouse that they found. The seagulls also tell you how the ship sang a sort of… song, that made them fly towards it, but Legolas snapped them out of it before they got too close. The ship then went out further into sea and the seagulls were scared to get too close. Also, they saw the skeletons kidnap around 10 people and bring them to the ship. (edited)
In addition, due to the funny sketch and good roleplaying you have been awarded 1 Character Creation Point! Make sure to note it down yourself! You are allowed to spend these on new trait words retro-actively throughout the war, so keep on doing interesting roleplaying and making sketches and you will rack up the points! But only if you feel like it, of course!
Cindurion 20-Nov-21 06:21 PM
@here Hello! Not to rush you or anything, you still have a full day to finish your actions, I just want to remind you about it so you don't forget!
Blake 20-Nov-21 06:25 PM
Hey, thanks and sorry for taking a bit of time school was a bit intense this week. I have noted down the extra point, thank you! Maybe I can buff Bilbo or if I get a new potential family member at the zoo^^.
I do kinda have a plan ish
"Soo, night falls and Blake makes her plan, first on the agenda the cats will move Blakes few belongings consisting of some blankets and some jars of extra food and random junk to the new hiding spot by the warehouses. Second thing on the agenda is Blake and the rest of the squad heading to break into the zoo! Since she knows there is a pirate trouble brewing she plans to head to the parrots and macaws first but if that doesn't work out Blake always wanted a honey bagger or skunk friend."
Blake 20-Nov-21 06:49 PM
and lastly small bonus cat doodle (just a small one this time):
Cindurion 20-Nov-21 07:39 PM
Cool! Well then, let me paint the scene. If you like we can turn it into a mini-scene we can play out over text, or if you prefer you can just say what you do and we can cut over to the action. Mini-scenes are a good way of gaining extra CCPs, but you will already get a CCP thanks to your cute cat doodle so it's not necessary unless you want to! As you make your way to the Zoo, your pets in tow, you start sneaking up towards the fence to see where the guard is. To your surprise, you see him sleeping at the guard station, snoring loudly. There is a bar connected to the guard station that has been lowered, preventing cars and other vehicles from entering or exiting, but you will have no trouble sneaking under it. What do you do?
Blake 20-Nov-21 07:45 PM
Ohhh, a mini scene sound like a lot of fun, im hype. ^^ Blake and her family minus the cats who are relocating blankets quietly grab a map of the zoo (I am assuming the guard station is the same as the entrance and have those mini maps when you walk in) and sneak past the guard
Then if successful they head over to the bird section of the zoo (edited)
Cindurion 20-Nov-21 07:53 PM
While the guard station isn't the same as the entrances with their hand-out maps, you do notice a mini-map lying next to his keys on the open windowsill of the guard station, presumably he emptied his pockets before taking his nap. He seems sound asleep, still snoring loudly, but taking the map or his keys could make some noise. Do you take anything or do you just head in blindly? (If you decide to take anything, make a Stealth check from your sheet) (edited)
(It's basically one of these, with the guard sleeping by the open window with his things on the windowsill)
Blake 20-Nov-21 08:00 PM
Ohh i see ^^ Blake thinks she's going to need those keys to get into the all the different zoo enclosures and the map would also be useful, even though its risky and she has a fever she decides to go for the keys
I think... I made a roll in the roll20
Cindurion 20-Nov-21 08:04 PM
(Yes you did! A natural 20 at that! Whenever you roll a natural 19 or 20 you gain an investment point for that stat. You can use these investment points for re-rolls or to increase that stat. This should already have been recorded on your sheet and I can show you how it works tomorrow!)
Blake 20-Nov-21 08:06 PM
Ok, neat!
Cindurion 20-Nov-21 08:09 PM
As you approach the guard house, you deftly pick up the guard's keys and snatch the map as well given that he didn't react at all. You then sneak past him with your pets and once out of earshot you consult the map.
Blake 20-Nov-21 08:20 PM
With the keys in hand Blake now heads into the zoo. She lets her family explore too but warns them against the apex predatory animal enclosures. The main pack checks out the enclosures around the 11th and 12th section to see if there are any skunks while Blake makes her ways to the parrots admiring the animals and at random unlocking the gates since animals should be free to chose their own homes too after all. When she finds the birds where where she looks after the most "piratly" one she can find. After finding a good candidate she tries to get closer and embrace the bird
Cindurion 20-Nov-21 08:26 PM
(Hmm, make a charisma check. Do you want to spend your CCPs to have a trait that makes animals like you? I imagine a basic version would cost 2 CCPs and would have them consider you friendly if you succeed on a 9+ charisma check, and neutral otherwise)
Blake 20-Nov-21 08:29 PM
Oh, yeah that would be very helpful and I have exactly 2 points right now^^
Can I make a new trait with ccp at anytime? If so it would be very nice
Cindurion 20-Nov-21 08:30 PM
Yes you can! So go for it, and add that to your sheet.
Blake 20-Nov-21 08:40 PM
Awesome, I think I got it^^ Then I guess I make the roll
I called it "Animal friendly" but I think I should be able to think of a cooler name later lol.
Cindurion 20-Nov-21 08:42 PM
Sure, that works! ^^ Go for it!
Blake 20-Nov-21 08:43 PM
Ok ^^
Cindurion 20-Nov-21 08:46 PM
(Rolled a 7. You also rolled a natural 20 Perception for noticing the cameras!) As you approach the birds, you notice cameras seem to be set up around the cages, and you quickly realize that there are probably cameras where you sent your pets as well. This may not bother Blake particularly, but might leave a trail. The cameras seem to be connected to the guard house. In addition, the birds seem to notice you and start making a lot of noise. You notice on in particular that looks like a pirate parrot, but it doesn't seem to approach you, instead just chattering and making noise like the others. (edited)
Blake 20-Nov-21 08:54 PM
Blake realises this could wake the guard up, its time to use her agility and ninja skillz since this parrot doesn't seem interested in joining on their own, trying to move trough the bushes and hide behind the plants she aims to grab the pirate parrot and then head back to her family
Cindurion 20-Nov-21 08:57 PM
(All right, make a Stealth roll)
Blake 20-Nov-21 08:58 PM
Ok, lets hope it works c:
Cindurion 20-Nov-21 09:13 PM
You sneakily make your way to the birdcage, staying out of view of the camera as it slowly pans back and forth. As it pans so that you aren't in sight, you quickly open the lock of the cage and retreat into the bush before the camera pans back. When it again pans away you quickly open the cage, grab the bird which seem quite indifferent to being taken like this, aside from a mild noise, and make it back to the bush before the camera pans back, you think. You can't be sure unless you check the footage.
Blake 20-Nov-21 09:19 PM
Nice^^, Blake happy with tonight's adventure heads back to her family who may or may not have spread germs around to the other animals and together they all head home with their new parrot friend
Cindurion 20-Nov-21 09:20 PM
(Oooooh, right! I didn't even think of that! Oh, snap! You might've just caused the ground zero of the second plague! That's sneaky!)
Blake 20-Nov-21 09:24 PM
Haha, sneaky pandemic ^^
Cindurion 20-Nov-21 09:39 PM
(Yeah, this will definitely turn big in a couple of days... Oh boy! But all right, so that wraps up the mini-scene with you moving to the new base)
👌 1