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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / Suri Kerrington
Between 16-Jan-22 08:37 PM and 23-Jan-22 09:03 PM
Cindurion 16-Jan-22 08:40 PM
Daytime Phase day 10. Your Servant returns with a portable charger that should last for the duration of this war. In addition, you are able to purify the rest of the swarms. No sign of the disease remain. What do you, your servant and your swarms do for your daytime phase?
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 06:00 PM
(Don't forget to decide on your actions for the phase!)
Suri Kerrington 18-Jan-22 11:58 PM
(I'm not even working this week, why have I been so busy?!)
(I think one of the first things I'd like to work on is some kind of protection from the plague. Whether that be some kind of resistance/immunity for my swarms, or an automatic disease cleanser kinda depends on what's more feasable)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 12:18 AM
(So you could probably give them resistance to the disease. In doing so they aren't immune to it, but they would have a +2 Mod to it. You can probably upcast that to give them multi-roll. Pure immunity would require you to research the disease itself in some way)
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 12:57 AM
(And some kinda cleansing station or something?)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 01:01 AM
(Hmm, maaaay be possible, would probably take some phases to complete, but theoretically doable if you learn about the disease)
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 01:19 AM
(It always comes down to the knowledge, doesn't it... I have intel, not booksmarts, dammit!)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 03:20 PM
(Sooo... What are you planning on doing? ^^)
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 03:34 PM
(I'll do the resistance thing. I don't suppose with increased resistance they'll be easier/faster to cure?)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 04:20 PM
(I imagine they'll have a +2 Mod to not only resist but also cure, sure.)
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 04:20 PM
(But yeah, resistance. Gonna keep the servant home to be able to apply it to it as well.)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 04:22 PM
(All right, this would be a 9+ Verminmancy check, I'll go ahead and roll!)
(That's a nat 20! Can give it to all your swarms and your Servant as well!)
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 04:23 PM
(Aw, hell yeah!)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 04:27 PM
Suddenly, as you're working on your rat swarms, you hear a strange whispering in the back of your mind... You can't quite make out the words, but they are niggling at your mind. You have a very bad feeling about this whole situation. What is your snap reaction to this?
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 04:28 PM
(Can I determine the source of these whispers?)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 04:28 PM
(You cannot.)
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 04:30 PM
(I send whichever swarms I'm done with to scout around the area, servant included. I want to find the source. Cause I'm assuming that my lack of most magic schools does not allow me to somehow magic my way into knowing?)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 04:35 PM
(All right, that's close enough to the reaction that I was hoping for. Now it's just a question of reaction time. You will be making a very important Verminmancy roll. Do you have any CCPs or re-rolls?)
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 04:36 PM
(1 re-roll, 6 CCP)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 04:38 PM
(All right, let's see then.) As a snap decision, you attempt to take direct control of your swarm and find the source. (You got a 7. Will you keep that? Base roll was 4.)
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 04:38 PM
(Lol nope! Re-roll!)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 04:38 PM
(12. Keep or re-roll?)
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 04:39 PM
(Base roll 8? I'll re-roll)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 04:40 PM
(19. Keep or re-roll?)
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 04:40 PM
(Keep. Odds of getting better are VERY low.)
(Also, if 19 is insufficient I'm pretty sure I'm screwed either way!)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 04:43 PM
You take control over the swarm just in time for the whispers to grow louder, almost madness inducing. However, thanks to your direct control you do not lose any of your swarms. It appears the madness has spread to this district as well.
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 04:44 PM
(Oh for... Guess I've got some cleaning to do!)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 04:46 PM
(Had you kept the first roll or reacted in any other way you would've lost all your swarms and they likely would've turned on you, so that was a close one!)
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 04:47 PM
(Geez! Whoever is playing the madness dude made a strong choice of powers!)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 04:47 PM
(It's certainly effective against your swarms! That effigy is paying off though!)
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 04:48 PM
(But I guess I know what I'll be spending next phase on! Gonna have to clean out those totems and sigils!)
(Oh yeah, I am SO happy about that effigy!)
(I am most definitely finding myself on the backfoot recently, I'm having to be reactive as opposed to proactive more than I'd like...)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 04:50 PM
(Yep. Had you lost your swarms that would have probably been almost a KO given how much time it takes to get them back from scratch.)
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 04:50 PM
(I don't even wanna think about that!)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 11:20 PM
Nighttime Phase day 10. Having finished your preparations against the disease, you narrowly avoid disaster as the madness affects your home sub-district. What do you, your servant and your swarms do for your nighttime phase?
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 11:22 PM
I'm gonna send my servant to clean up some of the source of this madness. Can my swarms help in this?
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 11:23 PM
(As long as you're taking direct control over them, I don't see why not!)
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 11:24 PM
Well then that's what I'm doing! My servant and me(through my swarms) will be cleaning up those totems/sigils/whatever!
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 11:24 PM
(Fair enough, cleansing your own home district I'm guessing?)
Suri Kerrington 19-Jan-22 11:25 PM
(Ye. I don't wanna have to keep them under direct control at all times. I need to be able to do other stuff as well!)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 11:29 PM
As your Servant and your swarms spread out to destroy any sign of corruption they can find, you get the impression that while your sub-district is certainly affected, it doesn't seem to be originating from this sub-district. You are able to claw out a lot of the corruption, but since you didn't find any totems or anything that was the source of it, you doubt this will stop any future spread of the corruption in the area. However, for now the whispers have subsided, although you cannot be certain for how long...