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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / Walter Keane
Between 16-Jan-22 08:37 PM and 23-Jan-22 09:03 PM
Cindurion 16-Jan-22 08:41 PM
You've been awarded 1 CCP for participating in a scene! Make sure to note it down! Daytime Phase day 10. Joe and Walter chat idly for quite some time about all sorts of things, but eventually, all things come to an end, and Joe has to serve new customers and Walter has to get moving. Satisfied with your meal and your chat with Joe, you head off to the main attraction of the night. Heading off to the district with tonight’s drop, you notice that there doesn’t seem to be any magical signals in the area. You warily creep forward and eventually open the chest, with no other signs of life interfering. You gather up the loot and head off to the warehouse. All in all, you collected 3 re-roll beads, 3 skill crystals and 3 crystals of potential. In addition, you find a set of boots that seems to change the moment you touch them outside of the anti-magic field. What do you do for your daytime phase?
Walter Keane 16-Jan-22 08:44 PM
(before I leave, I want to make it very clear that neither Joe not anyone he cares about should visit the hospital. If they get sick, they should do their best to find a doctor elsewhere. If asked why, I would answer it's not safe there without elaborating any further)
Cindurion 16-Jan-22 09:06 PM
(Fair enough, noted!)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 06:00 PM
(Don't forget to decide on your actions for the phase!)
Walter Keane 18-Jan-22 11:46 PM
2 CCPs: stealth to 3 skill crystal: vitality to 5 skill crystal x 2: stealth to 5 CCP: 2 bleed rounds (Action: craft custom grenades)
(I rolled if you can see it)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 12:05 AM
(Got a 9, not sure if that was 1 or 2 for grenades?)
Walter Keane 19-Jan-22 12:05 AM
(2 grenades per success last time at least)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 12:07 AM
Walter Keane 19-Jan-22 12:10 AM
(So do I get 2 or 4? I forget what the break points for successes are)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 12:11 AM
(4, 9, 14 and 19. So 4!)
Walter Keane 19-Jan-22 12:11 AM
Walter Keane 19-Jan-22 12:57 AM
(Oh shit, another one down)
(now this is getting scary)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 11:21 PM
Nighttime Phase day 10. After crafting some grenades and picking up some dead-drops that you had in the area in the event of emergencies, you feel prepared for another fight. What do you do for your nighttime phase?
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 01:02 PM
(If you're planning on getting tonight's drop, you need to go there before 21 tonight) (edited)
Walter Keane 21-Jan-22 01:15 PM
(drop time)
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 07:44 PM
You make it to the sub-district, with plenty of time to spare. Do you do anything in particular to set up before the drop?
Walter Keane 21-Jan-22 07:47 PM
Given the rate at which the other mages seem to drop, Walter will lay low. Keep an eye out and stick to the shadows
Look for advantageous areas for ambushes
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 08:07 PM
You find a good, tall building you can use to have an overview of the area no matter where the drop ends up, and lay low...
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 10:56 PM
At exactly 20:00, a purple beam of light appears and you can see through your scope that there’s another chest being lowered from atop it. How do you proceed? (The beam is currently at Long range. No movement can be seen from the area currently.)
Walter Keane 21-Jan-22 11:03 PM
As always, I observe, take my time (Are there any mage signatures around?)
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 11:17 PM
(You sense none)
As you sit and wait, observing the area, you notice a woman walking around aimlessly, almost as if looking for something. (edited)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 01:47 AM
(Load a regular bullet, keep an eye her and the area around the drop) (edited)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 01:59 AM
Nothing else of import seems to be going on. She's just searching the area. No Mage signals are popping up. The Beam of Light has long since disappeared and the chest is just lying in the open.
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 05:05 PM
"A lonely woman obviously looking for someting, or someone, is worrying, but never the less, I should get my hand on that package" Walter tries to make his way to the drop evading the woman
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 05:07 PM
You make it to the chest, and proceed to open it. Inside is the usual assortment of crystals and other trinkets, along with a white hat.
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 05:08 PM
(This woman feels like such a trap, but I'm intrigued, but it feels wrong)
(Is she a spy? Is she a hidden amalgamation? Is she an innocent bystander? who is she...)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 05:13 PM
As you open the chest, the woman seems to notice. She looks in your direction and you can hear her say: "Found... It..." She then locks eyes with you, and she quickly attempts to hide, very ungracefully. Regardless, you lose track of her for a moment. (You got a 12 perception against her 14 stealth. Would you like to re-roll?)
(The woman looks like this)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 05:28 PM
(Not rerolling, 30% chance success)
(I know I was very out when house collapsed, but is that voice who said "What a scoop" back then similar to this one?) (edited)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 05:31 PM
You lose track of her completely as her echoing footsteps fade into the shadows...
(No, that was clearly a man.)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 05:31 PM
"Watch your step, Blake" Walter says loudly before disappearing into the shadows himself
(How's the rule of servants run by people running away from mages?)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 05:35 PM
(You get a 19 for your stealth check.) (What do you do after hiding?)
(Proper Servants that are run by players still in the game are affected by the mage-tether. So are Mages. Other creatures, like familiars, etc can run away freely and are undetectable with Mage Sight.) (edited)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 05:39 PM
(Ooooh, well that changes things)
(Does summons register by mage sight?)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 05:41 PM
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 05:43 PM
(A current hypothesis is that she might be an undead herself, created by another mage. Would that count as a servant or something else? You don't have to answer, but it has me concerned since "Kasper" didn't show up on mage sight whereas the priests tentacle beast did)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 05:46 PM
(You would know enough that for her to count as a servant, a significant price would have to be paid (15 CCPs or equivalent), whereas someone animating some creature would be considerably less of a threat and therefore not show up on Mage Sight. If that's what's going on here or if some other magical trickery is occuring, I can't say.)
👍 1
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 05:51 PM
(Now, while hidden, I'd like to try to search for the famous "Fizzlr" influencer)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 05:53 PM
You stealthily check around the area, and notice her moving towards the chest. She doesn't seem to have spotted you.
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 05:54 PM
(I assume I grabbed the stuff, or no?)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 05:55 PM
(No. You only really had time to take a quick peek before all this happened. I could allow you to snatch one item if there's anything in particular you wanted)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 05:56 PM
(Hat then) (quick reload to bleed round in sniper, blast her head off) (Still silenced rifle and pistol) (edited)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 05:57 PM
(Failed the quick reload. Do you let it take a full turn or do you attempt to re-roll?)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 05:57 PM
(Eh, within pistol range?)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 05:57 PM
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 05:58 PM
(Max dmg round it is)
(I roll)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 05:58 PM
(Make a stealth check too)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 05:58 PM
(Will do)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 05:59 PM
(11 for stealth, 10 for acc)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 05:59 PM
(Reroll acc)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 05:59 PM
(Cool, go for it)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 06:00 PM
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 06:00 PM
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 06:00 PM
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 06:00 PM
(Make sure to note down the used re-rolls)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 06:01 PM
(Already done)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 06:21 PM
You sneak up on her, and right as you are about to take the shot, she turns her head towards you. You take the shot and while she attempts to evade it, she is unable to, as the shot shreds her apart.
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 06:32 PM
Walter's going to walk out towards her slowly to take a closer look (How bad is she? Still on guard with pistol in hand btw)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 06:34 PM
Walter inspects her body, she looks pale. Far too pale for someone who just died. Aside from that there's no sign of movement coming from her.
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 06:40 PM
Realizing this might have been a walking corpse along with "her" walking undead beasts, he decides to make sure she's dead. Disabling his anti magic field for a moment, he conjures lighter fluid, drenches her in it and lights her ablaze with his lighter he always keeps on him After that he gathers the loot and heads out of the area, making sure he is not seen
(So, I have a feeling of what is going to be in the paper tomorrow...)
(There are no security cameras around, right?)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 06:42 PM
(That's a nat 2 luck check. Re-roll or don't care?)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 06:42 PM
(Right!!! Looting her body should be a thing)
(is a quick retcon all right?)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 06:42 PM
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 06:42 PM
(What's on her body? I check after putting a regular bullet through her skull) (edited)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 06:44 PM
(Nothing of importance really. She's got her tattered clothes and that's about it.)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 06:44 PM
(Phone? Earpiece?)
(She was talking to someone, so that might be a thing)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 07:11 PM
(Or no?)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 07:35 PM
(Naah, nothing like that)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 07:51 PM
(Aight, disappointed) (edited)
(Is it possible to pick up any residual magic from the body?)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 08:30 PM
(Yeah, you can feel a faint magical signature, slowly fading away)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 09:17 PM
(Can I memorize it? So that I can recognize it when I feel it again?)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 11:52 PM
(Probably not the exact spell or anything, but you might be able to pick up if anything feels similar to it or not)
Walter Keane 22-Jan-22 11:59 PM
(Was thinking more connected to certain mage, but anything works. Whichever is the case, I'm out of there, nat 2 will remain nat 2 since I feel there are way more important things to save rerolls for)
Cindurion 23-Jan-22 02:23 AM
(Naah, that'd require ages of study to pull off. Being untrained in magic it's hard enough to tell one magic school from another :P) You escape the area, having burned the woman's body, presumably on camera due to the high amount of cameras in the area. Oh well. You gotta do what you gotta do.
👍 1