You've been awarded 1 CCP for participating in a scene! Make sure to note it down!
Daytime Phase day 10.
Joe and Walter chat idly for quite some time about all sorts of things, but eventually, all things come to an end, and Joe has to serve new customers and Walter has to get moving. Satisfied with your meal and your chat with Joe, you head off to the main attraction of the night.
Heading off to the district with tonight’s drop, you notice that there doesn’t seem to be any magical signals in the area. You warily creep forward and eventually open the chest, with no other signs of life interfering. You gather up the loot and head off to the warehouse.
All in all, you collected 3 re-roll beads, 3 skill crystals and 3 crystals of potential. In addition, you find a set of boots that seems to change the moment you touch them outside of the anti-magic field.
What do you do for your daytime phase?