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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / kazztruul
Between 16-Jan-22 08:37 PM and 23-Jan-22 09:03 PM
Cindurion 16-Jan-22 08:40 PM
Daytime Phase day 10. After spreading his gifts, Zamesi heads off to a cosy sleep. The next day he wakes up, feeling refreshed! What do you do for your daytime phase?
Cindurion 16-Jan-22 10:34 PM
A visitor enters your tent. A weary Ms. Blake stumbles inside, holding her a gash in her side. She looks quite injured as she looks up at you.
Zamesi 16-Jan-22 11:23 PM
(Can I determine approximately how injured? Close to death?)
Zamesi 17-Jan-22 02:27 PM
(Or is it more of a flesh wound?)
Cindurion 17-Jan-22 05:51 PM
"Hi, it's been a while Mr.Brooker. I see you have done well in your endeavours, even with the city in chaos... Do you happen to know any medical professionals? I'm in pretty big need of one." (She's easily under 50% health. More than that you cannot tell without inspecting her wounds further.) (edited)
Zamesi 17-Jan-22 06:03 PM
(Does she have her dog with her?)
Cindurion 17-Jan-22 06:34 PM
(She does not)
Zamesi 17-Jan-22 06:45 PM
(Do i know about how much dmg stabbing someone with a dagger would cause generally?)
Cindurion 17-Jan-22 07:00 PM
(20 minus your strength) (edited)
Zamesi 17-Jan-22 07:09 PM
(How does minus strength make sense? xD so then i guess voodoo spells would reasonably cause more dmg?)
Zamesi 17-Jan-22 07:28 PM
The Broker smiles and gets up, pulling out a chair and motioning for Blake to sit down. "Ah, miss Blake. You are in luck! I recently made the aquintance of a very talented doctor, one of the foremost experts in his field in fact. I would be more than happy to set up a meeting, but I must ask... What are you willing to pay for such an encounter?"
Cindurion 17-Jan-22 08:20 PM
Blake accepts your offer and sits down, leaning heavily on the chair "Well, I have some jewlery I recently got from a certain count. He... probably won't be a client for y'all anymore. He worse off than me at the moment. There is this Walter guy going around killing mages, you know how it is." (edited)
Zamesi 17-Jan-22 08:59 PM
The Broker leans in for a closer look at the wound. "I see... Would this 'Walter' be who caused this? Could you tell me what happened?"
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 05:58 AM
Blake wearily lets him look at her wounds "Well... a golem was involved. I can tell you everything about it if you help me get patched up. I could also tell you why the pirate disappeared."
(She is in critical condition atm. 1 more damage will kill her. She has already triggered Last Chance. If she doesn't get medical attention this phase she will need to pass a 9+ Vit check or die.)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 09:27 AM
(Eeeexcellent 😛 I also assume I only feel two magical presences in the area, including mine?)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 09:27 AM
(If you wanna spend your turn doing a scout action you could get that info)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 09:37 AM
(Ahhh, I thought that was just included for free xD Nvm then) The Broker grins at the mortally wounded visitor. "I'm sure you could, Miss Blake. Alas, I'm afraid you won't be able to..." Without warning, the Broker starts channeling a soul draining voodoo spell, intent on finishing off this seemingly easy target.
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 09:38 AM
(You got an 11. I imagine this will be targeting her Willpower. Do you have any re-rolls/CCPs you would wish to use?)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 09:40 AM
(I'm on 1CCP, I imagine I would like to use this on any failed roll 😛 I also imagine I get +5 for Voodoo stuff, so either I rolled a natural 6 or am getting a total of 16?)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 09:40 AM
(You rolled a nat 6)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 09:40 AM
(Gotcha, let's reroll that then xD )
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 09:41 AM
(Ooof, got a 4 instead. So 9 total. Still a decent roll though. But from now on I'll fast-forward any rolls you make since you have no re-rolls left?)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 09:42 AM
(Yep yep xD )
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 09:45 AM
(I'm surprised you didn't try to milk her for info first! :P)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 09:58 AM
(So let's see... If I got this right, you normally would take double damage, but due to the shielded by Loa, you now take regular damage. And on the off-chance you do die, you would come back in your tent after one day? Any other effects I'm missing?) (edited)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 10:06 AM
(Yeah I considered it, but I felt like prodding too much for info might just make her suspicious enough to attack me xD Besides, she already volunteered more info than I expected, so ehh 😛 And yes, I believe those are all effects currently in place) (edited)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 06:48 PM
Blake resists the soul drain effect, channels dark magic into herself and lunges at you. (Attack roll is a 7. You can either defend using Evasion or Guard, or you could Brace using Vitality to try and reduce the incoming damage somewhat. How do you defend?) (edited)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 07:11 PM
Just to confirm, Evasion would give me +1 while Guard and Vitality would give me -3 and -1 respectively?
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 07:12 PM
(Yup, but Bracing is usually good when the opponent rolls high as regardless of the result you will probably reduce the damage somewhat. If you use Evasion or Guard you can prevent all damage if you equal or beat the roll)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 07:19 PM
(Makes sense ^^ In that case I would like to dodge with Evasion and counter attack with a bolt of dark spiritual energy!)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 07:20 PM
(You successfully Dodge with a 7. Would you like to get some distance from her or do you want to keep her close?)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 07:21 PM
(Will it affect my counter attack?)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 07:23 PM
(No, since you are doing a ranged bolt attack you will generally want to be far away. Otherwise you would use your Strike stat. You could always do something like the soul drain you did though so you have options at whichever ranges you choose. So it's really up to you if you wanna dictate where the battle takes place)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 07:26 PM
(Alright, lets keep some distance then ^^)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 07:26 PM
(So basically heading out of the tent? Mage tether is active so neither of you can escape atm)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 07:31 PM
(Hmmm... how about just other side of the table? xD)
👍 1
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 07:46 PM
Blake evades the bolt and runs over to the supports of the tent, cutting and breaking them, causing the tent to collapse upon both of you. You fail the agility test and are currently restrained under the tent. (You cannot move, have a -2 Mod to defend and cannot target anyone with an attack that requires LoS until you pass a 9+ Agility or Evasion check)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 07:53 PM
(Hmmm... can I use voodoo to see the location of her spirit and locate her that way?)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 07:54 PM
(You could probably do that as a 9+ check to essentially know where she is at all times, but that would be your turn and you would still be restrained)
(In doing so you could probably do attacks like your soul drain without needing LoS)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 07:57 PM
(How about a large burst of spirirual energy to knock away the tent and knock Blake over?)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 07:58 PM
(Would be far more AP costly than most spells you've cast so far, but should be doable. You'd still need 9+ to knock away the tent enough to be free though.)
(So AP is like mana. most basic spells cost around 20 AP per cast. This would probably require 50 AP, leaving you with 50 left before needing to recharge)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 08:02 PM
(But it would free me and essentially leave her in a similarly vulnerable position?)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 08:02 PM
(She would be fine from the tent, but she might just take a hit from the explosion and die)
(And as long as you roll a 9+ you would free yourself)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 08:05 PM
Aight, lets do it
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 08:05 PM
(Phew, got a 10, so you are now free from the tent)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 08:06 PM
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 08:28 PM
The explosion rips apart the tent and creates an opening for you to get out of. It also narrowly miss Blake. She tries to cast something with a wand but nothing seems to happen. What do you do?
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 08:30 PM
(Soul drain her, lets try to finish this xD)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 08:31 PM
(Ooof, fumble, but since you have such a high stat you got a chance to prevent the critical failure, so it was only a regular failure!)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 08:39 PM
Blake once again waves her wand, and then she vanishes into thin air. What do you do? (Your AP is down to 30 now!)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 08:43 PM
She still cant escape right?
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 08:43 PM
(Correct, but she could stall)
(You can always attempt a perception check as your action for the turn to try and locate her without needing to spend AP)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 08:48 PM
(Could I attempt to regain AP by channeling spiritual energies?)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 08:48 PM
(Yup. Regaining AP is a regular action you can make)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 08:51 PM
(So either of these would be my action for the phase?)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 08:51 PM
(So which one do you want to use, or something else?)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 09:02 PM
(Umgås med fia lite nu, så kommer ta en liten stund xD)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 09:14 PM
(Hehe, fair, mend the bridge from your betrayal? :P)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 09:16 PM
(Playing discretely xD)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 09:35 PM
(So assuming shes just invisible, what odds might i have of hitting her if i start randomly slashing with my knife?)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 09:36 PM
(Basically impossible. You need to know roughly where she is)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 09:47 PM
If I do detect her, could i then also immediately attack?
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 09:54 PM
(You could not, but you prevent sneak attacks and make her exit stealth, provided she is in fact invisible. Alternatively if she did something like a teleport you would know where she is at least.)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 09:58 PM
(What bonus do you get from a sneak attack?)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 09:59 PM
(You get a free perception vs her stealth. If you fail it you don't get to defend at all. Some weapons (like daggers) deal double damage when sneak attacking)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 10:06 PM
(So basically you can spend your turn to pinpoint her and get an extra chance to get a perception check if you would like.)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 10:06 PM
(Could I just guard against sneak attacks without spending my action?)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 10:07 PM
(You could use a focus action to get bonuses on any of your stats, such as perception)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 10:07 PM
But that would take my action for the phase? (edited)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 10:08 PM
(Yup. Basically anything aside from movement takes your action)
(Talking is fine as well)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 10:12 PM
(How about this, could I put my back against a wall ti increase my chances of reacting to an incoming attack?)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 10:13 PM
(There are no walls or trees within movement distance atm. Luck check was a 6.)
(You could start moving towards a tree. But would take an additional turn of movement)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 10:16 PM
(Would I be extra vulnerable when moving?
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 10:16 PM
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 10:17 PM
(Then lets head for the nearest safe wall)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 10:18 PM
(That would be far away. You are in a park, remember? ^^ But there are trees)
(But movement-wise that is fine. That is still not your action, so what would you want to do as your action?)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 10:22 PM
(So just to be clear, when you say action and that it would take up my turn, are we talking a whole actual phase or just a combat turn?)
Cindurion 18-Jan-22 10:23 PM
(Combat turn. You are currently in combat. Each combat turn you can move one distance towards or away from something, and then you have a combat action like your soul drain or explosion spells. Perception check, focus to boost one of your stats or AP recover are some of the basic actions anyone could do.)
Zamesi 18-Jan-22 10:25 PM
(Ahh. That changes things xD So lets try to locate her with perception then)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 12:17 AM
Blake suddenly appears out of nowhere, slipping on the remains of you tent and hitting her head on the pole that used to hold it up. The pole gets a dent from Blake's head and she gets really dizzy. It doesn't seem to have hurt her, but she seems to have lost concentration on her invisibility spell. In her dizziness, she lunges at you with dark energies fueling her. (She rolled a nat 20! Only a nat 20 can defend against a nat 20, so you may wanna Brace this time unless you're feeling ballsy. However, if you fail to reach 4+ on the Vit check you actually take more damage, so there's some risk involved there as well)
Zamesi 19-Jan-22 12:19 AM
(Youre telling me a nat 20 caused her to trip and hit her head? xD but sure, lets brace i guess)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 12:19 AM
(No, your perception check made her roll a nat 1 😛 So good call on that one I guess! She then followed up with a nat 20!)
(Nice, you got a 16. So you reduce the damage by 15. It was a crit, however, so she dealt 45 damage to you in total. You are down to 45 hp and 30 AP now. What do you do?) (edited)
As Blakes teeth hit the brokers neck she bites deep hitting his artery and her whole chin gets drenched in his blood. (This is mostly fluff. You don't have a bleed effect or anything. You did get bitten though!)
Zamesi 19-Jan-22 12:23 AM
(Just making sure, you took the dmg reduction into consideration too yes?)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 12:24 AM
(Indeed! Would've been 105 otherwise. You currently take normal damage instead of double) (edited)
Zamesi 19-Jan-22 12:26 AM
(Why do i get the feeling this "fluff" is gonna send me off on another quest to find a cure? xP anyways, as she bites me i wanna put my hands around her neck and use voodoo to drain the life out of her)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 12:27 AM
(You will effectively be out of AP if you do. Still seems like a good idea but figured I'd remind you that you would need an AP recharge to be able to use your voodoo stat again)
Zamesi 19-Jan-22 12:28 AM
(Thats fine, I just wanna make sure to finish this before the wrong person dies xD)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 12:31 AM
Unable to move away, she is unable to resist your life drain. She falls limp, her teeth still stuck in your neck as you remove her from you and let her collapse on the floor, exhausted from the seemingly "easy" fight...
Zamesi 19-Jan-22 12:35 AM
(Sooo, assuming the fight is now over, how much effort would it take to tidy up and restore the tent? xD)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 12:54 AM
(That would probably be an action. Or you could just do a shopping action and buy supplies and a new place to live)
Zamesi 19-Jan-22 12:57 AM
(I assume reanimating the body to serve as a companion would also be an action?)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 12:57 AM
Zamesi 19-Jan-22 12:58 AM
(Cool cool, I'll sleep on it x) )
👍 1
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 12:59 AM
(You do that! You fought well! May wanna loot her as well, or not, if you're worried about traps)
Zamesi 19-Jan-22 01:05 AM
(If it doesnt count as an action, hell yeah lets go for it xD)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 01:14 AM
You find a wand and a strange compass. As your hands touch the wand it changes shape and intuitively you can feel it changing to your will... (The wand gives you access to any magic school of your choice. You can take some time choosing, but once you make your choice it takes a phase to switch shape.) The moment you touch the compass, its needle jumps alive, pointing directly at yourself. You also notice that there are seven buttons on it, and when you press each one, the needle jumps in a seemingly random direction and stops, facing the same direction each time you press that same button. It appears to be pointing you in 4 different directions. The other 3 buttons just has the needle spin randomly. A most curious find. (edited)
Zamesi 19-Jan-22 01:17 AM
Zamesi 19-Jan-22 09:54 AM
(So if i was to raise the corpse as a companion, would i then be able to send her off to do tasks for me in addition to my normal actions?)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 10:50 AM
(Yes, although being a zombie she couldn't do any advanced actions. For instance she wouldn't have Mage Sight and such)
Zamesi 19-Jan-22 11:01 AM
(But she could for example pick up and retrieve items?)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 11:03 AM
(Sure. But you may be better off hiring people using your vast wealth, as mercs or thugs can react to situations whereas zombies would just follow the letter of your word directly)
Zamesi 19-Jan-22 11:43 AM
(Yeah, but then I'd have to leave my tent and miss potential customers)
Zamesi 19-Jan-22 03:46 PM
Sighing as he looks over his demolished tent, Zamesi gets to work on restoring it to its former glory as well as hiding Blakes body away for future zombification and cleaning up whatever blood and signs of struggle exist
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 11:20 PM
Nighttime Phase day 10. After repairing the damages from the fight, and setting up shop once again, Zamesi is ready to get back to business as normal. What do you do for your nighttime phase?
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 11:53 PM
In addition, you've been awarded 3 CCPs for winning a battle! Make sure to note it down!
Zamesi 19-Jan-22 11:54 PM
(Ooff, now thats better xD)
(So I'm curious... I can spend CCP to improve/modify the stuff on my charts, yes?)
Cindurion 19-Jan-22 11:59 PM
(Not entirely sure what you'd want, but theoretically yes. I do consider the charts to be mostly maxed out though)
Zamesi 20-Jan-22 12:00 AM
(Ahh. So no chance I could make Invigorated stackable then? 😛 )
Cindurion 20-Jan-22 12:00 AM
(Hehe, no, not really :P)
Zamesi 20-Jan-22 12:00 AM
(That's unfortunate, could have been very fun xD)
Cindurion 20-Jan-22 12:01 AM
(You can probably make some minor changes, but overall I consider the item maxed out)
Zamesi 20-Jan-22 12:01 AM
(Fair, gotta try you know x) )
(Also, is there any sort of passive hp/ap regeneration, or do I have to rest for that?)
Cindurion 20-Jan-22 12:06 AM
(As long as you don't take any damage this phase you will regain 50% of your max health. In your case, 25% due to your negative trait) (edited)
Zamesi 20-Jan-22 12:08 AM
(Ahh, neat ^^)
Zamesi 20-Jan-22 03:28 PM
Deciding that it could be nice with some help accomplishing menial tasks, Zamesi decides to raise the body of Blake as an undead servant
Zamesi 20-Jan-22 05:10 PM
(Assuming this works, I would then also want to send her to the Hudson Green Apartments to retrieve whatever magical item is being dropped there)
Cindurion 20-Jan-22 05:13 PM
(Normally that would be an entire phase-thing without a roll, but you could attempt a rush job, but if it fails you won't have a zombie by the end of the phase, and if you fail badly she may be unzombifiable)
Zamesi 20-Jan-22 05:14 PM
(What kinda roll would be needed for this?)
Cindurion 20-Jan-22 05:15 PM
(Voodoo check. Should be between a 9-14 DC)
Zamesi 20-Jan-22 05:16 PM
(If it's 9 I'll go for it, if it's 14 I'll have a think 😛 )
Cindurion 20-Jan-22 05:21 PM
(DC is somewhere around there. You just aren't quite sure which. You do know that you need to pass a 4+ to not fuck up badly.)
Zamesi 20-Jan-22 05:24 PM
(Fuck it, let's go for it xD )
Cindurion 20-Jan-22 05:24 PM
(Rolled an 8. 3 on the die. Keep or re-roll using CCP?)
Zamesi 20-Jan-22 05:27 PM
(Reroll I guess xP)
Cindurion 20-Jan-22 05:27 PM
(19. Keep?)
Zamesi 20-Jan-22 05:28 PM
(yas plz ^^)
Cindurion 20-Jan-22 05:30 PM
You rush to finish up Blake's zombification. In a critical moment you almost make a mistake, but you are able to catch it in time and finish her zombification before the night is over. Exhausted from your rush job, you are unable to do anything further that night, but you could send "Blake" somewhere, with as detailed instructions as possible.
(Basically, think of it like programming an AI. If you give carefully laid out contingencies, I will follow them to the best of my abilities. If you just give a basic instruction I will do exactly that with no consideration to anything else. Consider stuff like when to retreat, how to approach when enemies are around, what the target/objective is, etc.)
Zamesi 20-Jan-22 05:34 PM
(Yeah, I kinda assumed as much, i'll try to cover all eventualities 🙂 )
Zamesi 21-Jan-22 12:14 PM
(So, what kind of combat capabilities does my zombie have? Would it stand a reasonable chance in a fight against a mage?)
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 01:01 PM
(barring a buttload of 20s, no, not at all :p)
Zamesi 21-Jan-22 02:25 PM
(Can I assume I have ready-brewed voodoo-related potions and whatnot at the ready?)
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 02:26 PM
(Probably not, but you have the ingredients to make basic potions I'd say. What are you going for exactly?)
Zamesi 21-Jan-22 02:27 PM
(I'm thinking of sending like a poison or polymorph potion or something with the zombie 😛 ) (edited)
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 02:28 PM
(Ah, no. You'd have to prep that kinda stuff in advance or spend CCPs to get some pulled from out of nowhere. At best you can give her a mildly poisonous herb or something for free)
Zamesi 21-Jan-22 02:35 PM
(Aight, then nvm) Not wanting to leave anything to chance, the Broker gives the following instructions to the zombified Blake: "Covertly make your way to the Hudson Green apartment district, locate and retrieve the magical item being dropped off there and covertly make your way back here. Should you be detected by a Mage, make sure to elude them. If you fail and they attack you, attempt at all costs to escape and make sure you are not followed here. As a last resort, if you are unable to evade your pursuers, do your best to eliminate them. Above all, do NOT under any circumstances mention me to anyone you meet. In fact, if you are captured and forcibly interrogated, simply tell them you were sent by a man in a suit... Unless that description fits your captor, in which case, claim you were sent by someone who called himself 'The Shark'"
Zamesi 21-Jan-22 07:14 PM
(Does attuning the wand require an action?)
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 07:17 PM
(No. It did when you picked it up. However, changing it requires an action. That's why I need you to decide on which type of wand it is by the end of this phase ^^)
Zamesi 21-Jan-22 07:18 PM
(Alright, in that case, if I pick Divination, would I potentially be able to attune it to work with the compass, showing me whatever the compass is pointing at?)
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 07:19 PM
(Interesting. It definitely seems to fit the bill for divination, but I imagine that would be a tricky spell. So yes, but might require some time/good rolls)
Zamesi 21-Jan-22 07:21 PM
(How much time are we talking, and would i then be able to swap between what its showing in the same phase?)
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 07:26 PM
(Well, until you've decided on picking that magic school, your not a true mage prevents me from telling you too much. But let's just say that that would be within the realm of divination, yes.)
(I have a written response at the ready with the exact details of how it would work once you've decided to go for divination, but for now feel free to ask if there's other stuff you could/couldn't do using divination or other magic schools)
Zamesi 21-Jan-22 07:28 PM
(I'll go Divination ^^)
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 07:28 PM
(The difficult part would be the setup. I imagine you could get a base upgrade to link the wand with your crystal ball so you could remotely watch them more easily. The entirety of the process would probably require anywhere between 2-6 actions depending on your rolls, but once fully set-up you could probably just click the compass and automatically switch between your targets like a TV.)
(If you just wanna go for a quick and dirty version you can probably spend a phase just to get an unclear vision of what they are doing currently that lasts for a small amount of the phase. The TV version is the "maxed out" version, if you will)
Zamesi 21-Jan-22 07:31 PM
(Would either of these versions provide some sort of audio or other way of potentially finding out names and stuff?)
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 07:32 PM
(Both would include audio. Divination also could probably help you find their names magically, as long as you have something of theirs, including knowing what they look like)
Zamesi 21-Jan-22 07:33 PM
(Ahh, perfect ^^)
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 07:33 PM
(Indeed. It's a nasty combo...)
Zamesi 21-Jan-22 07:33 PM
(I mean, thats why im going for it xD )
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 07:34 PM
(From a wiki: The divination school of magic contains spells that enable the caster to learn secrets long forgotten, interpret dreams, predict the future, to find hidden things or foil deceptive spells)
Zamesi 21-Jan-22 07:38 PM
(Soo straight up counterspells too?)
Cindurion 21-Jan-22 07:40 PM
(Less counterspells and more foiling illusions and such, So for instance, you could've casted "See invisibility" when Blake seemingly turned invisible to counter it fully.)
Zamesi 21-Jan-22 07:40 PM
(Ahh, fair enough) (edited)
Cindurion 22-Jan-22 06:45 PM
(Oh yeah, Blake had a phone on her. Would you have taken that one?)
Zamesi 22-Jan-22 07:32 PM
(Sure, why not 😛 )
(Obv somethings gonna backfire here, but oh well)