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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / Blake
Between 21-Nov-21 11:00 PM and 28-Nov-21 10:30 PM
Cindurion 21-Nov-21 11:08 PM
Due to exceptional roleplaying and for creating original artwork you have been awarded 1 character creation point! Make sure to note it down yourself! Keep it up! But only if you feel like it. Remember that mini-scenes are always optional! Once you get to the warehouse district you are guided by your rats to the warehouse they had scouted out. When you get there you can see Smeagol and Gollum having already made themselves cosy in the corner of the warehouse with the few items you have. The next morning you feel better and stronger than ever! Your pets, on the other hand, far less so. They all seem to be nearly knocked out. You suppose they must've caught something at the Zoo. Even the new parrot seems to be mostly out of it. What do you do for your day-time phase?
Blake 24-Nov-21 06:57 AM
Heyo, sorry it took a little bit but here are my day time plans^^
Blake decides to name the newest member of her family Boromir, and as Boromir is slowly passing Blake lets it happen and then later she uses her necromancy to bring him 'back', when the parrot seems to be a bit affected by her powers she lets him rest with the rest of the family. Today will be a easy day for most of the family but Blake still has one thing she can do to deal with this pesky pirate problem. She decides to write and post an anonymous letter posing as a old lady where she slanders the pirate saying that the pirate Davey “Lichbeard” Bones kidnaps innocent church going civilians and spreads decease to The Envoy of Gods, famous for despising mages. Blake has tried her best to avoid the church but maybe that organisation could be useful for her this time.
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 07:39 AM
(Hmm, make an Intelligence roll I suppose to see how swaying the letter is.)
Blake 24-Nov-21 07:40 AM
Ok, will do^^
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 07:42 AM
(Oof, that's a natural 2.)
Blake 24-Nov-21 07:42 AM
Oof, Blake is that weirdo sending odd letters then, haha^^
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 07:43 AM
(Hmm, would you like to do another action as well? I'd say this was short enough that you could do something else as well)
Blake 24-Nov-21 07:47 AM
Humm, that would be neat ^^ maybe I can do a training action or something alike then, charming the parrot and indoctrinating him to Blakes side? Training charisma maybe 🤔
Maybe Boromir is too out of it to train lol
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 07:48 AM
(Sure! It's fine since it's more about you training than Boromir. In that case, type /gmroll 1d20 in the roll20 chat box) (edited)
Blake 24-Nov-21 07:50 AM
Neat I got a four^^
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 07:51 AM
(A low roll, but you at least got 1 Investment Point for your Charisma stat! I should also remind you that Character Creation Points can give you 4 Investment Points, so that's another way you can increase your stats)
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 08:22 AM
All right! Then let's see what the night phase holds!
👌 1
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 11:12 PM
You attempt to get the Parrot’s trust during the day and as you do, you can feel the words come a little bit more easily somehow, though you are unsure of why. As you help the bird “pass on” you then bring it back and it now follows you like the rest of your family, eagerly awaiting what you want it to do. Towards the afternoon, you can feel your fever flaring up again, you feel a bit woozy, but you are able to act like normal (albeit with a -2 Global Modifier). Bilbo seems as happy and eager as ever, but the rest of your pets look a little bit under the weather like yourself. What do you do for your night-time phase? (edited)
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 03:11 PM
(Just a reminder to decide on your Night action! Feel free to make a quick summary and then edit it afterwards to have more flair if you like!)
Blake 26-Nov-21 03:27 PM
Ah, yes! Sorry, I should respond a bit quicker, but I am a fan of trying to add the flair^^ I think Blakes plan for the night phase will be to use the Dead eyes spies ability to go meet Davey whether this can end in an alliance or war, we will see...
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 03:30 PM
(Ah, fair enough, so send some animals to talk through them during the meeting? Or are you going there to spy? Which animals in that case?) (edited)
Blake 26-Nov-21 03:34 PM
Yes, to "talk" kind of, not literally since they can talk, but in going there in a diplomatic way, the master plan is to send Boromir the parrot but with Blake looking trough the parrots eyes.^^
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 03:37 PM
Fair enough! You could also go and scout another map section if you wanted since you can "scout" 2 districts using Dead eyed spies, and I'd qualify this as a scout action
Blake 26-Nov-21 03:39 PM
oh, that would be a really nice boon^^ I guess I can scout the warehouses too then since I don't think I did that before moving in
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 03:42 PM
True! All right, then I'll set up your meeting via text. Feel free to add more flair to your phase description at a later point! But at least I know roughly what you intend to do, so you don't need to if you don't feel like it!
Blake 26-Nov-21 03:43 PM
Ok, super neat, I'll add a bit of flair but ill tell you when I do so^^
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 06:50 PM
As Boromir gets to the docks, you can see several chairs placed next to some skeletons, one of which you instantly realize is Davey Bones. Boromir lands on one of the chairs and Davey tilts his head a little bit. Then he shrugs his shoulders, and says "Greetings, feathered one. Would ye be interested in some rum?" Davey offers a glass to the bird. "I once knew a bird much like ye who had the appetite for it." As he speaks, he pours the bird a glass and slides it over to it for it to do what it will with it.
(You are now interacting directly with another player so anything you type will be sent over to them, minus any questions or internal thoughts. In addition, I would say that since a Macaw is capable of speech you'd be able to speak through it if you wish.) (edited)
Blake 26-Nov-21 07:04 PM
Ohh, neato, this will be a lot of fun.. um I don't think Blake would ever turn down alcohol but also if Boromir drinks just a bit he won't be too drunk to fly right? lol "Ello!" says the macaw as he sips a bit of the rum. "Are you a family person, are these, your family? I have a family."
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 07:05 PM
(As long as you don't overdo it! :P)
Blake 26-Nov-21 07:05 PM
hahah, nice xd
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 07:20 PM
Davey's grin seems to unnaturally widen somewhat, as he says, "Ye be a interesting bird, I'll give ye that. Tell ye what, I'll answer ye question if ye answer one of mine; What are ye, really? Ye are obviously not an actual bird, certainly not Scurvy; Not enough insults."
Blake 26-Nov-21 07:27 PM
Well... I am what you are, although I don't yet know if we have the same goal but this one is called Boromir. And even if you are a pirate I'd rather y'all not insult Boromir, he is family now.
Blake in Boromirs body crosses the macaws legs like a human and tilts his head to try and see closer how Davey reacts
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 07:34 PM
"I see," Davey says, readjusting himself a bit in his seat to get a bit more comfortable. Then, glancing over at the Skeleton Crew, he says, laughing, "Well, I be not one to judge, I suppose. But to answer ye question, I suppose that be a subject of debate. Those men be my brothers, aye, and we share some love between us. But does that make us family?" Davey shrugs again. "I tend not to worry about these sorts of things. They be important to me, as I be important to they, so if that make us family, then sure."
Blake 26-Nov-21 07:41 PM
Pleased with this answer Boromir flies and sits on top of Davey's hat (Assuming he has a hat, lol) "I like this answer. I don't think I want to fight you right now. If you don't mind Boromir can visit you and your family every now and then, maybe it can be useful to us both"
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 07:48 PM
Davey doesn't seem to mind the invasion of his private space, and says, "Aye, this sounds agreeable. Pray tell, may I ask for ye name?"
Davey groans a bit, and says, "Clever bird."
Blake 26-Nov-21 07:54 PM
"If your friendly you can call me Blake, mr clever pirate. Have you seen the mice traveling trough the city? They are not family."
"Well some mice are but not the swarming ones..."
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 07:56 PM
Davey seems to quickly look around "There be another mage approaching. Will ye be joining us, Mr....?"
Blake 26-Nov-21 07:59 PM
"I will stay around" Boromir whispers. Blake will stick around but try to act more bird like atleast in the start.
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 07:59 PM
He then goes back to your conversation "Aye, I've noticed them. Did ye notice that they seem to be in the company of seagulls?"
Blake 26-Nov-21 08:02 PM
Staying on top of Davey's hat lol. "Well, seagulls are family, are they not a good sign for pirates looking for land. Seagulls are good."
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:07 PM
"Ye make a good point, but I've had colonies of them watch me ship recently, along with some rats. I be unsure at the time whether they be related or not."
he whispers to Boromir, "There be a mage in the area, but they refuse to show themselves. I don't suppose ye have seen them?"
Blake 26-Nov-21 08:09 PM
Humm, can I make like a roll for perception?
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:10 PM
(Generally you don't need to make Perception checks. Feel free to ask in case I forgot or missed, but you will never know that there was a perception check or not, as it's considered hidden, passive information)
(So if there was one, I have already made it and you would have been given information about it.)
Blake 26-Nov-21 08:11 PM
ohh ok got it 👍
"Not related I think, But seagulls are good. If someone is here right now I can't tell where..." Boromir whispers back (edited)
"Your song seems good for making people drawn to you though, don't know if that is the best move if the mage is friendly though."
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:25 PM
Davey hums thoughtfully, considering his options. Then, eventually, he says, “I say that we let things play out for the time being. There be no rush to draw them out, and the night still be young.” As he says this, Davey leans back into his seat and, almost as if bored, starts flipping a red-tinted gold coin.
Blake 26-Nov-21 08:33 PM
"Then we wait. That's a unique coin you got there, why is it so red?" Boromir says as the bird lays down and rests on top of Davey's hat (edited)
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:44 PM
Still flipping the coin, Davey says in a casual voice, “I be a pirate, Mr. Blake. Most of what I own I got through either theft or as the result of it. And some things, well…” Davey stares at the coin for a moment, before he started flipping it again. “Some things don’t wash off so simply.”
Blake 26-Nov-21 08:51 PM
Blake trough Boromir just keeps resting on top of the hat, Blake actually thinks it's kind of comfy but wouldn't admit that out loud.
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 09:10 PM
An older-looking hooded man approaches you from an alleyway. "Greetings, esteemed Captain! I am known as the Broker, and I come to you representing a client of mine. This client who approached me is a participant in these so-called "Mage Wars" of yours, and has asked me to... Strike a deal with you, on his behalf. Something about avoiding potential ambushes, I believe. Regardless, this individual is quite interested in obtaining a very rare item, a Soul Gem, and seems convinced that you may be able to procure some for him. In return, my client wishes you to know that he is an individual with a significant influence within the Magus Organization and would be able to persuade them to ignore whatever conventional rules of the War you might happen to accidentally overstep, shall we say? Alternatively, I have been given authority to negotiate alternative ways of payment for such a favor, if there is anything else you would much prefer. So, how about it, Captain? Shall we parlay?"
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 09:24 PM
Davey stops flipping the coin, letting it land in his hand, as he stared at the broker. Then, after a prolonged stretch of silence, he says, “Ye client wishes to become a lich,” he says flatly.
"My clients intentions are of no interest to me, Captain. I've merely made a deal to acquire a Soul Gem for him, what he does with it is of no concern to me."
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 09:40 PM
Any implied smile that Davey had is completely gone now. “Ye client is a mage,” Davey says, as he begins to stand. “He have connections within the Magus Organization,” he continues, as he began approaching the Broker. “And he wishes to become a lich,” Davey stops walking when he is either face to face with the Broker, or at least as close as the Broker would allow. “Either ye be lying to me, or ye be working for Count Rosendo.” Davey let’s out a low chuckle. “Rich snobs seldom gets their hands dirty.”
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 09:49 PM
"While I'm not technically at liberty to discuss my clients true identity, what I can tell you is that a contract has already been outlined and contains the signature of my client. A contract which, should you decide to sign it, you will receive a copy of. Should you wish to infer their identity from such a scrawl, who am I to stop you?"
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:18 PM
Davey chuckles a little, though it is a noise devoid of any true joy. "I believe that ye employer has misunderstood something about me. I don't fear the Magus Organization. The point of this," Davey gestures to the table. "Is not because I fear them. I am sickened by them. If I was afraid, I would never have become a pirate in the first place." Davey shakes his head, almost as if in disappointment. "I don't want their protection. I want to see them squirm. To remind them that they have no power over me." Davey gives the Broker what might have been a smile, if his mannerisms are any indicator. "Clearly, I was right to remind them." Davey turns his back on the Broker, and starts to make his way back to the table. "Since I invited ye, I will permit ye to leave. But understand this: While I respect what ye do, seeing as ye represent a enemy of mine, ye are not welcome on these shores, and if ye aren't gone by the time I have reached me chair, I will have The Immortal Tyrant open fire on ye." As he says this, Davey makes his way over to the table again, not really caring to give the Broker a fair head start or anything.
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:33 PM
The Immortal Tyrant gives out a mournful moan akin to that of a whale, and is going airborne. It is clearly alive. (edited)
The Broker slinks calmly back into the shadows with but a few parting words. "While this particular client will be saddened by your decision, keep in mind, Captain, that I represent a multitude of different clients and owe allegiance to none of them. Whatever quarrel you have with the Magus Organization or the Count, I really don't care. However, should you ever desire my services, you know where to find me."
(I do like that you may have potentially infected the captain with the fever and he doesn't even know it :P)
Davey, seeing rats swarming his ship glares harshly at it. And yet, as another laugh leaves his teeth, it isn't just rage in there; but joy. "I was wondering when someone would gather the nerve to try something! All hands on deck, we have a rat infestation!" He then propels himself into the air using a burst of water at his feet and launches himself back up to his ship that is now fully airborne. (edited)
(Do you stay on his hat?)
As Davey commands The Immortal Tyrant to make sure nothing is missing, or see if anyone is still on board, he turns to Boromir, and says, "Can ye follow the rats and report back on where they are going? If they not be a part of ye family, then they be a threat to the both of us." (edited)
Blake 27-Nov-21 09:33 AM
If i can I'd love to try and follow the rats from a distance Boromir gives a short nood and follows the swarm of rats from the air
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 03:25 PM
As Boromir flies through the air, following a couple of the rats, you can hear a bone-chilling screech from the Immortal Tyrant, followed by a low, whale-like sound. Do you still follow the rats, who seem to be scattering in all directions?
Blake 27-Nov-21 03:36 PM
While a bit worrying, that's also how Blake remembers it sounding on the first day when the pirate appeared so she decides to press on targeting a few rats to stealthily try to follow.
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 03:37 PM
As Boromir flies and follows a couple of the scattering rats, a couple of them stops and turns around. They stretch out their front paws while keeping their bodies low. They seem to almost be begging for forgiveness.
Blake 27-Nov-21 03:44 PM
Boromir circles the rats overhead and asks, "You want forgiveness? Were you the who hired The Broker?"
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 03:46 PM
They shake their heads. They seem genuine.
Blake 27-Nov-21 03:52 PM
"If you want forgiveness, let me talk to your leader. I'm currently a lone bird, so I won't do any damage in my current state."
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 03:54 PM
They tilt their heads in confusion.
Blake 27-Nov-21 04:06 PM
Boromir keeps talking to the rats but lands on the edge of a rooftop "You don't wanna talk... or you can't talk? Raise your left paws if you can't talk"
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 04:16 PM
The rats raise their left paw, then signal the bird to follow as they scurry towards a nearby small park. (edited)
Blake 27-Nov-21 04:18 PM
Boromir follows, ^^
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 04:25 PM
In the dirt the rats write "In 2 nghts, Cass pwr plnt." The punctuation is made out of rats.
(I should point out, you haven't gotten close enough to possibly infect them yet. You have to specify touching them in some way)
Blake 27-Nov-21 04:28 PM
Yepp, that is fair^^
If macaws could raise their eyebrows Boromir would do it he asks "Do you want to meet at the power plant or are you going to blow it up? Raise you left paws if you want to meet up... right paws for other option."
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 04:35 PM
They raise their left paws. Then they erease the message they wrote and scurry off in separate directions.
Except for the one rat that's about to raise the right paw, looks around at the other rats, and raises the left.
Blake 27-Nov-21 04:54 PM
Looking closer at the one rat that was about to raise their right paw Boromir speaks "Y'all wouldn't mind if I brought one of you with me in case you decide to blow the power plant up... specifically that one. "
"I'll return them at the power plant of course
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 05:01 PM
The rats all take a step away from the one rat.
Blake 27-Nov-21 05:10 PM
Boromir sweeps down, grabs the rat and then flies back towards the Immortal Tyrant
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 06:49 PM
Davey glances at Boromir as he approach him on the table, having gone back to sipping some rum while waiting. As Boromir gets close, Davey says, "Does there be something special about this rat ye be bringing?"
Blake 27-Nov-21 11:42 PM
"It's kind of a hostage... the rats want to beg for forgivness and want to meet up at the power plant in two nights, it might be a trap though. But it's not the same mage who sent The Broker. I'm pretty sure. What do you think? You can question this one if you want... I think the rats might be a hivemind " Boromir caws while circling overhead on the ship
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 12:31 AM
You can also see that the ship is clearly alive as it flies through the air, a bit like a flying whale. On the ship you can see that there are 4 skeletons aside from Davey Bones, and you also notice that there are some humans walking around the ship, crewing it.
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 01:25 AM
Davey tilts his head to the side, almost as if in confusion. "The rat... Speaks?"
Blake 28-Nov-21 07:50 AM
Oh, that is a cool ship^^
"Well... The rat can play charades, He will answer yes or no by nodding and whatnot. Isn't that right, little rat?" Boromir says as he puts down the rat on deck.
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 02:26 PM
The rat doesn't seem to react to your question, just sniffing around and being passive, like a normal rat.
Blake 28-Nov-21 02:36 PM
"Well... Nevermind, maybe its just within a certain reach. Anyhow the night is soon over so I'm gonna head out, but do consider mr Bones if you want to meet this mage two nights from this one... I will be there" Boromir says as he takes off leaving the rat behind. (edited)
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 03:24 PM
(All right, and that ends the scene! Good job, hope you thought it was fun!)
Blake 28-Nov-21 03:29 PM
It was a lot of fun^^ Hopefully it didn't encroach too much on the Sunday. We will see how it ends for Blake, lol. I think she might be in trouble if people figure out she is spreading a plague too quick, hahah.
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 03:30 PM
As Boromir flies back to the base, you notice through its eyes that it seems to be followed by some pigeons. It is pretty close to the warehouse you live in, what do you do?
(Hahaha, yeah, that might be a problem :P)
Blake 28-Nov-21 03:32 PM
Bonus flair doodle, I wanted to add earlier, but now I got too add a rum joke^^
Ohh Boromir tries his best to engage in evasive maneuvers flying quite low and between the shipping containers to try to shake the pigeon eyes
(The hivemind dude is back, damn :p )
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 03:35 PM
Boromir is unable to shake them, they seem to be quite persistent.
(Also, that's a really nice doodle!)
😅 1
Blake 28-Nov-21 03:39 PM
Boromir gives up and turns around speaking to the pigeons "Did y'all want anything more than to meet up at the power plant? I left your friend with the pirate, y'all do want him back don't you..."
(Also thanks^^)
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 04:28 PM
The pigeons dives toward a pile of gravel an begins scrawling out a message. It's hard to read but it looks like "E killd er".
Blake 28-Nov-21 04:33 PM
Boromir tilts his head at the pigeons in confusion"What do you mean killed, did the rat I left with the pirate get killed? If you had a connection to the rat why didn't you just nod in front of the pirate? I told him the rat is a hostage."
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 04:37 PM
"Dony trus im.", *The pigeons respond with their poorly written message. (edited)
Blake 28-Nov-21 04:41 PM
"But why? Is it because tonight or something earlier than tonight? Y'all can answer by raising your left wings if its because of tonight." Boromir tries to question
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 04:52 PM
Right wing up
Blake 28-Nov-21 04:57 PM
"Hum... Okay, he did some killing before tonight. Is he the reason you can't currently talk?"
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 04:58 PM
Shakes head
Blake 28-Nov-21 05:05 PM
"Okay, y'all, we can meet up without the pirate if you want... but I want to find out what exactly he did. What about an peaceful day talk? Then we don't have to be afraid of the other attacking since the Magus Organization don't want fighting during day time."
(You can still interact with other players during the day, right?)
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:06 PM
(You can)
The Pigeons Nod (edited)
Blake 28-Nov-21 05:11 PM
"Okay, Tomorrow at lunch in the park, does that work for you?"
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:15 PM
The pigeons shakes their heads.
Blake 28-Nov-21 05:18 PM
"Okay... When does it fit y'all because I might have told the pirate, about the power plant... I assumed y'all wanted to meet him too."
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:21 PM
"Sam dy. Dayime. Bhin Ru Chrch"
Blake 28-Nov-21 05:24 PM
"Okay, the church tomorrow, you got a deal" Boromir reaches out one wing as if he want to shake on it with one of the pigeons."
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:27 PM
Shakes head. "Sme dy as te meting"
Blake 28-Nov-21 05:28 PM
"Okay, in two days at the church"
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:28 PM
The pigeons nod.
Blake 28-Nov-21 05:31 PM
"Fair enough, take care of yourselves then" Boromir says as he takes of into the sky again. (edited)
Hopefully with the pigeons not on his tail anymore he tries to take a extra messy way home.
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:32 PM
(And just making sure you know that they didn't shake your wing since they shook their heads)
Blake 28-Nov-21 05:32 PM
(Yepp, they didn't take the bait xd)
They did a dodge on my strategy lol
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:38 PM
(Cool! So now the scene is over :P)
Blake 28-Nov-21 05:38 PM
Fair enough, It was fun^^
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:39 PM
Glad to hear it! It's been pretty interesting so far with me as the GM. you all have such different ideas, it's really fun!
😁 1