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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / Suri Kerrington
Between 21-Nov-21 11:00 PM and 28-Nov-21 10:30 PM
Cindurion 21-Nov-21 11:06 PM
Creating the Effigy took almost no effort at all, with your Swarms of rats at your side. Within hours it was completed, and with it you are able to forge an even stronger link with your rats, one that cannot be disrupted by others, as long as you are in control. Your Servant disrupts the magical presence of the Mage you had spotted previously. While doing so, it gets the impression that there aren't many left, and could probably be done in a phase or two. What do you do for your day-time phase?
Suri Kerrington 23-Nov-21 01:43 AM
Hmm. I want my servant to continue its work on the sigils, whilst keeping a bit of an eye around the docks, if possible.
Not entirely sure what I want to do myself, but here are some things I'm considering. Could I make some pigeons with hella corrosive shit? That one might be able to bombard a ship with? 😛 (edited)
Cindurion 23-Nov-21 08:19 AM
I don't see why not, but they'd be fairly easy to take out if anyone has access to some sort of AoE spell. Generally speaking I have a hard time seeing you being able to take out a Mage with just Vermins on their own, that's why I suggested the servant. So having carpet bombing pigeons could certainly soften a Mage up, but you'd most likely be using your Servant to finish them off, just so we're clear. (You might technically be able to do it with just vermins if you find a weak Mage like yourself or if you get lucky, but those aren't odds I would take)
Suri Kerrington 23-Nov-21 01:27 PM
Yeah yeah, I get that. I just wanna mess with the ship itself.
Cindurion 23-Nov-21 01:35 PM
Fair enough. Yeah, corrosive shitting birds could definitely be a thing in that case!
Suri Kerrington 23-Nov-21 01:36 PM
Also, how long would it take to expand my swarm?
Secondarily, how many explosive rats would it take to scuttle a ship?
Cindurion 23-Nov-21 01:39 PM
Ooof, all the hard questions! :P
Gonna get back to you on that in a bit!
Cindurion 23-Nov-21 01:57 PM
Expanding your swarm would probably take 1-3 phases depending on your current swarm size and what you roll. (currently would be a 14+ roll to increase in a single phase, otherwise 2 phases. As the swarm grows it will be easier for it to grow.)
And that depends entirely on the ship, you'd have to do some investigation for that. You kinda already looked at him, so I will allow an Intelligence check for free (edited)
Suri Kerrington 23-Nov-21 02:00 PM
Cindurion 23-Nov-21 02:02 PM
Hmm, rolled a 7. You get the impression that that ship is more than just a basic ship, given that the siren song came from the ship itself, but that's about it.
Suri Kerrington 23-Nov-21 02:02 PM
My current plan is to try and find something productive to fill out the day phase, and then hopefully get some good info during the meeting during night phase. Bones should be distracted so I might even try and sneak some rats into the ship.
And yes, I'm totally having a look around for that phylactery!
Cindurion 23-Nov-21 02:03 PM
If it was just a basic wooden ship you'd wager sacrificing one "charge" of explosive rats would be enough to sink it, but you don't know if that would be enough in this case.
(You currently have 2 "charges" on your rat swarm)
Suri Kerrington 23-Nov-21 02:05 PM
If I start the process of expanding my swarm and need more than one phase, I could take a break and continue that project later, yeah?
Cindurion 23-Nov-21 02:08 PM
Yeah, definitely
So long as you don't sacrifice a swarm charge in-between
It sort of relies on you being able to hit a critical mass, so losing a swarm charge will impact your recruitment
Suri Kerrington 23-Nov-21 02:10 PM
Right. Well, let's try expanding!
Cindurion 23-Nov-21 02:13 PM
Cool! That's a Verminmancy roll!
Suri Kerrington 23-Nov-21 02:14 PM
Cindurion 23-Nov-21 02:14 PM
Rolled a 9, so unfortunately not enough for a single phase recruitment but you've started the process at least!
Suri Kerrington 23-Nov-21 02:15 PM
Darn! Ah, well. Can't win every time 😛
Cindurion 23-Nov-21 02:16 PM
Hehe, indeed! :P So that's what you do, and your servant was scratching out more doodles?
Suri Kerrington 23-Nov-21 02:16 PM
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 11:11 PM
As your mind merges with the swarm, you give them a decisive command: “Find more”, and you can feel their little minds spreading like a web in all directions, gathering new Vermin for the swarm. It takes longer than you’d like though, so as the afternoon rolls around you still aren’t quite satisfied with your expansion. Your Servant destroys the last remnants of whatever that Mage had scrawled and tells you this. The area is now clear of such scrawlings. What do you do for your night-time phase?
Suri Kerrington 25-Nov-21 04:19 PM
Well, there's a high possibility for a gathering of mages at the docks! Such a wonderful opportunity for information!
I would like to send one rat pack and my servant to spy on this meeting, and if possible follow the mages home afterwards. My remaining pack I would like to board the ship while its captain is busy on the shore. Should he not leave his vessel these rats should also be spying and following after any mages at the meeting.
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 07:21 PM
As you, through your swarm, and your Servant get to the docks you skulk about for a bit. For now you can see only a skeleton pirate who presumably is Davey Bones, and a couple of lesser skeletons standing around, waiting, with several empty chairs that have been prepared in advance. As you skulk about, Davey seems to look around the area, but he doesn't seem to spot you. Some time later, a bird approaches Davey and lands on one of the chairs. Davey offers the bird a glass of Rum and they start talking.
(I will give you the transcript as it is written, feel free to jump in and do something at any point)
Davey tilts his head a little bit. Then he shrugs his shoulders, and says "Greetings, feathered one. Would ye be interested in some rum?" Davey offers a glass to the bird. "I once knew a bird much like ye who had the appetite for it." As he speaks, he pours the bird a glass and slides it over to it for it to do what it will with it.
"Ello!" says the macaw as he sips a bit of the rum. "Are you a family person, are these, your family? I have a family." While nodding at Davey's skeleton crew.
Davey's grin seems to unnaturally widen somewhat, as he says, "Ye be a interesting bird, I'll give ye that. Tell ye what, I'll answer ye question if ye answer one of mine; What are ye, really? Ye are obviously not an actual bird, certainly not Scurvy; Not enough insults."
"Well... I am what you are, although I don't yet know if we have the same goal but this one is called Boromir. And even if you are a pirate I'd rather y'all not insult Boromir, he is family now."
"I see," Davey says, readjusting himself a bit in his seat to get a bit more comfortable. Then, glancing over at the Skeleton Crew, he says, laughing, "Well, I be not one to judge, I suppose. But to answer ye question, I suppose that be a subject of debate. Those men be my brothers, aye, and we share some love between us. But does that make us family?" Davey shrugs again. "I tend not to worry about these sorts of things. They be important to me, as I be important to they, so if that make us family, then sure."
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 07:47 PM
The bird says "I like this answer. I don't think I want to fight you right now. If you don't mind Boromir can visit you and your family every now and then, maybe it can be useful to us both."
"Aye, this sounds agreeable. Pray tell, may I ask for ye name?"
Davey groans a bit, and says, "Clever bird."
Davey seems to quickly look around "There be another mage approaching. Will ye be joining us, Mr....?"
He then goes back to talking: "Aye, I've noticed them. Did ye notice that they seem to be in the company of seagulls?"
"Well, seagulls are family, are they not a good sign for pirates looking for land. Seagulls are good."
"Ye make a good point, but I've had colonies of them watch me ship recently, along with some rats. I be unsure at the time whether they be related or not."
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:15 PM
At this point they seem to be whispering, and you are unable to hear the details of their conversation further.
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:25 PM
Davey hums thoughtfully, considering his options. Then, eventually, he says, “I say that we let things play out for the time being. There be no rush to draw them out, and the night still be young.” As he says this, Davey leans back into his seat and, almost as if bored, starts flipping a red-tinted gold coin.
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:34 PM
"Then we wait. That's a unique coin you got there, why is it so red?"
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:44 PM
Still flipping the coin, Davey says in a casual voice, “I be a pirate, Mr. Blake. Most of what I own I got through either theft or as the result of it. And some things, well…” Davey stares at the coin for a moment, before he started flipping it again. “Some things don’t wash off so simply.”
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 09:10 PM
An older-looking hooded man approaches them from an alleyway. "Greetings, esteemed Captain! I am known as the Broker, and I come to you representing a client of mine. This client who approached me is a participant in these so-called "Mage Wars" of yours, and has asked me to... Strike a deal with you, on his behalf. Something about avoiding potential ambushes, I believe. Regardless, this individual is quite interested in obtaining a very rare item, a Soul Gem, and seems convinced that you may be able to procure some for him. In return, my client wishes you to know that he is an individual with a significant influence within the Magus Organization and would be able to persuade them to ignore whatever conventional rules of the War you might happen to accidentally overstep, shall we say? Alternatively, I have been given authority to negotiate alternative ways of payment for such a favor, if there is anything else you would much prefer. So, how about it, Captain? Shall we parlay?"
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 09:24 PM
Davey stops flipping the coin, letting it land in his hand, as he stared at the broker. Then, after a prolonged stretch of silence, he says, “Ye client wishes to become a lich,” he says flatly.
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 09:24 PM
Jesus christ, I have some reading to do on the train!
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 09:25 PM
(Hahaha, yep! The benefits of having successfully infiltrated a conversation) (edited)
"My clients intentions are of no interest to me, Captain. I've merely made a deal to acquire a Soul Gem for him, what he does with it is of no concern to me."
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 09:40 PM
Any implied smile that Davey had is completely gone now. “Ye client is a mage,” Davey says, as he begins to stand. “He have connections within the Magus Organization,” he continues, as he began approaching the Broker. “And he wishes to become a lich,” Davey stops walking when he is either face to face with the Broker, or at least as close as the Broker would allow. “Either ye be lying to me, or ye be working for Count Rosendo.” Davey let’s out a low chuckle. “Rich snobs seldom gets their hands dirty.”
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 09:48 PM
"While I'm not technically at liberty to discuss my clients true identity, what I can tell you is that a contract has already been outlined and contains the signature of my client. A contract which, should you decide to sign it, you will receive a copy of. Should you wish to infer their identity from such a scrawl, who am I to stop you?"
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 10:03 PM
Just checking, but one of my swarms would be attempting to infiltrate the vessel at this point, yes?
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:04 PM
(Right, the ship is currently out to sea very far away from the docks, forgot to mention that. How do you intend to overcome that situation?)
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 10:08 PM
That... Complicates matters...
Might I be able to direct them into forming some kind of raft?
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:10 PM
So rats can in fact swim I just googled. So getting to the ship might not be a problem, the problem would be climbing it and it might trigger a second stealth check, so if they weren't aware of your rats before they might be now.
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 10:12 PM
... What kind of ship is it? I might have some ideas depending on its model...
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:14 PM
Davey chuckles a little, though it is a noise devoid of any true joy. "I believe that ye employer has misunderstood something about me. I don't fear the Magus Organization. The point of this," Davey gestures to the table. "Is not because I fear them. I am sickened by them. If I was afraid, I would never have become a pirate in the first place." Davey shakes his head, almost as if in disappointment. "I don't want their protection. I want to see them squirm. To remind them that they have no power over me." Davey gives the Broker what might have been a smile, if his mannerisms are any indicator. "Clearly, I was right to remind them." Davey turns his back on the Broker, and starts to make his way back to the table. "Since I invited ye, I will permit ye to leave. But understand this: While I respect what ye do, seeing as ye represent a enemy of mine, ye are not welcome on these shores, and if ye aren't gone by the time I have reached me chair, I will have The Immortal Tyrant open fire on ye." As he says this, Davey makes his way over to the table again, not really caring to give the Broker a fair head start or anything.
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 10:20 PM
That looks plenty easy to climb for a bunch of rats, and with cannon holes there should be plenty of discreet places to enter.
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:21 PM
That's fair! So you send the swarm to climb aboard stealthily then?
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 10:23 PM
Also, a thought for the future. How long do you think it'd take for a rat swarm to gnaw a shit tone of holes in a wooden vessel?
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:28 PM
A basic wooden vessel, probably not too long, depending on whether you're just wanting to cause it to sink or actually destroy most of it
It would take longer than a combat generally speaking, so you would need a distraction.
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 10:29 PM
Good to know, good to know...
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:32 PM
The Immortal Tyrant gives out a mournful moan akin to that of a whale, and is going airborne, and as it does so, it is creating walls in the orifices that the rats are crawling into and manage to shove them back out.
The Broker slinks calmly back into the shadows with but a few parting words. "While this particular client will be saddened by your decision, keep in mind, Captain, that I represent a multitude of different clients and owe allegiance to none of them. Whatever quarrel you have with the Magus Organization or the Count, I really don't care. However, should you ever desire my services, you know where to find me."
(Do you do anything or do you let your now swimming rats scatter and escape?)
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 10:36 PM
Yeah. Let's avoid any unnecessary casualties. Scatter!
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:36 PM
All right!
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:44 PM
Davey, seeing the rats swarming his ship glares harshly at it. And yet, as another laugh leaves his teeth, it isn't just rage in there; but joy. "I was wondering when someone would gather the nerve to try something! All hands on deck, we have a rat infestation!" He then propels himself into the air using a burst of water at his feet and launches himself back up to his ship that is now fully airborne.
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 10:45 PM
Things are... Not going to plan...
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:45 PM
(And if it isn't clear, since you could very much see it up close, the ship seems to be alive. You wager it is a Servant.)
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 10:48 PM
I don't suppose I would have noticed BEFORE i started climbing on it? It would have changed a lot of things...
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:49 PM
You did not, it seemed like any old pirate ship at that point. You only noticed once you started to climb it and it moved unnaturally
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 10:50 PM
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:53 PM
As Davey commands The Immortal Tyrant to make sure nothing is missing, or see if anyone is still on board, he turns to Boromir, and says, "Can ye follow the rats and report back on where they are going? If they not be a part of ye family, then they be a threat to the both of us." (edited)
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 10:54 PM
Hmmm... Let's just have those rats give them a run around town, yeah?
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:59 PM
What about your second swarm and servant?
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 10:59 PM
Have they been noticed?
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 11:00 PM
Not from what you could tell
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 11:07 PM
Right, well let's keep them hidden...
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 11:07 PM
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 11:08 PM
Also. Assuming they make it to shore while most of the swarm scatters I would like a decent number of them to run up the bird and act as it begging forgiveness for failing to do a job.
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 11:11 PM
You want them to "run up the bird and act as it begging forgiveness for failing to do a job"?
Not sure what you mean 😛
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 11:12 PM
Trying to make it seem like who ever is controlling the bird commanded them to go to the ship.
Hoping to sow some distrust.
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 11:15 PM
I'm not sure how well you'll be able to get that point across, but essentially I'll send the following with your permission: As Boromir flies and follows a couple of the scattering rats, a couple of them stops and turns around. They stretch out their front paws while keeping their bodies low. They seem to almost be begging for forgiveness.
Feel free to copy that message and edit it accordingly to what you wanted if it's incorrect 😛
Suri Kerrington 26-Nov-21 11:17 PM
That'll do. If something other than Boromir tries to harm them they'll scatter like the rest of the swarm.
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 03:44 PM
Boromir circles the rats overhead and asks, "You want forgiveness? Were you the ones who hired The Broker?"
Suri Kerrington 27-Nov-21 03:45 PM
They shake their heads
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 03:52 PM
"If you want forgiveness, let me talk to your leader. I'm currently a lone bird, so I won't do any damage in my current state."
Suri Kerrington 27-Nov-21 03:53 PM
They tilt their head in confusion.
(that bird could probably do considerable damage to me!)
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 03:56 PM
(Hahaha, possibly. You could realistically beat it fairly easily, but given your... unique situation, there's a chance it could beat you :P)
Suri Kerrington 27-Nov-21 04:03 PM
(at least It couldn't blind me!)
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 04:06 PM
Boromir keeps talking to the rats but lands on the edge of a short rooftop."You don't wanna talk... or you can't talk? Raise your left paws if you can't talk" (edited)
Suri Kerrington 27-Nov-21 04:08 PM
Are there any gravel or something else of similar size one might be able to write with?
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 04:11 PM
(There's a small park nearby. You wager you could probably dig messages in the dirt if you get there.) (edited)
Suri Kerrington 27-Nov-21 04:15 PM
The rats raise their left paw, then signal the bird to follow as they scurry towards the park.
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 04:19 PM
The bird follows.
Suri Kerrington 27-Nov-21 04:24 PM
In the dirt the rats write "In 2 nghts, Cass pwr plnt." The punctuation is made out of rats.
(Totally unrelated, I should be able to make some rats that I can speak through, no? 😛)
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 04:29 PM
(I would say that is pretty trivial, yes. Would require an action but no rolls)
Suri Kerrington 27-Nov-21 04:30 PM
(Dope. I'm getting ready for work now, so my responses will be sporadic if at all for the rest of the evening)
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 04:31 PM
(That's fair, I have a feeling this scene is wrapping up shortly anyway so shouldn't be a problem to finish it by tomorrow at 21 I hope) (edited)
Suri Kerrington 27-Nov-21 04:34 PM
(As soon as I'm certain the bird has read it I'll erase the message, and assuming there are no pertinent follow up questions the rats will scurry off in different directions. Feel free to flavour how you wish)
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 04:34 PM
If macaws could raise their eyebrows Boromir would do it. he asks "Do you want to meet at the power plant or are you going to blow it up? Raise you left paws if you want to meet up... right paws for other option."
Suri Kerrington 27-Nov-21 04:34 PM
Left paws up!
Except for the one rat that's about to raise the right paw, looks around att the other rats, and raises the left.
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 04:36 PM
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 04:56 PM
Looking closer at the one rat that was about to raise their right paw, Boromir speaks "Y'all wouldn't mind if I brought one of you with me in case you decide to blow the power plant up... specifically that one. "
Suri Kerrington 27-Nov-21 04:59 PM
The rats all take a step away from the one rat.
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 06:47 PM
Boromir sweeps down, grabs the rat and then flies off, saying "I'll return them at the power plant of course."
Suri Kerrington 27-Nov-21 11:05 PM
The rats scurry away.
(alright, this whole operation did not go as planned, but it could also have gone a whole lot worse!)
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 11:12 PM
(Indeed! Was worried you would lose a swarm there! But at least you got some valuable intel!)
Suri Kerrington 27-Nov-21 11:13 PM
(And the possibility of an ally)
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 11:16 PM
And I guess I just realized you could still see through the rat...
Davey glances at Boromir as he approach him on the table, having gone back to sipping some rum while waiting. As Boromir gets close, Davey says, "Does there be something special about this rat ye be bringing?"
Cindurion 27-Nov-21 11:55 PM
"It's kind of a hostage... the rats want to beg for forgivness and want to meet up at the power plant in two nights, it might be a trap though. But it's not the same mage who sent The Broker. I'm pretty sure. What do you think? You can question this one if you want... I think the rats might be a hivemind" Boromir caws while circling overhead on the ship
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 01:29 AM
Davey tilts his head to the side, almost as if in confusion. "The rat... Speaks?"
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 09:43 AM
"Well... The rat can play charades, He will answer yes or no by nodding and whatnot. Isn't that right, little rat?" Boromir says as he puts down the rat on deck.
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 02:19 PM
The rat is just going to act like, well, a regular rat.
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 02:37 PM
"Well... Nevermind, maybe its just within a certain reach. Anyhow the night is drawing is soon over so I'm gonna head out, but do consider mr Bones if you want to meet this mage two nights from this one... I will be there" Boromir says as he takes off leaving the rat behind.
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 03:16 PM
Davey just stares at the rat for a while, and then, after a couple of moments pass, he snuffs out its life with a brief but lethal screech.
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 03:18 PM
I would still like to try and follow after Boromir with some pigeons to see if I can find where he stays.
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 03:23 PM
Do you just want to know the rough district or will you follow until you know the exact location of the base? The second would require 2 stealth checks and may be subject to their base's defenses.
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 03:28 PM
Fuck it, let's get the deets!
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 03:29 PM
So all the way?
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 03:29 PM
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 03:40 PM
Your pigeons follow the bird to the Warehouse sub-district of Mastic Walk before it seems to notice them, and turns around speaking to the pigeons "Did y'all want anything more than to meet up at the power plant? I left your friend with the pirate, y'all do want him back don't you..." (edited)
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 04:12 PM
(Is there any dirt on the ground anywhere?)
(or anything else to write in?)
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 04:17 PM
(There's some gravel you could maybe write a message in, it might be hard to read though, so I might remove some letters at random) (edited)
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 04:18 PM
The pigeon dives towards the gravel, and turns around to look at Boromir before continuing to dive.
Assuming he follows I'm gonna write 'He killed her' in the gravel.
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 04:35 PM
Boromir tilts his head at the pigeons in confusion "What do you mean killed, did the rat I left with the pirate get killed? If you had a connection to the rat why didn't you just nod in front of the pirate? I told him the rat is a hostage."
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 04:36 PM
"I don't trust him"
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 04:42 PM
"But why? Is it because tonight or something earlier than tonight? Y'all can answer by raising your left wings if its because of tonight." Boromir tries to ask.
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 04:52 PM
Right wing up
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 04:58 PM
"Hum... Okay, he did some killing before tonight. Is he the reason you can't currently talk?"
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 04:58 PM
"shakes head"
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:06 PM
"Okay, y'all, we can meet up without the pirate if you want... but I want to find out what exactly he did. What about an peaceful day talk? Then we don't have to be afraid of the other attacking since the Magus Organization don't want fighting during day time."
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 05:06 PM
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:11 PM
"Okay, Tomorrow at lunch in the park, does that work for you?"
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 05:14 PM
Shake head
(Need to make them talking rats, yo!)
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:18 PM
"Okay... When does it fit y'all because I might have told the pirate, about the power plant... I assumed y'all wanted to meet him too."
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 05:20 PM
"Same day. Daytime. Behind Rue Church"
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:25 PM
"Okay, the church tomorrow, you got a deal" Boromir reaches out one wing as if he want to shake on it with one of the pigeons.
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 05:26 PM
Shakes head. "Same day as the meeting"
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:28 PM
"Okay, in two days at the church"
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 05:28 PM
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:35 PM
"Fair enough, take care of yourselves then" Boromir says as he takes of into the sky again.
(Do you follow?)
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 05:36 PM
(Not this time. I have no more excuses if he notices me again :P)
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:36 PM
(Hehe, so back to base then?)
Suri Kerrington 28-Nov-21 05:37 PM
(Yeah, thought gonna be taking the long way round and gonna try and loose any pursuers if there are any)
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 05:38 PM