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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / Walter Keane
Between 21-Nov-21 11:00 PM and 28-Nov-21 10:30 PM
Cindurion 21-Nov-21 11:07 PM
Once you had gotten the hang of the anti-scrying measures you decided to work through the night to make up for lost time. With extreme efficiency you were able to do just that and then some. As the morning sun arrives you can wipe off your sweat knowing that no Mage will be able to peer into your home, and any attempt to gain more widespread information on the surroundings using divination will give off a false negative. What do you do for your day-time phase?
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 08:18 AM
(This is just a reminder that your day-time action needs to be reported today before 21 to be valid!)
Walter Keane 24-Nov-21 07:01 PM
(thanks, I imagine I'd try to make some form of dmg over time bullets, not sure how that would work though)
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 07:09 PM
(Hmm, fair enough. Are you more keen or quantity or quality?) (edited)
(Either way you can roll a creation magic roll)
Walter Keane 24-Nov-21 07:14 PM
(of quality and quality I prefer quality. Honestly though, quality, probably something I fire once or twice to weaken someone properly)
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 07:16 PM
(I see... In that case make a Creation magic roll)
Walter Keane 24-Nov-21 07:19 PM
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 07:50 PM
(Ooh, nice! Rolled a 19! So I imagine these bullets would be incredibly effective and deal extreme bleed damage, or however you would theme it. You created one per difficulty level reached, so in this case 4. Does that seem about right to you or would you like them to have another specific effect?)
Walter Keane 24-Nov-21 07:51 PM
(No that seems good (: )
(theming only, but it could be way nastier shrapnel casings (gogo power warcrimes). Instead of it shattering inside the body, it could produce spines of materials in all directions after hitting)
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 07:55 PM
(I like that!)
Walter Keane 24-Nov-21 07:55 PM
(original plan for high dmg bullets was just creating a large amount of material after penetrating, like a strange explosion)
Avatar Walter Keane
(theming only, but it could be way nastier shrapnel casings (gogo power warcrimes). Instead of it shattering inside the body, it could produce spines of materials in all directions after hitting)
Walter Keane 24-Nov-21 07:57 PM
(That would also make moving (or even breathing) extremely hard/painful for when you describe being hit 😇 )
(not to mention removing the damned thing)
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 07:59 PM
(Yeah, makes sense! I'm trying to stat these out but I am kinda terrified of them, and the fact that you got 4 is nasty as hell)
Walter Keane 24-Nov-21 08:00 PM
(Your decision! You could just balance them as you like and say that the rest is fluff)
(either way, the prospect of using these at some point is making me very happy :D) (edited)
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 08:02 PM
(Yeah, but these things are going to hurt when they hit someone, and if they don't stop the bleed effect they will die within a matter of turns, so they are essentially forced to get rid of the debuff, but that's an action to do so, so it's a death spiral once you hit!)
(Would you prioritize the initial damage or the bleed damage?)
(I'm thinking 60dmg +10 per turn or 30 damage +20 per turn)
Walter Keane 24-Nov-21 08:04 PM
(let me run some quick calculations)
(sorry for mathing these, but I want people to die :))
(How hard would it be to stem the bleeding? And when does the bleed happen? Begining or end of turn matters. The higher dot needs three turns to be even with the higher impact one) (edited)
(good time to ask, how high is the base dmg of my weapons?)
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 08:27 PM
(9+ Willpower check as an action to remove it. Bleed happens at the end of the turn)
(Pistol and SMG deals 20, Sniper deals 40)
👍 1
Walter Keane 24-Nov-21 08:33 PM
(In most case scenarios that is a removing bleeding on avg, so I'd say higher on hit dmg)
(Yikes, that means that one hit with this and one sniper shot should be enough to finish most characters off...)
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 08:35 PM
(Sure, but also requires an action to do it)
Walter Keane 24-Nov-21 08:37 PM
(I know, but double tapping someone seems fun)
Walter Keane 24-Nov-21 08:45 PM
(that said, I'd imagine that a lot of other characters would be capable of similar things)
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 11:11 PM
You work throughout the day and are able to painstakingly craft 4 bullets that will wreak havoc, if not outright kill whoever they hit. Not your absolute besty work, but they’re up there. It might be good to add some minor magical bullets you can rely on passively to boost your damage in-between these shots, but then again, maybe you should make the most of the supposed meeting taking place at the docks… Then again, there are a plethora of things that can be done to improve your odds. What to do… What do you do for your night-time phase?
Cindurion 25-Nov-21 12:01 AM
(I remembered something from our character creation talk, where you mentioned you would be keeping an eye on the Hospital. I should mention that you don't have any trait or anything that allows you to get a free check anytime someone would go to the hospital, so it would be up to you to keep tabs on current events and do a scouting action in the hospital when the time seems right. Alternatively that's probably something you could create or get a contact for if you wish. Just figured I would clarify that so you don't go through the game thinking the hospital is covered. Heck, not even your own zone is covered in that regard unless you keep your eyes peeled.)
Walter Keane 25-Nov-21 12:03 AM
(Makes sense, thanks for the heads up! I should probably bribe someone at the hospital at some point then)
(Question related to scouting, the anti-divination field I put up, will it somehow help me if someone is scouting my area?)
Cindurion 25-Nov-21 12:18 AM
(Not if someone is themselves looking through the area, but it will render any sort of magical detection from a distance pointless and will give off a false negative, so they basically have to risk you spotting them if they want detailed info on the insides of your base)
👍 1
Walter Keane 25-Nov-21 12:37 AM
Keane studies the cartridges he spent all day creating Not my best, but they'll get the job done. he says with a smirk Now, picking someone off early could certainly make things easier for me. If I'm lucky all hell could break loose if one of the suckers showed weakness in the middle of their meeting. Keane hesitates and frowns But there is also the risk of them banding together against a common enemy... And I wouldn't wanna be spotted either, even if I don't engage Walter leans back and ponders for a while, before going back to his workbench Guess it's another night of bullet making, tracer rounds are probably the next step
Cindurion 25-Nov-21 12:43 AM
(Interesting, what do you imagine those do?)
Walter Keane 25-Nov-21 12:47 AM
(Either a short term sender that gives me their position, aka no hiding for a few rounds. Or the long term one for when they get away, so I can track them down and finish them off. Still pondering which one I prefer, so gonna wait a bit (also just headed to bed and can't be assed to get up again))
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 03:13 PM
(Having thought about it, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do both. Basically, it's a passive effect that works until they get rid of the debuff, which they normally would do when they recover their hit points back at their base or wherever they perform their rest action (Soon to be implemented) But technically they could get rid of it using a status purge action mid-combat, they just gotta realize it.) (edited)
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 01:01 AM
(If that's what you want to do, you'll have to make a creation magic roll. I imagine you'll be able to make them as long as you don't roll a nat 1, but otherwise it's just a question of quantity)
Walter Keane 28-Nov-21 12:22 PM
(that should hopefully do it) (edited)
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 12:31 PM
(Oh snap! You got a 19! Since the bullets are mostly utility-based I would say you have an unending supply of them now, provided you don't completely abuse them 😛 So you can't replace your standard bullets with them, but you can pretty much always say "I switch over to tracer rounds" or just keep tracer rounds in one of your weapons until you decide otherwise. Does that make sense?)
Walter Keane 28-Nov-21 12:32 PM
(I like that idea :) )
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 12:33 PM
(Cool! Btw, I've been trying to differentiate between the weapons you have so that they all seem viable, but your pistol, what kinda pistol do you imagine it is?)
(Is it more like a glock-type pistol, a revolver, or something completely different?)
Walter Keane 28-Nov-21 12:42 PM
(More like a revolver as an homage to my inspiration for the character, or some high caliber one to hopefully not have to distinguish special rounds between sniper and pistol)
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 12:46 PM
(That works! So what I'm thinking currently is that your SMG would have 20 damage, with a covering fire value of 3, meaning you can pin up to 3 targets. It would also be harder to miss with. Pistol would be 30 damage with a reload value of 3, meaning 3 shots before you need to reload (I'm imagining you double-tapping, it's mostly for balance). And the sniper has 40 damage with a reload of 1.)
Walter Keane 28-Nov-21 12:50 PM
(reloading was quick if you succeeded a agility roll, right?)
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 12:52 PM
Walter Keane 28-Nov-21 12:55 PM
(how does double-tapping work with special ammo? Thinking like the mega-bleed-bullet) (edited)
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 01:03 PM
(With the pistol? Mechanically you only shoot once, so use one of your special rounds. It's only fluff since technically it has 6 chambers, unless it's a 3-chamber pistol with extra large rounds, I guess?)
Walter Keane 28-Nov-21 01:21 PM
(Makes sense)
(Very silly, but if I ever kill someone close with pistol, I just want to send them this :P)
Cindurion 28-Nov-21 01:33 PM
(haha, go for it! ^^)