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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / kazztruul
Between 21-Nov-21 11:00 PM and 28-Nov-21 10:30 PM
Cindurion 21-Nov-21 11:07 PM
After a night of grueling work, Zamesi finally finishes his preparations and is now ready to start cheating fate. Now to find a worthy victim… What do you do for your day-time phase?
Zamesi 22-Nov-21 03:14 PM
Feeling the magical energy of the perfectly aligned ley-lines surging through his fingertips into his deviously "shuffled" decks, Zamesi begins divining his own future as well as that of a known competitor in the ongoing Mage Wars, the non-suspecting pirate captain, Davey Bones. It would after all truly be a shame if something unfotunate were to happen to such a worthy opponent...
Cindurion 22-Nov-21 03:26 PM
But then the question is if you will find out how the captain looks like or if you will just do a buff roll for yourself
Zamesi 23-Nov-21 09:59 AM
Content to bide his time until the right moment to strike, Zamesi opens the tent up for potential customers, then "shuffles" up a deck and begins divining his own future, confident things that whatever the cards have in store for him will be quite beneficial
Cindurion 23-Nov-21 10:41 AM
(All right! Roll 2d20)
(with /gmroll 2d20) (edited)
Cindurion 23-Nov-21 02:12 PM
Huh... With Local Informants would say you get access to all the Mages in that area and their likeness. Still not enough to give a curse since you need a close personal object or their DNA, but enough to give them a bad reading for sure ;)
And you could definitely do that in this phase as well as long as you get lucky and hit one of them with the informants
Zamesi 23-Nov-21 03:37 PM
noice! in that case, my informants are currently checking out the mage tower on craig hill ^^
Cindurion 23-Nov-21 03:46 PM
Cool, and if it turns out no one is currently there you won't get any information, just making sure you are aware of that!
Zamesi 23-Nov-21 03:47 PM
yep yep, this i am aware of
Cindurion 23-Nov-21 03:48 PM
Cool! Still awaiting some of the character actions, so will get back to you with that in case someone enters/leaves that zone!
But you do get the identity of the NPCs living there if nothing else!
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 07:52 PM
You are able to obtain the likeness and name of Count Rosendo and Lindirea. If you want you could curse either of them I suppose!
If so, roll /gmroll 2d20 and pick which result you want
Zamesi 24-Nov-21 08:11 PM
Zamesi cackles triumphantly at this new information before shuffling up a deck to see what the fates have in store for dear old Count Rosendo...
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 08:32 PM
Ok, go for it, 5d20
Zamesi 24-Nov-21 08:32 PM
41 it is
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 08:32 PM
And roll a voodoo magic roll
Zamesi 24-Nov-21 08:33 PM
11+5 = 16
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 08:34 PM
Ok, you succeed. roll a magic check as well.
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 08:35 PM
Nice. You got a 9.
Cindurion 24-Nov-21 11:11 PM
After identifying the Count, you decide to “watch his fate”, grinning as you pull the second card from your tarot deck instead of the first. Death. Your eyes glint as you realize this may debilitate him heavily, if not straight up kill him. However, you quickly realize something’s wrong when the card starts shaking on the table. Clearly this Mage is protected by some sort of barrier, and you quickly realize it is reflecting the effect back onto you! However, through some quick acting you are able to take what you need in your tent and conduct a counter-ritual to allow the effect to penetrate the barrier, and while you are uncertain of the consequences of this tarot scrying, you can at least give a sigh of relief as the effect did not get reflected back onto you. What do you do for your night-time phase? (edited)
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 03:11 PM
(Just a reminder to decide on your Night action! Feel free to make a quick summary and then edit it afterwards to have more flair if you like!)
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 05:57 PM
quick question, can you have non-magical disguises?
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 05:58 PM
Sure, would be a Charisma check for you to pull it off versus their perception
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 05:59 PM
If it's more about trying not to reveal features than trying to look like someone else it's more of a stealth check
What are you thinking exactly? Might help me gauge how it would work :P
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 06:00 PM
my idea is to dress up as a butler or a lawyer and perform a false flag operation 😛 låtsas representera en annan spelare utan att låtsas faktiskt vara den spelaren
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 06:03 PM
All right, that would be a charisma check to see how convincingly you can play the role, and if they beat your roll they could tell that something seems off, but not much more than that. (edited)
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 06:04 PM
aight, gotcha 🙂 tack
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 06:28 PM
Zamesi authors a custom contract for the occasion and heads out for the meeting in the Mastic Walk docks, keeping a keen eye out for any other potential participants in the ongoing wars while doing his best to keep a low profile himself. Once he finds Captain Bones he discretely approaches him for a private conversation. "Greetings, esteemed Captain! I am known as the Broker, and I come to you representing a client of mine. This client who approached me is a participant in these so-called "Mage Wars" of yours, and has asked me to... Strike a deal with you, on his behalf. Something about avoiding potential ambushes, I believe. Regardless, this individual is quite interested in obtaining a [REAGENT FOR MAKING A PHYLACTERY], and seems convinced that you may be able to procure some for him. In return, my client wishes you to know that he is an individual with a significant influence within the Magus Organization and would be able to persuade them to ignore whatever conventional rules of the War you might happen to accidentally overstep, shall we say? Alternatively, I have been given authority to negotiate alternative ways of payment for such a favor, if there is anything else you would much prefer. So, how about it, Captain? Shall we parlay?" Standard contract, but with an extra signature for the "Client", pre-signed "Count Rosendo" in barely readable handwriting by Zamesi If a deal is struck: "My client will be most pleased with this. However, as with all my deals, I must ask that you sign this magically binding contract with your blood, as my client has already done and as I, too, shall do."
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 07:45 PM
As you approach the Docks, you can hear the pirate Davey speak with someone from the alley you are in. You peek forward and notice how there are a couple of chairs that have been prepared in the docks, with Davey sitting at one, seemingly talking to a bird sitting in another chair. Davey's skeleton crew stands beside him, and Davey's ship is far out into the sea.
(I will give you the transcript as it is written, feel free to jump in and do something at any point)
The bird says "I like this answer. I don't think I want to fight you right now. If you don't mind Boromir can visit you and your family every now and then, maybe it can be useful to us both." (edited)
"Aye, this sounds agreeable. Pray tell, may I ask for ye name?"
Davey groans a bit, and says, "Clever bird."
Davey seems to quickly look around "There be another mage approaching. Will ye be joining us, Mr....?"
(You presume he means you. He hasn't spotted you, you think, but he probably detected a magical presence in the area)
He then goes back to talking: "Aye, I've noticed them. Did ye notice that they seem to be in the company of seagulls?"
@Zamesi Will you be doing anything? Otherwise I will just say something like But no other character reveals themselves.
"Well, seagulls are family, are they not a good sign for pirates looking for land. Seagulls are good."
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 08:04 PM
Can i listen to their conversation, wait for it to end then approach?
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:04 PM
You could.
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 08:05 PM
Then that is what ill do
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:06 PM
(Right. I should also mention, since you are at this point basically doing a scout action, you do detect 2 magical signals in the area.)
"Ye make a good point, but I've had colonies of them watch me ship recently, along with some rats. I be unsure at the time whether they be related or not."
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 08:08 PM
Aight, cool
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:15 PM
At this point they seem to be whispering, and you are unable to hear the details of their conversation further.
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 08:16 PM
Still waiting for them to finish up, no need to be too intrusive
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:25 PM
Davey hums thoughtfully, considering his options. Then, eventually, he says, “I say that we let things play out for the time being. There be no rush to draw them out, and the night still be young.” As he says this, Davey leans back into his seat and, almost as if bored, starts flipping a red-tinted gold coin.
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:34 PM
"Then we wait. That's a unique coin you got there, why is it so red?"
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:44 PM
“I be a pirate, Mr. Blake. Most of what I own I got through either theft or as the result of it. And some things, well…” “Some things don’t wash off so simply.”
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:57 PM
(It seems like they are waiting for you at this point)
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 08:59 PM
Can i assume that whoever theyre talking to is someone on their crew?
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 08:59 PM
(You can make whatever assumptions you want 😛 Can't help you there I'm afraid)
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 09:00 PM
Fair enough :P aight, I wanna approach with the prewritten message!
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 09:05 PM
So I will send this, just making sure. Also, if you could describe how you look that'd be great: A man (DESCRIPTION HERE) approaches you from an alleyway. "Greetings, esteemed Captain! I am known as the Broker, and I come to you representing a client of mine. This client who approached me is a participant in these so-called "Mage Wars" of yours, and has asked me to... Strike a deal with you, on his behalf. Something about avoiding potential ambushes, I believe. Regardless, this individual is quite interested in obtaining a very rare item, a Soul Gem (You would know that it could be used to create a Phylactery), and seems convinced that you may be able to procure some for him. In return, my client wishes you to know that he is an individual with a significant influence within the Magus Organization and would be able to persuade them to ignore whatever conventional rules of the War you might happen to accidentally overstep, shall we say? Alternatively, I have been given authority to negotiate alternative ways of payment for such a favor, if there is anything else you would much prefer. So, how about it, Captain? Shall we parlay?"
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 09:06 PM
Perfect ^^
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 09:07 PM
(Still need your description though)
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 09:08 PM
Older-looking hooded man? Is enough or need more?
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 09:08 PM
That works unless you want more in the description
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 09:09 PM
Nah, is all good
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 09:24 PM
Davey stops flipping the coin, letting it land in his hand, as he stared at the broker. Then, after a prolonged stretch of silence, he says, “Ye client wishes to become a lich,” he says flatly.
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 09:26 PM
My clients intentions are of no interest to me, Captain. I've merely made a deal to acquire a Soul Gem for him, what he does with it is of no concern to me.
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 09:40 PM
Any implied smile that Davey had is completely gone now. “Ye client is a mage,” Davey says, as he begins to stand. “He have connections within the Magus Organization,” he continues, as he began approaching the Broker. “And he wishes to become a lich,” Davey stops walking when he is either face to face with the Broker, or at least as close as the Broker would allow. “Either ye be lying to me, or ye be working for Count Rosendo.” Davey let’s out a low chuckle. “Rich snobs seldom gets their hands dirty.” (Davey will be reading the Broker’s expression very carefully.)
(So I would like a bit of a description of your expression at this point)
(In addition to your message)
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 09:47 PM
The Broker meets Davey's gaze with steady eyes and a slight smile. "While I'm not technically at liberty to discuss my clients true identity, what I can tell you is that a contract has already been outlined and contains the signature of my client. A contract which, shouls you decide to sign it, you will receive a copy of. Should you wish to infer their identity from such a scrawl, who am I to stop you?"
More description or is enough?
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 09:47 PM
That works
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 09:48 PM
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:17 PM
Davey chuckles a little, though it is a noise devoid of any true joy. "I believe that ye employer has misunderstood something about me. I don't fear the Magus Organization. The point of this," Davey gestures to the table. "Is not because I fear them. I am sickened by them. If I was afraid, I would never have become a pirate in the first place." Davey shakes his head, almost as if in disappointment. "I don't want their protection. I want to see them squirm. To remind them that they have no power over me." Davey gives the Broker what might have been a smile, if his mannerisms are any indicator. "Clearly, I was right to remind them." Davey turns his back on the Broker, and starts to make his way back to the table. "Since I invited ye, I will permit ye to leave. But understand this: While I respect what ye do, seeing as ye represent a enemy of mine, ye are not welcome on these shores, and if ye aren't gone by the time I have reached me chair, I will have The Immortal Tyrant open fire on ye." As he says this, Davey makes his way over to the table again, not really caring to give the Broker a fair head start or anything.
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 10:25 PM
The Broker slinks calmly back into the shadows with but a few parting words. "While this particular client will be saddened by your decision, keep in mind, Captain, that I represent a multitude of different clients and owe allegiance to none of them. Whatever quarrel you have with the Magus Organization or the Count, I really don't care. However, should you ever desire my services, you know where to find me. Assuming I can leave without being fired upon I would like to leave with the Captain's likeness having been obtained and make sure no one is following me.
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:33 PM
The Immortal Tyrant gives out a mournful moan akin to that of a whale, and is going airborne
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 10:38 PM
Remaining deep in the shadows, careful not to give away his position, the Broker keeps making his way out of the area, looking around for a manhole or sewer entrance to sneak into
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:44 PM
"I was wondering when someone would gather the nerve to try something! All hands on deck, we have a rat infestation!" He then propels himself into the air using a burst of water at his feet and launches himself back up to his ship that is now fully airborne.
(You are able to get away as that is the last thing you hear)
(Unless you decide to go back now :P)
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 10:47 PM
That seems like a horrible idea, im out of there, still making sure im not followed
Cindurion 26-Nov-21 10:47 PM
Gotcha. you are out of that scene now then ^^
Zamesi 26-Nov-21 10:47 PM
Sweet :)