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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / Blaine Greatheart
Between 05-Dec-21 09:00 PM and 12-Dec-21 06:00 PM
Cindurion 05-Dec-21 09:14 PM
Daytime Phase day 4. (The following values are current as of the end of the night-phase:) Bank: 3 Hospital: 2 Rue Heights Mage Towers: 3 Church: 5 You head to the Docks and set up a cleansing symbol that will purge the area of heathens, unless disrupted. You work with such furious fervor that in no time at all the symbol is completed, and with time to spare you decide to inspect the area (Rolled a nat 20 for decay so you're getting a free scout action.) You notice that the captain’s ship is nowhere to be seen, and there appears to be no Mages or Bases in the area at all currently. You can also tell that your previous attempts to purify the area were manually scratched out by something. It appears to be lots of tiny little scratches and bites, like a swarm of small things that did this. (Another nat 20, this time perception. IPs have already been added.) Upon returning to the Church, you can see your Servant having finished the preparations for the portal and have opened it successfully. Out of it a small creature, reminiscent of a weird-looking dog steps out and opens its four-split mouth and lets out a lovely little yawn as if awoken from a nap (In reality a horrifying screech) and heads out the door to the sub-district outside. Following it are many other creatures like it. What do you and your servant do for your Day-time phase? (edited)
Cindurion 06-Dec-21 08:18 AM
(Btw, you've effectively turned your Base into a ground zero for horrific creatures and crazed people. If you don't have a trait for it you're gonna need to roll not to take damage every turn you begin/end at the church district.)
Cindurion 07-Dec-21 02:25 PM
As you approach the Envoy of the Gods, you see that he seems to be disciplining one of the priests who have presumably broken one of their vows or something similar by slapping him over the head with a stick. (In reality, he is mercilessly beating the priest to death) The Envoy notices you and stops his lecturing, turning towards you slowly, with his unblinking eyes focusing on you. "Yes? What is it?" (edited)
Blaine Greatheart 07-Dec-21 02:28 PM
”I’m sorry for disturbing you your eminence, but i have heard rumors of a mage that might be dabbeling in necromancy down at the warhouses on Mastic Walk”
Cindurion 07-Dec-21 02:31 PM
"HERETICS! WE MUST GO THERE AT ONCE AND PURGE THEM! THE GODS WILL NOT CONDONE SUCH ACTIONS!" he says, as he starts moving out of the church. He is then beset by one of the beasts from the portal "WICKED, FOUL BEAST! YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE! YOU WILL BE PURGED BY HOLY FIRE!" Do you help the Envoy?
Blaine Greatheart 07-Dec-21 02:33 PM
i do need to keep up apaerence, at least untill the envoy too will se gods light for the besuty it truly is. i will help the envoy but be carefull not to be assaulted harsly
Cindurion 07-Dec-21 02:37 PM
You push away the beast and it runs off, finding another person to annoy. "THANK YOU! These wicked beasts have begun appearing near the church. I must see to it that I DESTROY THEM ALL AT ONCE! JOIN ME AND LET US PURGE THIS CHURCH!"
Blaine Greatheart 07-Dec-21 02:39 PM
”Envoy, would it not be wiser to deal with this fledgling necromancer before she becomes as powerfull as that dreaded Davey, i can handle the church while you handle this most holy mission”
Cindurion 07-Dec-21 02:40 PM
(You're getting the impression that actually mobilizing the Envoy might be a difficult, near impossible task)
Blaine Greatheart 07-Dec-21 02:41 PM
”The one down at Mastic Walk warehouses, she has been using the internet to become famous showing of her undead ”pets” for the rest of the world”
Cindurion 07-Dec-21 02:42 PM
Blaine Greatheart 07-Dec-21 02:43 PM
”as you command, let me just fetch my holy armaments from my room” After this i leave the Envoy to his machinations (edited)
Cindurion 07-Dec-21 02:44 PM
(So, yeah, what do you do at this point? :P)
Blaine Greatheart 07-Dec-21 02:45 PM
I shall stay in the church enlightening my fellow clercs to the light of god, the servant shall go to the hospital and put up a symbol of corruption
Cindurion 07-Dec-21 02:46 PM
Fair enough, so spreading corruption at the church?
Blaine Greatheart 07-Dec-21 02:50 PM
kinda, i’m trying to turn some of the other priests into cultists under my god
Cindurion 07-Dec-21 02:50 PM
Aha... Fair enough. That sounds like a charisma check!
Blaine Greatheart 07-Dec-21 02:51 PM
i would belive so yes ^^
wich i think is one of my good stats (edited)
Cindurion 07-Dec-21 02:51 PM
Want me to roll for you?
Blaine Greatheart 07-Dec-21 05:10 PM
go for it! (edited)
Cindurion 07-Dec-21 05:11 PM
Rolled an 8, so doesn't go too well
Blaine Greatheart 07-Dec-21 05:11 PM
darn, was worth a shot
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 08:55 AM
(Another fyi, you should probably expect the Magus Organization to start looking into this incident, and by extension, you.)
Blaine Greatheart 08-Dec-21 09:29 AM
(and the envoy seems to hate all mages very highly now, i suspect more chaos will follow) (edited)
(oh god, if they enter the church district they might go mad imidietly themselfs xD)
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 09:41 AM
(You get the impression that it takes longer to go mad than that, but definitely a possibility)
Blaine Greatheart 08-Dec-21 09:41 AM
(well, it might give me more time, but i belive i’ll need to start spreading god’s light to a certain mage tower…)
(so much to do, so few actions)
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 03:57 PM
As you're trying to convince your fellows, you notice something odd in the background. A well-dressed man seems to be sneaking around the church. He seems to be armed with an SMG and a pistol but neither drawn, attempting to get a look inside. Do you do anything at noticing the man? (edited)
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 05:20 PM
(If possible, a quick answer would be good, or he might suspect some shenanigans :P)
Blaine Greatheart 08-Dec-21 05:25 PM
(sorry, just got home ^^') this seams weird, i shall try and keep a track of this individual while staying hidden
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 05:48 PM
He doesn't seem to spot you as he's skulking around. Clearly being one among many is a good camouflage
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 06:51 PM
You realize that your Servant is about to return from its mission, do you do anything? Otherwise it will likely head to the back of the church, into the underground lair underneath the church where you've been conducting the rituals (edited)
Blaine Greatheart 08-Dec-21 06:52 PM
(can i send my servant to handle the stranger?)
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 06:52 PM
You'd presumably have to interact with it in some way to do so
Blaine Greatheart 08-Dec-21 06:53 PM
i'll try to do that discreetly when i notice it aproaching
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 06:54 PM
(So, hey, you rolled a nat 1, with the result of "Critical Failure! Player chooses an awful outcome." Explain what happens 😉 ) (edited)
Blaine Greatheart 08-Dec-21 06:56 PM
as i notice the angel approaching, i try and move discretly but stumbles on a dog like creature, electing a roar from it whilst i crash into a group of priests, loudly
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 06:56 PM
(That works!)
(I'm gonna add to it that your creature runs up and destroys the creature as well)
Blaine Greatheart 08-Dec-21 06:59 PM
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 07:00 PM
(This all happens towards the end of the phase, so expect a potential fight this weekend unless you try to run ^^)
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 09:07 PM
Nighttime Phase day 4. (The following values are current as of the end of the day-phase:) Bank: 3 Hospital: 2 Rue Heights Mage Towers: 3 Church: 5 Your servant returns, presumably having completed their task at the hospital. In the meantime, you've been busy trying to corral the priests of the church, but it's been a difficult task. A bit like trying to herd cats. You think you have an idea for how to do it though… (If you attempt this again, you are guaranteed to succeed) In addition, the well-dressed man seems to have taken a position on one of the buildings, with a sniper trained on the church. He hasn’t fired or done anything, he merely seems to be scouting using the scope. What do you and your servant do for your nighttime phase? (edited)
Blaine Greatheart 08-Dec-21 09:13 PM
"this gentleman is a threat to my church! i shall send him gods wrath via angel, i'll emphasis having him captured alive so we can find wich sinner hired him. myself shall go to where the magus organization hides under the cover of the night and erect a sigil of god" I will go to craig hills wizard towers and plant a corruption sigil, and the servant shall subdue the assassin.
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 09:35 PM
(Fair enough, so you're not engaging the guy? How do you head off?)
Blaine Greatheart 08-Dec-21 09:36 PM
(trying to look like i'm chasing some sorta monster and once i shuld be out of his sight i'll sneak off)
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 09:36 PM
(Fair enough!)
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 09:50 PM
*As you start heading off, you hear a shot from the sniper. So gonna have to do some combat methinks! But you basically head off at that point?
Blaine Greatheart 08-Dec-21 09:50 PM
(yeah, just gonna rush it while trying to dodge)
(actully, can i shout something while running?)
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 09:51 PM
(Also, since this is fight territory, when are you available?)
Blaine Greatheart 08-Dec-21 09:52 PM
"everyone the mages sent an assassin!"
(i could do it tomorow after work) (edited)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 04:10 PM
(I've gone ahead and rolled initiative due to the way the actions would occur. So here's what happens:) (The assailant rolled high and will actually go first. You're going to be able to call out to your Servant and to the priests afterwards, as well as escape, but unfortunately your Servant does not get to know the position of the merc so it will be a sneak attack. Your Servant rolled a nat 1 for its initiative so it will be unable to act in the first round as it is busy pummeling the dog-like creature to bits. Unfortunate, but do you accept this chain of events?)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 04:29 PM
(yes, not much i can do to a nat1, he’s got heavy armor so hopefully he’ll be fine)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 04:59 PM
before you're able to call to it, a gunshot is heard and your servant is attacked. It does, however, react to the shot (Succeeded its perception against the attacker's stealth) But the shot is coming straight at your servant. How does it try and defend? (Attacker rolled a 19. Will you Brace? Dodge? Other?)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:00 PM
(Brace, with it’s natural armor, could it guard against bullets?)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:01 PM
(If it had extreme armor, maybe. You can probably have it harden its skin as one of its actions to be able to do that, but not just naturally I would say)
(But all right, should I make the Brace attempt for you or do you wanna do it yourself?)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:03 PM
(you can roll it)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:04 PM
(Oh no, that's a nat 2! 10 extra damage! Do you have any CCPs you can spend to re-roll, and would you like to do that in that case?)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:10 PM
(oooofh, i might as well, shuld have 5 points left since herald of corruption cost me 2, so yeah, it’s already looking bad enough)
(figured an ability for the servant around on hour ago but preety sure it’s to late to try and give it that ability)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:14 PM
(I do believe you have some CCPs, but have you been keeping track of your points? I believe you should be at around 2 after buying the herald trait?)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:15 PM
(had 6 points when we started, got +1 point first time speaking with envoy and then payed 2 points for herald)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:16 PM
(Ah, right, you were the first to send in your character, right? Then yes, 5 sounds about right)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:16 PM
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:16 PM
(Cool, just making sure you're keeping track of them! All right, here goes the re-roll!)
(Right, an 8. Reduces the damage by 5. Do you wanna keep that? You have a +1 bonus) (edited)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:18 PM
(it's not good but i don't know how much i'll need those points, do i have any idea on how much damage guns do?
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:19 PM
(Basic guns deal between 20-40 damage usually, with magic guns dealing upwards of 80 if they are extremely enchanted)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:19 PM
(shit, 8 is preety low then, i'll spend another)
(0 vit is 100hp right?)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:20 PM
(Just remember, nat 1s cannot be re-rolled and double the damage)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:20 PM
(yeah, it's just not good if it takes too much from this shot) (edited)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:21 PM
(Cool, so spending another point, down to 3 CCPs?)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:21 PM
(how far away is the attacker? and yes, i'll go down to 3)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:21 PM
(Long range)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:21 PM
(it's long, medium, close right?
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:22 PM
(Nice, got an 18! reduces damage by 15)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:22 PM
(alright, good) (edited)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:22 PM
(Extreme, Long, Medium, Close, Near, Melee)
(Keeping that?)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:22 PM
(oh yeah)
(just need to close 2 rangebands for passive madness then) (edited)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:25 PM
Your Servant suddenly takes a vicious hit from the sniper as blood splatters everywhere behind it. It seems to have been an extremely potent shot, and your Servant seems to be bleeding heavily. (It takes 45 damage and has a bleed(10) effect on it that will occur at the end of its turns.) At this point it is your turn, do you still go with your plan of alerting the priests and escaping?
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:26 PM
(oh fuck, that was a reely bad one, screw it i gotta save my servant, could i try to decay the rifle to make it worse/ non-workable?)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:27 PM
(At this range it would be very hard, and AP costly. But you're essentially thinking of joining the fight instead?)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:28 PM
(yes, that was a 60 damage shoot, at this point my servants got 55hp left, i ain't loosing it like this, that sniper's gotta be a mage and fuck him)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:29 PM
(Hehe, fair enough, then we can do it at 7 like planned. Good thing you rolled lower in initiative and didn't just leave your servant for death, eh? :P)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:29 PM
(yeah, this is definitly looking bad for it, hopefully i can help turn this, we got the home advantage, but goddamn, did not expect that heavy a hit)
(wich makes me even more sad i diden't figure out the ability i shuld have given it until too late >.<)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:30 PM
(What ability?)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:31 PM
(during work, after the last break i figured that i shuld have given it an ability that only works in portal zones, but what it would do is that it could eat the lesser monster to regain HP)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:31 PM
(I mean, it can definitely do that as an action)
(Again, all of this is freeform, so you don't need to decide in advance what you can do. As long as it makes sense for your magic school you can do it, and that makes sense for an otherworldly monster tbh)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:33 PM
(aaah ok, phew i got worried i woulden't have a way too keep it in the fight for too long ^^')
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:33 PM
(Just don't expect a huge heal or anything, but you can definitely do that to top yourself off in a stalemate)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:34 PM
(btw, i'm guessing this sniper's a mage and it's either marcus or björn, but i could be wrong, it could be a servant with a very, VERY good weapon)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:34 PM
(The main issue right now is that it rolled a nat 1 for initiative so it doesn't get a first turn. You do, however, so gotta make the most of that.)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:34 PM
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 05:36 PM
(But yeah, meet up at 7-ish and come with a plan or you might just die!) (Also, do remember that only one Mage can win, so it's very likely that you might die or lose your Servant here. It sucks but is the reality of Mage War, so come prepared with that in mind.)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 05:36 PM
(no worries, i'm prepared, just hoping to mitigate that as much as possible)
Blaine Greatheart 09-Dec-21 07:00 PM
(i'm ready whenever)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 07:17 PM
(Join me in planning 2) (Editor's note: Blaine won this battle despite his Servant not being able to act in the first round. He was able to gather supporters from the church, and despite being mostly useless in a fight due to the anti-magic field, he managed to pressure Walter into retreating through sheer numbers.)
Blaine Greatheart 10-Dec-21 09:37 AM
(if i wanted to widen a portal and/ or summon forth a bigger servant of god, what would i need to do? incidently, i would like to make it so my servant can block bullets and magic, would i need training or spending CCP? this is mostly so i would not need to spend and action for it)
Cindurion 10-Dec-21 12:38 PM
(It would probably be a very time consuming process or be a very telegraphed thing, of your choice Yeah, it would probably cost 2 CCPs to gain the quality needed)
Blaine Greatheart 10-Dec-21 12:44 PM
(cool, now when i whant to upgrade my herald of corruption so that fully corrupted npc’s will follow my commands, how much would it cost?) (edited)
Cindurion 10-Dec-21 01:31 PM
(So, convincing random minor NPCs like you did at the church would probably cost you 3 CCPs and all it does is it allows you to temporarily recruit NPCs with a charisma check just like you did with your priests. If you want to recruit actual NPCs and/or permanently recruit them we'll have to look at that separately) (edited)
Blaine Greatheart 10-Dec-21 02:27 PM
(thinking more like beeing able to rally them like the priests and with no questions asked, it would still work on the portal creatures then?)
Cindurion 10-Dec-21 02:35 PM
(So the reason there would always be a check involved is to see how many NPCs are in the area, and how many of them are susceptible. And yes, portal creatures are a valid target for it)
Blaine Greatheart 10-Dec-21 02:37 PM
(nice, that’s good enough for me, planing to upgrade it to that once i have 3 portals running) (edited)