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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / kazztruul
Between 05-Dec-21 09:00 PM and 12-Dec-21 06:00 PM
Cindurion 05-Dec-21 09:15 PM
Daytime Phase day 4. After a hard day’s work of drawing out the fates of yourself and others, you go to bed satisfied. When you wake up, you have this weird pain in your armpit. Upon inspecting it, it looks almost like a lump the size of an egg has formed. It is somewhat painful but you are able to spend your day normally. You still feel quite energized from yesterday (And can take double actions. This effect ends after this phase). What do you do for your Day-time phase?
Zamesi 05-Dec-21 10:25 PM
(Sooo, can I actually read whats on page 21 of the newspaper? xD)
Cindurion 05-Dec-21 10:27 PM
(Haha, not really :P)
Zamesi 06-Dec-21 09:46 AM
Despite the ominous lump, Zamesi decides to shuffle up his decks once again, eagerly exploring what fate has in store for himself and the newly famous miss Blake. (Anything I need to wait for before rolling?)
Cindurion 06-Dec-21 09:57 AM
(Not really, go for it!)
Zamesi 06-Dec-21 09:59 AM
(Sweet, gonna be Bounty on Blake and The Stars Align and Second Chances på mig x) ) (edited)
(As for my second action...) Being a master in voodoo magic, Zamesi brews up a potion intended to cure most magical and non-magical ailments, infections, potentially undead parasitic infestations and other similar everyday health issues. Conveniently also surprisingly effective against the common cold, because why not. Satisfied with the brew, Zamesi chugs it and waits to see if it has the desired effect on the egg-sized growth.
Cindurion 06-Dec-21 10:27 AM
(So, a general cure-all, while not impossible, would likely take a very long time, on average around 4 phases unless you get lucky)
Zamesi 06-Dec-21 10:28 AM
(Mmkay, so limiting the scope would speed it up?)
Cindurion 06-Dec-21 10:28 AM
(Yes. So doing research is generally better)
Zamesi 06-Dec-21 10:30 AM
(How lucky would I have to get to just do the brewing faster? considering i did get both increased rolls and rerolls now xD )
Cindurion 06-Dec-21 10:31 AM
(So first phase nat 20 only. Second phase 19+, third 14+, fourth 9+, so on...)
Zamesi 06-Dec-21 10:32 AM
(Ah. Not ideal then xP So if I wanted to research, would I have to go to a library or something like that or could I just stay where I am and do it?)
Cindurion 06-Dec-21 10:41 AM
(You probably could, yes, but depending on where you go you might get bonuses from the help you could get)
Zamesi 06-Dec-21 10:45 AM
(And I'm guessing I have no way of knowing beforehand where to go to acquire these bonuses?)
Cindurion 06-Dec-21 10:45 AM
(Not really, you'll have to get creative!)
Zamesi 06-Dec-21 10:46 AM
(Ahhh, so it's not like a predetermined thing, more like how I justify it?)
Cindurion 06-Dec-21 10:48 AM
(I have some ideas, but you might have better ideas. Though if you go to someone not related to the issue you will probably just waste the action)
Zamesi 06-Dec-21 10:48 AM
(Gotcha πŸ˜› )
Cindurion 06-Dec-21 01:00 PM
(If you did it yourself it would probably be based off of Intelligence or Magic, depending on if it's magic in nature or natural. If you get other's help their stats might be more suited to identifying it or get other bonuses like multi-rolls and such)
Zamesi 06-Dec-21 01:29 PM
(Hmmm, I'll just do some research myself I guess, I feel like theres value just in staying in the tent for visits xD ) With a hint of familiarity gnawing at the back of his mind, Zamesi pulls out a number of dusty tomes on curses and magical afflictions, fully convinced that he's read about similar conditions before and that the now famous miss Blake did more than just a simple palm reading. It takes a cheater to know one, after all...
Cindurion 06-Dec-21 04:22 PM
(For the roll, since you have re-rolls, what would you set as the threshold for re-rolling?)
Zamesi 06-Dec-21 04:22 PM
(I cant just say reroll fails? πŸ˜› )
Cindurion 06-Dec-21 04:23 PM
(Nope :P)
Zamesi 06-Dec-21 04:23 PM
(xP Do I have any idea what a success usually requires?)
Cindurion 06-Dec-21 04:23 PM
(4+ for easy checks, 9+ for medium, 14+ for hard checks, 19+ for really hard checks, 20 for near impossible) (edited)
Cindurion 06-Dec-21 04:51 PM
Right! You read a passage in one of your tomes, it appears you've been infected with a spider egg that will slowly rise to your brain and violently rupture, causing thousands of flesh-eating spiders to emerge. The only known cure is to slowly drain the pus of the lump and insert a rod with a searing hot point to sterilize the egg. If you puncture it early it will trigger a premature rupture and could still kill you. (Editor's note: This was due to him rolling a natural 1 on his intelligence check!)
Zamesi 06-Dec-21 05:34 PM
(Does it say anything about what constitutes too early? xD )
Cindurion 06-Dec-21 05:38 PM
(Ah, sorry, poor phrasing. If you puncture it before it reaches your brain in any other manner than described, or if you fuck up the attempt, it will rupture, letting the little spider babby's out ^^)
Zamesi 06-Dec-21 05:42 PM
(Aight πŸ˜› does it take an action?)
Cindurion 06-Dec-21 06:45 PM
(Yup, it's a long, complicated process. Could probably use some help but might be able to do it on your own.)
Cindurion 08-Dec-21 09:07 PM
Daytime Phase day 4. Today it seems that business has returned to normal… Maybe that local fare was a good thing after all! No matter, that gave you time to research the weird growth under your armpit. And it's a good thing you did! The last thing you'd want is a bunch of flesh-eating spiders in your brain! What do you do for your nighttime phase?
Zamesi 09-Dec-21 11:29 AM
(Soo, if I wanna find a soul in the Underworld with experience dealing with such eggs, would I be able to do that and the procedure itself in the same action, or would they count as separate things? Also, do I have any idea how difficult finding such a soul would be?)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 11:31 AM
(Would definitely be two separate actions... As for finding a soul like that... I imagine you'd also want to implant it into a zombie or something? Knowledge is good but you kinda want someone with steady hands to help you out here.)
Zamesi 09-Dec-21 11:33 AM
(I was thinking I could let the soul possess my body, the idea being that its bound to my will so it won't betray me but still would be able to perform the operation πŸ˜› )
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 11:33 AM
(Aaaah, fair enough, I can see that in that case)
(Well, I'll leave it up to you to decide what profession you're looking for to help you out here. If you're just looking for someone of a certain profession that should be easy enough, but the more specific knowledge you're going after the harder it will be to find.)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 11:43 AM
(So between a 4+ check and a 14+ check depending on how specific the knowledge you're after is)
Zamesi 09-Dec-21 11:44 AM
(Hmmmm... Could I siphon the souls knowledge to retain it afterwards as well?)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 11:45 AM
(That doesn't quite seem like something you can do, but you can ask it about stuff to gain actual knowledge that can give you modifiers.)
Zamesi 09-Dec-21 11:46 AM
(Aight πŸ˜› )
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 11:48 AM
(Can't exactly slurp a soul up to learn kung-fu all matrix-like. But you can maybe learn tips to give your Strike stat a Modifier in your next fight, for instance.)
Zamesi 09-Dec-21 11:49 AM
(But, but, but I wanna roundhouse everyone in a huge ass Bollywood action scene D: )
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 11:50 AM
(Wrong character concept in that case :P Maybe next Mage War?)
Zamesi 09-Dec-21 11:50 AM
(Hmm... Is Chuck Norris a magic school? xD )
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 11:50 AM
(Magic: Bollywood... Hmm...)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 11:51 AM
(Probably, but even attempting it would probably just kill you, the player)
Zamesi 09-Dec-21 11:51 AM
(Yeah, sounds reasonable)
(There can be only one ChuckNorrimancer after all)
Cindurion 09-Dec-21 11:52 AM
Zamesi 09-Dec-21 02:15 PM
(Btw, suggestions to reduce turtling, hopefully without invalidating my entire strategy xD * Shiny Trinkets: Being the first Mage to enter an area (or just entering an area you haven't visited before) gives you a chance of finding magical items that have various uses and benefits * Magical Amplification: The more mages are present in an area, the more powerful magic in that area becomes * Magical Cumulation: The longer a mage remains in the same area, the more magic builds up and becomes more easily detectable in that area * Siphon Power: Being the mage to eliminate another mage lets you drain some of their power, either in the form of stat upgrades, CCP or some unique ability from that character * Complacency: The longer a mage stays in an area, the more they let the guard down, lowering their stealth detection/guard/whatever * Magus Organization Complacency: The more time passes between kills, the more lax the Magus Organization becomes, letting magi get away with more collateral damage than usual)
Cindurion 11-Dec-21 02:34 PM
(Reminder to get your actions in by tomorrow at 21!)
Zamesi 12-Dec-21 03:54 PM
Figuring a little extra expertise at hand is always useful for risk endeavours, Zamesi enters a meditative state and searches throughout the realm of the dead for a soul with medial expertise and a steady hand to enslave for the procedure to come.
Cindurion 12-Dec-21 04:48 PM
(All right, make a voodoo check!)
Zamesi 12-Dec-21 05:54 PM
(13+5 = 18)