(Btw, suggestions to reduce turtling, hopefully without invalidating my entire strategy xD
* Shiny Trinkets: Being the first Mage to enter an area (or just entering an area you haven't visited before) gives you a chance of finding magical items that have various uses and benefits
* Magical Amplification: The more mages are present in an area, the more powerful magic in that area becomes
* Magical Cumulation: The longer a mage remains in the same area, the more magic builds up and becomes more easily detectable in that area
* Siphon Power: Being the mage to eliminate another mage lets you drain some of their power, either in the form of stat upgrades, CCP or some unique ability from that character
* Complacency: The longer a mage stays in an area, the more they let the guard down, lowering their stealth detection/guard/whatever
* Magus Organization Complacency: The more time passes between kills, the more lax the Magus Organization becomes, letting magi get away with more collateral damage than usual)