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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / Walter Keane
Between 12-Dec-21 06:23 PM and 19-Dec-21 01:47 PM
Cindurion 12-Dec-21 06:26 PM
Daytime Phase day 5. You return to your home, with only a single ‘special’ bullet remaining, but with quite a bit more information. Perhaps now you can begin making a plan to deal with that pesky Mage and his Servant… What do you do for your daytime phase?
Walter Keane 12-Dec-21 07:20 PM
(What the fuck did you do to the papers)
Cindurion 12-Dec-21 07:20 PM
(What indeed)
Walter Keane 12-Dec-21 07:20 PM
(You sneaky bastard, I see what you've done, and I'm concerned)
Cindurion 12-Dec-21 07:20 PM
(Hahaha, so what is it that you're assuming I've done? 😛 I'm just curious to hear your theory ^^)
Walter Keane 12-Dec-21 07:21 PM
(I'm gonna refrain from using meta knowledge in game, but I have to ask this:)
(Have all of my papers changed? Or is is how I recall them? Cuz I have tabs open with the newspapers in a web browser to see them more properly)
Cindurion 12-Dec-21 07:21 PM
(You take a look at the newspapers and that is how you see them right now)
Walter Keane 12-Dec-21 07:21 PM
(Ok cool, I love that you've done this, you have my respect)
Cindurion 12-Dec-21 07:21 PM
(Thank you ^^)
Walter Keane 12-Dec-21 07:22 PM
(Paranoia unlocked)
Cindurion 12-Dec-21 07:22 PM
(So what is your theory of what has happened?)
Walter Keane 12-Dec-21 07:23 PM
(First did a double take on the newspaper as something felt... off to put it lightly, then checked the rest of the papers, they are straight up not what I read before)
(checked that all newspaper posts are on correct dates and not edited)
(Then I remembered that you mentioned that we all have unique "planning" rooms, and I assumed they had the same name since you said they were identical)
(So I check who are present in said chat room, and lo and behold, only me and the mad priest himself are in that channel)
(You moved me)
Cindurion 12-Dec-21 07:26 PM
(Hehehe, that's an interesting theory! ^^)
Walter Keane 12-Dec-21 07:27 PM
(Oorrrrr, everyone else died. Which I find ever so slightly less likely)
(No matter what, this is my life now...)
Cindurion 12-Dec-21 07:29 PM
(If you have any interesting thoughts on the "new" articles, feel free to share them here, I'd be glad to hear them! ^^)
Walter Keane 12-Dec-21 07:30 PM
(I was close, dangerously close, to casually mention, to another player, that the news were getting a tad more ominous lately before I went detective mode)
Cindurion 12-Dec-21 07:30 PM
(Hahahaha, would've been funny :P)
Walter Keane 12-Dec-21 07:31 PM
(Yeah... good thing I didn't make a complete fool out of myself xD) (edited)
(Just yet at least...)
Cindurion 12-Dec-21 07:35 PM
Walter Keane 12-Dec-21 07:43 PM
(I have a feeling that if I show up in the housing sub-district of Hudson Green tonight at 8 PM, I'm not going to see the sun rise again. Either that, or it's a message directed at his followers, either way, it's bad)
(Man, why didn't I just craft high explosives earlier)
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
Cindurion 12-Dec-21 08:11 PM
Pinned a message.
Cindurion 15-Dec-21 04:34 PM
(So crafting the same Mage rounds or anything else?) (edited)
Walter Keane 15-Dec-21 04:35 PM
(the same, I'll think of a new type of round for another time)
Cindurion 15-Dec-21 04:35 PM
(Cool, want me to roll for you or do you wanna do it?)
Walter Keane 15-Dec-21 04:37 PM
(not at my computer right now, would you kindly? :) )
Cindurion 15-Dec-21 04:38 PM
(Nice, got a 15! So that's another 3 bullets!)
Walter Keane 15-Dec-21 04:39 PM
(Nice! 4 in total again, man I'm starting to feel like Jhin) (edited)
Cindurion 15-Dec-21 04:40 PM
(Not really familiar with LoL lore :P) (edited)
Walter Keane 15-Dec-21 04:40 PM
(he likes the number 4, like really really likes it)
(4 bullets per auto attack cycle, 4 bounces on his first ability, 4 shots in his ult, 4 colours in his colour palette, 4 letters in his name and if you draw a line from letter to letter in order it sort of forms a 4)
Cindurion 15-Dec-21 04:46 PM
(Huh, fair enough!)
(Clearly your pistol should've had 4 chambers instead of 3 :p)
Walter Keane 15-Dec-21 04:49 PM
(this... Yeah... Damn...)
Cindurion 15-Dec-21 04:50 PM
(It's probably something you could upgrade into, though I ptobably wouldn't recommend it :P but due to balancing reasons you couldn't have it to begin with.)
👍 1
Walter Keane 15-Dec-21 05:11 PM
(Feels like more types of bullets are more relevant, reloading isn't that hard)
Cindurion 15-Dec-21 05:12 PM
Walter Keane 15-Dec-21 05:12 PM
(question; would special bullets deal the same dmg when did from different weapons?)
Cindurion 15-Dec-21 05:15 PM
(So the way I imagine it is that you have 2 bullet sizes, one for sniper/pistol, one for the SMG. The main differing factor is the range between the weapons, and any qualities the weapons may have, like the SMG having Evasionbane (-2) the actual bullet determines the damage. So you can't load the Mage rounds in the SMG)
👍 1
Cindurion 15-Dec-21 05:35 PM
Nighttime Phase day 5. After crafting an additional three Mage rounds, night approaches, and you consider what to do next. What do you do for your nighttime phase?
Cindurion 16-Dec-21 08:31 PM
(Another round of crafting or?)
Walter Keane 16-Dec-21 08:32 PM
(honestly deliberating between that or following the spooky newspaper thing)
Cindurion 16-Dec-21 08:33 PM
(Ah, that's fair! You are fully armed again)
Walter Keane 16-Dec-21 08:34 PM
(Yeah, and only just now realized that I could count on the psycho priest to go away from his hideout. I could've spent the day crafting explosives and trapped it during the night...)
(though that is slightly meta play, so I'm glad I didn't go for that)
Cindurion 16-Dec-21 08:35 PM
(In what way do you mean it's meta?)
Walter Keane 16-Dec-21 08:36 PM
(me as a player know that only he and I get this special newspaper, and my educated guess is that he receives it, not writes it. And given that thing in the weather section, I feel he's going to go out)
(and I have no real way of justifying Walter thinking like that) (edited)
Cindurion 16-Dec-21 08:39 PM
(No? After a brief meeting with the man and all the madness that you've witnessed you suddenly start seeing madness news? Seems pretty logical to me, and at that point you can draw whatever conclusions you want from the articles themselves)
(Basically, I don't see any of your reasoning as bad metagaming in any way, but clever use of mechanics)
(It's my job to fix these issues for next year (such as everyone gets their own newspaper channel) but for now, any conclusions you can draw you can play on!)
Walter Keane 16-Dec-21 08:42 PM
(thank you for letting me know! And fair enough. Sadly with everything said and done, I don't have any explosives to begin with, so I guess this plan fails for tonight anyway) (edited)
Cindurion 16-Dec-21 08:44 PM
(That is true, just wanted to dispel any ideas of bad metagaming. Aside from the "don't talk with other players out of character" rule, anything goes, pretty much.)
(Though obviously, if something feels iffy, do check with me before you do it, I reserve the right to invent new rules :P) (edited)
👍 1
Cindurion 17-Dec-21 10:19 AM
(I would appreciate a decision soon as your final position may impact other players) (edited)
Walter Keane 17-Dec-21 04:33 PM
(Going to the same area as the priest is tempting, both to draw first blood as well as being able to read the paper again. But I think tonight would be too dangerous. Just asking; how does passive healing work?)
Cindurion 17-Dec-21 04:34 PM
(Every phase in which you take no damage you receive half of your max health back)
(Provided you return to a safe spot, like your Base)
Walter Keane 17-Dec-21 04:35 PM
(aight, then I think all my dmg from last fight has been negated. In that case I will not fight for now. Crafting it is)
(I was thinking explosives, do I need to specify grenades, breaching charges and high explosives as I craft?)
Cindurion 17-Dec-21 04:37 PM
(Yup, you should be at max health at the start of this phase since I believe you only lost 20 hp last night?)
(So at the end of the day phase you were already fully recovered)
Walter Keane 17-Dec-21 04:38 PM
(Understood that, I was thinking more of the dmg I dealt)
Cindurion 17-Dec-21 04:38 PM
(Ah, right, depends on how much health the being had, but possibly.)
Walter Keane 17-Dec-21 04:39 PM
(can't confirm it, but feels like it, dealt a total of 70 dmg to the beast, and I guess it has good vitality, but W/E)
(do I need to craft grenades and high explosives separately? Or could it go in one roll?)
(I have vague plans of setting traps with charges, and grenades would be general good dmg (at least something on miss) and replicating that scene from Leon)
Cindurion 17-Dec-21 04:50 PM
(You would have to specify, ideally by deciding exactly what you intend to use them for)
Walter Keane 17-Dec-21 05:02 PM
(In that case I'd like to start with grenades. Main uses I was thinking about was either throwing them at people (and maybe buildings or terrain) for dmg as well as recreating following scene)
(Realizing how grenades work, I could to basic tripwire traps with them as well, but that would be a secondary use if at all) (edited)
Cindurion 17-Dec-21 05:07 PM
(Fair enough. Are you aiming for quantity á la your Tracer rounds, or quality á la your Mage Rounds?)
Walter Keane 17-Dec-21 05:08 PM
(I'll start with a quality craft. The bigger the boom, the greater the joy)
Cindurion 17-Dec-21 08:44 PM
(Hmm, cool... What would you value the most with them in that case? Pure damage? Hit-confirm? Side-effects like bleed? AoE? Something else?)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:08 PM
(We're gonna need to settle what kinda explosives you're making before the phase ends tomorrow at 21 just so you don't forget)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:08 PM
(sorry, started to type and think before, but forgot since it was over the phone and stuff happened)
(dot effect will be saved for firebombs or similar things, uncertain about what other effects should be implemented)
(Scared of people potentially picking it up and throwing it back, unless... the explosive would be magical in nature... 🤔 ) (edited)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:10 PM
(What is the one quality you would want from them basically? Once we've figured that out we can decide if there should be any additional secondary effects and final stats, etc.)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:11 PM
(Gun should be for the more fancy things, so hit-confirm would be nice, AoE sounds dangerous)
(So pure dmg is for bullets, this should be hit confirm)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:13 PM
(Fair enough. I'm thinking a ranged attack using your accuracy that deals 40 damage to an area, gives them a -2 mod to defend against and even on a successful save they take 20 damage.) (edited)
(AoE could be up to close if you wanted but your call if you just want it in a single zone, or anyone within near or close range to the target)
(Does that sound about right or were you hoping for something else/more?)
(Everything is negotiable, it might just require more time)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:15 PM
(double checking; a successful dodge moved you up to one tile, right?)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:15 PM
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:16 PM
(Just so that dodge rolls isn't free avoid dmg anyways)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:16 PM
(Not against this. the 20 damage would be guaranteed)
(Basically, the moment they are prompted to save, they take 20 damage, if they fail they take an additional 20 damage)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:17 PM
(that sounds pretty neat, how far would these be possible to throw?)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:18 PM
(Probably close range, but if you wanna be able to throw them longer that can possibly be arranged)
(Things you could possibly add: Homing grenades that give you a +2 mod to hit, while also being able to target enemies around corners and such)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:19 PM
(was thinking that AoE that hits me by default is potentially hazardous for my health)
(homing does sound really cool, but given how maps are drawn (that I've seen so far) I'm doubtful of how useful they would be) (edited)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:21 PM
(Well, a character can at any point ask "Are there any buildings I can hide behind" and through a successful luck check they can then use that to prevent you from having LoS)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:22 PM
(fair enough)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:22 PM
(Or at the very least give you a -2 mod for having to shoot through walls and stuff)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:23 PM
(Hopefully (if I ever hit 🥲 ) tracer rounds could help with that)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:24 PM
(Tracer Rounds just give you their position though right? Just means they can't hide from you, doesn't make it any easier for you to hit them)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:24 PM
(True, true)
(Just thought of potential SMG rounds)
(Since they don't activate when shot due to anti-magic field range, they could detonate or something when they leave the anti-magic AoE?)
(for later craftings)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:26 PM
(Interesting thought, so a type of delayed explosion round, but really only delayed due to your own field)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:26 PM
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:26 PM
(But yeah, still gotta finalize these grenades so you can make the roll :P)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:27 PM
(yeye, I know)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:27 PM
(Were you happy with the stats I gave you or would you want something more added?)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:27 PM
(But hit-confirm, 20/40 dmg, -2 defence rolls, potentially another effect?) (edited)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:28 PM
(ranged attack using your accuracy that deals 40 damage to an area, gives them a -2 mod to defend against and even on a successful save they take 20 damage. Your choice of hit area, within close range)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:29 PM
(could you give me the range scale again? I've had very few proper fights in this system :P)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:30 PM
(To give you an idea of how hard these would be to make, your Mage Rounds were extremely rare, and your tracer rounds were common. Currently these are Rare, so you could add something like the homing effect, and at that point you'll be crafting one per DC per phase, currently you're crafting 2 per DC) (Extreme, Long, Medium, Close, Near, Melee)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:34 PM
(would bigger boom (everyone near to target rather than melee) make DC go up?) (edited)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:35 PM
(Melee and Near is fine, if you want an even bigger boom it might go up)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:36 PM
(Melee and near sounds like fun, might turn out to be a bit much (dangerous for me that is, but let's go with it anyway) (edited)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:37 PM
(Cool, so anyone within Near range of the target has to make the save? And you are cool with the current type of grenades as I posted them?)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:38 PM
(That size of area sounds like fun, all parts of blast equal dmg? I'm able to target empty squares, right? Yes I'm very fine with them like this)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:39 PM
(Cool! Then I'll make your Creation roll then? And yes, you can target empty squares)
👍 1
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:40 PM
(dreading a nat 1 where I blow up my entire hideout)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:41 PM
(You got a 10, which results in 4 grenades. do you have any CCPs you would want to spend to re-roll or are you keeping it?)
Walter Keane 18-Dec-21 09:42 PM
(nah I'm good with that, keeps up with my Jhin theme as well)
Cindurion 18-Dec-21 09:42 PM
(Hehe, true :P)