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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / hoboking
Between 19-Dec-21 01:49 PM and 25-Dec-21 08:56 PM
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 01:54 PM
Daytime Phase day 6. Upon returning to the warehouse, you see Vera having fallen into a restless, weary sleep, her sketchbook in hand. You can make out what appears to be a sketch of a character wearing what seems to be a supervillain-outfit of some sort, holding the world in his hands with a wide grin. You can tell that her sketches are improving from her previous work that you no doubt would have seen over the last couple of days. You also notice that her hands are bruised, no doubt from carrying the phylactery and from today’s fight. The next morning you feel a tug at your soul that does not go away. It threatens to pull you into the underworld every second, but you barely resist. (Today you will have a -2 Mod for all actions performed. If you are unable to get rid of the curse, you will die tonight once again.) What do you and Vera do for your daytime phase?
Davey Bones 19-Dec-21 02:15 PM
(Well, that sucks.)
(To clarify, will I die at the end or beginning of the Night Phase?)
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 02:19 PM
(Towards the end of it you'd wager)
Davey Bones 19-Dec-21 02:20 PM
(And there is no way that I can try to use my Pirate King powers to try to undo the curse? Pirates do like their curses.)
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 02:27 PM
(Not this kind of curse, no. You'd need to deal with the source somehow)
Davey Bones 19-Dec-21 02:28 PM
(If I moved over to the docks, and stayed there during the night phase, would I be able to try to get the Tyrant back?)
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 02:29 PM
(You could, yes, but the process would have to be completed at the docks. If you move again it would be reset to a DC 19 check)
Davey Bones 19-Dec-21 02:30 PM
(Would it be lower if I stayed at the warehouses?)
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 02:32 PM
(No, it's 19 the first day, 14 the next and so on, I just pointed out that until it's back you're not gonna want to change base)
Davey Bones 19-Dec-21 02:33 PM
(Fair enough... Hmm... Could I use my Pirate King magic to remotely turn the remains of the Immortal Tyrant to ash?)
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 02:35 PM
(You'd probably wanna be near the corpse for the DC to not be incredibly high, but I guess so!)
Davey Bones 19-Dec-21 02:36 PM
(The remains would still be at Mage Towers in Craig Hill, right?)
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 02:37 PM
(Presumably? Unless officials moved it somewhere)
Davey Bones 19-Dec-21 02:38 PM
(Can I go there, and if it isn't there, still try to do the action?)
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 02:42 PM
(Yeah, you can even return someplace else, but that is where your Base would be considered to be for the night then)
Davey Bones 19-Dec-21 02:44 PM
Davey will be going to where his ship was last seen in Mage's Towers in Craig Hill, where he will attempt to use his Pirate King powers to reduce the vessel's remains to ashes. He will attempt this whether or not it is actually there, and regardless of the result he will then return back to the Warehouse.
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 02:50 PM
(And just to be clear, this would not stop the curse, it has already been placed on you. It would just stop a follow-up curse from being placed on you using the ship's remains)
Davey Bones 19-Dec-21 02:50 PM
(That's fine.)
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 01:32 AM
(Did you bring your phylactery and/or Vera? Or is Vera staying at the warehouse with the phylactery?)
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 11:39 AM
(You know, I had planned on leaving them both behind... But fuck it, just to be safe let's bring both.)
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 11:40 AM
(Fair enough)
As you get to the Mage Towers you start making your way to the crash site, reliving the battle you had as you do. However, you hear some glass shatter from an alley, and you notice a strangely clad individual looking at you. He seems to be clad in the priestly garments of the church. Do you do anything or do you make your way to the wreck?
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 11:49 AM
(Fuck my life.)
(Does he look like the priest who has been hunting me?)
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 11:50 AM
(which priest?)
(Ah, the cleric you mean?)
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 11:52 AM
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 11:53 AM
(Nope, this looks like your basic priest from the church)
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 11:55 AM
Eyeing the priestly fellow warily, Davey will say, "Can I help ye, priest?" As he speaks, he adds extra emphasis on the word 'priest,' filled with blatant suspicion.
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 11:59 AM
”Mr Bones i presume? You need not worry, i have no hostile intentions towards you, there are more concerning thing for me to worry about. I saw you and was mearly curious about what you where doing.”, the priest responds.
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 12:14 PM
Davey laughs a bit, malice and genuine humor mixed in with equal measure. “Ye are either very brave, or very foolish to approach me and ask me that. I be leaning towards the latter. So, I will tell ye this: Either ye state ye true intentions, leave, or keep bothering me and see what happens.” Somehow, despite lacking any face beyond his skull visage, he manages to somehow smile and glare at the same time. “Those be ye three options. Be quick about ye decision, I don’t have all day.”
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 12:26 PM
”As I said, it was mere curiosity to what you where doing here. I was surprised to see you here after hearing about how much you are wanted by the Magus Organisation. Myself, I am simply here for God’s work. The foolish shopkeeper here supplied an assassin that attacked our holy church, I am here to finish delivering her judgment." "You may be an enemy of the church but so too, do we feel about the Magus Organisation and I have no intention to help them clean up their own messes. This assassin using modified bullets demands more attention.”
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 12:32 PM
Davey tilts his head in curiosity. “This assassin, ye mentioned they struck at ye. How did they do so, what was so special about the modified rounds, if I may ask. Answer me that, and I will tell ye my business here.”
(There is an opportunity here…)
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 12:43 PM
”Barbed wires strikes out from impact, not only that but he was sitting inside an anti-magic field while shooting these out of a sniper, sadly he got away just as me and my brothers got him surrounded.”
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 12:45 PM
Davey nods, seemingly lost in thought. Then, rubbing his boney chin in a thoughtful manner, he says, “I think we may be able to help each other, priest. How would ye feel about striking a deal?”
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 01:26 PM
”What do you propose?”
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 02:33 PM
“There be a mage that has placed quite a nasty curse on me,” Davey says. “that be why I’m here. The object that he or she used to curse me is here, and I be intending to make sure that it won’t be used for it again.” Davey sighs, as he continues speaking. “That said, this curse of mine won’t go away once I do this, it will only prevent me from getting cursed once again. If ye removes this curse of mine, if and when ye find this assassin of yours, I will help ye kill him. If he be a mage in the mage war, he won’t be able to flee if I desire battle with him.” Davey grins, and finishes by saying, “What do ye say, priest? Do ye accept?”
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 02:45 PM
”I would require to know more about this curse, depending on it’s nature it could take some time to succesfully get rid of it”
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 02:45 PM
(Could I provide ample enough information for this priest?)
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 02:46 PM
(Should be able to, yes)
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 02:49 PM
“The curse be killing me,” Davey says, then with a chuckle he adds, “Well, about as close as ye can get, at any rate. Here be what ye need to know.” What follows is a lengthy description of everything of the curse that Davey knows about, mixed in with a lot of pirate banter.
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 03:48 PM
”This deal is fair, would you like me to do it now or later? This WILL hurt though just so you know.”
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 04:26 PM
“I be swimming with the fishies if we don’t have this fixed by nightfall, we do this now.”
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 05:04 PM
"Alright." The priest then approaches you to lay his hands on you. Do you let him do so? (edited)
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 05:17 PM
Davey will allow this, but he will keep a close eye on the priest; first sign that he is up to something and I want to be able to act on it.
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 05:21 PM
He places his hand on your arm and focuses. A muted, almost sickly yellow aura starts to surround the man and you start feeling like he's grabbing your very soul, and then there's a burning sensation that grows in intensity. Do you let it go on? (edited)
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 05:44 PM
(Do I know if this is supposed to happen?)
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 05:47 PM
(Not really, could be entirely normal. You do know that the curse affects your soul, so to get rid of hit he'd need to reach out to your soul the way he is. Obviously that leaves you very vulnerable though)
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 05:48 PM
(Fuck it, I’ll let whatever’s about to happen happen.)
(I’m gonna pay dearly for this, I just know it.)
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 06:20 PM
The burning continues to grow in intensity, threatening to burn your soul up. You can see your life flash before your eyes, as you start to think that maybe this man isn't doing this to help you, and you have instead handed him your end on a silver platter, being that the phylactery won't save you if your soul is destroyed. Just as you think your life is over, the priest throws back his hand quickly and snaps his fingers and with a dark singe, you can feel the curse lift from your body and you feel your strength returning to you. Whatever this man did may not have been holy magic, but it seems to have worked. (You no longer have a -2 Mod, but you have been left at 1 HP from the ordeal.)
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 06:32 PM
(Holy hell.)
(That was intense.)
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 06:33 PM
(Yeah, that was certainly interesting... Didn't think you'd do that! :P)
(What do you say/do afterwards?) (edited)
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 06:50 PM
After the whole ordeal is over, Davey is gonna take a few shaky steps back and lean towards the nearest wall, making noises that sound something between a hiss and a wheeze. After a moment of recollecting himself, he says, “Th-that must be at least the third worst experience of me life.” After a moment, he adds, “and that be saying something.” Standing back up to his full height, he says, “Well, I’ll be on me way to make sure that never happens again. As for ye,” gesturing towards the priest. “If ye require me assistance in dealing with this assassin of ye, I’d reckon ye should be able to catch me at the docks. I would not recommend asking me for at least two days though.” Looking at the priest, he says, “Is that satisfactory to ye?”
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 06:57 PM
"Indeed it is, I hope you are fruitful in your endeavors Mr Bones." "A quick word of advice though, the Envoy have become rather erratic as of late and I do not know what he might do if you ever got close to the church, I'm doing my best to keep him in check but it's become harder lately. But with this, I bid you adieu."
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 07:52 PM
“Aye, I’ve noticed that,” Davey says, thinking back to Scurvy with a bittersweet feeling. Then he gives the priest one final nod, turns and leaves, as he says, “I wish ye good luck on ye errand tracking down ye adversary. Happy hunting, priest.”
Davey Bones 22-Dec-21 08:00 PM
(Does this priest have an image?)
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 11:54 PM
Nighttime Phase day 6. You return to the warehouses after your fortunate encounter with the priest. (Or Docks? You said docks to the priest but warehouses in your summary. You can decide where.) While you were able to find the remains of the ship, and began the process of crumbling it into dust, in your weakened state you were unable to finish this process. You expect it to take no more than a couple of hours with some rest though. (You failed the roll but are guaranteed success the next time you attempt it) Your phylactery has begun the process of regenerating The Immortal Tyrant. (If the roll is successful, it will be done right around the end of this phase. Moving the phylactery resets the DC.) What do you and Vera do for your nighttime phase? (edited)
Cindurion 23-Dec-21 02:00 PM
In addition, you've been awarded a CCP for completing a mini-scene! Make sure to note it down!
Davey Bones 23-Dec-21 10:39 PM
(I would be in the docks.)
Cindurion 24-Dec-21 01:25 PM
(Does that also mean you'll be spending your phase there or just where you're going to be regenerating the immortal tyrant?)
Davey Bones 24-Dec-21 01:26 PM
(With me on just 1 HP? Nah man, we ain't about that. If those guys from the Orginization comes around, I'm fucked. I'mma pick a random spot to go hide to, just gotta find a good spot to do so.)
(Kind of unfortunate how I have been unable to get back to full health since regenerating myself.)
Davey and Vera will be going to the Warehouses in Cassava Point. We will be taking the scout action, and we will go out of our way to avoid any and all mages.
(Come to think about it, how many days has it been since I made that deal with the Broker?)
Davey Bones 24-Dec-21 01:48 PM
Actually, scratch that, we are still going to the same location, but I am gonna try to remotely destroy my ship’s remains instead.
Cindurion 24-Dec-21 01:52 PM
(Fair enough, won't get a regeneration roll tonight in that case since you moved)
(But since you started the process you will at least be guaranteed success to destroy the remains so that will work out as long as no one picks a fight :P)
Davey Bones 24-Dec-21 03:05 PM
(Thank god. Don’t think I could handle being cursed again at this rate.)