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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / Suri Kerrington
Between 19-Dec-21 01:49 PM and 25-Dec-21 08:56 PM
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 01:53 PM
Daytime Phase day 6. Having inspected the treasure you acquired, you have to wonder if it was worth it to sacrifice a swarm for. Regardless, you must press on. (Do you wish to spend any of the items right away? If you don’t, someone could theoretically steal them and use them for themselves. Alternatively you could use them as bargaining chips and trade them away, but once crushed they cannot be given to another character, so decide wisely) What do you, your servant and your swarms do for your daytime phase?
Suri Kerrington 19-Dec-21 02:21 PM
(Did anything come of my rat swarms being sent to GROW?) (edited)
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 02:28 PM
(Unfortunately no, they did not get a high enough roll)
Suri Kerrington 19-Dec-21 02:30 PM
(Ha-ha! I'll just use one of the beads! That seems like a totally worthwhile use! /s)
(But yeah, no.)
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 02:31 PM
(Would not be recommended :P)
Suri Kerrington 19-Dec-21 02:31 PM
I would like to use the crystals of potential to recoup some of the CCP I spent.
(Did that count as a scene, btw? I know that CCP have been handed out for those in the past?)
(It would be very convenient, cause then I wouldn't have to edit my total.)
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 02:34 PM
(Yes, but it was a battle scene, and since neither side managed to defeat the other it counted as a loss for both of you, so neither got a CCP. Had either side won that side would have received 3 CCPs)
Suri Kerrington 19-Dec-21 02:34 PM
(But now I have to edit my number! 😩)
(Can I use the Skill crystals on my Servant?)
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 02:41 PM
(Sure can!)
Suri Kerrington 19-Dec-21 02:42 PM
(That would probably be a good idea. Just gotta decide on what stats to increase!)
(How's my Servant doing health-wise atm?)
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 02:44 PM
(It's lost some health, but it will get half its max health back at the end of this phase, provided it doesn't take any damage)
Suri Kerrington 19-Dec-21 02:45 PM
(That should bring it back to max, correct?)
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 02:51 PM
(I believe so, the HP in roll20 should be correct, but I believe you had more than half your HP)
Suri Kerrington 19-Dec-21 07:10 PM
(Just gonna write a short list of the things I'm considering so I can get back to it later. Investigate the sinkhole, see if I can't get the organisation informed of what I know about the riots, regrow my swarm, develop some more combat power.)
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
Cindurion 19-Dec-21 07:18 PM
Pinned a message.
Cindurion 21-Dec-21 09:57 AM
(Reminder to get your phase action done by tomorrow at 21)
Suri Kerrington 21-Dec-21 04:26 PM
Ok, so for starters I would like to scout out 3 things with my swarms. The church, looking for any information I can get on the mage causing the riots. That'd be the exact location of his Lair, any information on his identity etc. (edited)
Location the second would be to look for the mage responsible for the plague. Has there been any indication of an origin sub-district?
And the third would be the sinkhole motel. Anything that's getting into the sewers concerns me.
Cindurion 21-Dec-21 04:39 PM
(I believe you could only scout 2 districts properly using your ability? Technically you could send your Servant as well, so you could indeed scout all those, only not with only swarms and getting a full scout action)
Suri Kerrington 21-Dec-21 04:41 PM
(Right... I had understood it as being limited by my number of swarms, since at the point we wrote the ability I was also only in possession of 2 swarms and the ability to add more came only later)
Cindurion 21-Dec-21 04:42 PM
(As for the scout actions themselves, they don't magically give you info, so just because you find someone's Base doesn't mean you can get a bunch of info on their identity etc, though it's possible, depending on the circumstances. But yeah, I'll keep what you are after in mind when deciding what kind of information you can get)
Suri Kerrington 21-Dec-21 04:44 PM
(Yeah, it was basically just a list of what I was looking for. Whether I find it or not is always gonna be down to circumstance)
Cindurion 21-Dec-21 04:45 PM
(Hmm, I don't think you can get full scouts in more districts without investing some more CCPs, but it's certainly something you could grow, pretty cheaply too since it seems very much within the ability-type. I'd say 1 CCP per swarm/district)
(As for your second question, that is for you to find out. There might be hints in previous conversations or newspapers, there might not have been. Can't really help you with that unfortunately.)
(Also, to be clear, even if you don't invest the points, you can always send a swarm to a district with very specific instructions. Say you know of the location of a Mage, you could then send a swarm to "Follow anyone exiting the house and inform me where they go". They just don't have the benefit of your direct control or mage-sight)
Suri Kerrington 21-Dec-21 04:59 PM
(Spending on CCP might be worth it, but not just now. As for the plague... There haven't been any clues as far as I can tell, so I suppose the hospital would be as good a place to start as any.)
I'll send rats to the hospital district and pigeons to the Church. My Servant will go to the Motel, since I currently imagine that being the least risky location, and I want the guy to regain that HP.
I'll need to have a think on the final swarm, but if I don't come up with anything, Just assume GROW, I suppose.
Cindurion 21-Dec-21 05:03 PM
(Fair enough, you'd basically need a nat 20 for a lone swarm to successfully grow without your guidance, but always a possibility I suppose! :P)
Suri Kerrington 21-Dec-21 05:04 PM
(Exactly! Better than just having it idle :P)
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 12:25 AM
The Rats you send to the Hospital district pick up the signal of a Base in the area. They also see absolute chaos in the district, which is exactly what your pigeons see in the church district. There appears to be lots of runes/symbols covering both areas, and you feel an occasional tugging feeling at the swarm, as if the swarm is trying to break your control, but thanks to your effigy you prevent loss of control. You fear that if you had sent a swarm without the effigy you would have lost it to the madness.
Do you investigate the Base you found in the Hospital? I'm already assuming you're investigating the church.
Suri Kerrington 22-Dec-21 12:28 AM
Yes, I do. Carefully.
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 12:38 AM
Your rats do detect what appears to be a Mage in the area as well, but as stated before, cannot necessarily pinpoint its source. They are able to pinpoint the Base though. It appears to be a house near the hospital itself. They can't see anything remarkable from just trying to look through the windows. Do they do anything else?
Your pigeons, however, follow your previous trail, and are able to figure out that the Base seems to be underneath the church itself. Behind the church they can see a doorway down to the catacombs, with many otherworldly creatures exiting and an ominous blue glow coming from the catacombs itself. However, upon noticing this, they are attacked by some of the creatures themselves! If they try to escape they could have a chance at survival, otherwise they could press on and try to gather what info they can, but likely perishing. Either way survival is not guaranteed at this point. (The otherworldly creatures do have the capacity to fly themselves)
Suri Kerrington 22-Dec-21 12:43 AM
(... I don't suppose I could split them up?)
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 12:44 AM
That is pretty much what you'd have to do to survive, yes, as they are currently under attack and have already lost quite a bit of their numbers.
Suri Kerrington 22-Dec-21 12:45 AM
(... Do I have any real idea of the odds in either direction here?)
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 12:47 AM
(Their stats are -5 for most things, if they escape they would likely only take a single additional attack which should be survivable unless they roll really badly for their agility. If they go into the lair they would have to survive multiple combat rounds so that is almost certain death at that point.)
Suri Kerrington 22-Dec-21 12:48 AM
Hmmm... I think I would rather escape this time.
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 12:50 AM
(All right! The swarm took some damage, so they are down to 30 health. they will auto recover all of it the next time they do a Grow action (But that swarm will then not be participating in the actual Grow action, just recover their numbers) (edited)
(But they managed to escape successfully. Clearly the church is a dangerous place for the swarms though.)
(Also, let me amend my previous statement, your rats detect 2 signals of characters in the Hospital area.)
(Do they do anything else or is it enough to know the Base's location at the hospital?)
Suri Kerrington 22-Dec-21 12:53 AM
(Would I be able to somehow locate the characters?)
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 12:57 AM
(Depends. you've been searching for a while and have been unable to see them so it appears they rolled too high on their stealth to be spotted. You can still do stuff to potentially trigger new checks. Like if there's a Mage hiding in the house you could enter the house with some rats and see if you can get another check. Alternatively you can try to do something that might trigger a response. For instance, if you have your rats going around shouting something someone might react to it, etc.)
(Obviously there's risks involved either way :P)
Suri Kerrington 22-Dec-21 01:08 AM
Yeah... That sounds like a not great idea :P Think I'll be happy with what I got here.
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 01:09 AM
Fair enough, the rats stays near the house until the end of the phase in case something happens or?
Suri Kerrington 22-Dec-21 01:09 AM
Yeah, sounds wise.
Staying hidden is a priority.
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 01:10 AM
(That's fair)
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 04:28 PM
A window on the second story of the house opens. "Things around here have gone straight to hell here, haven't they?" A very average looking man in his late forties leans out the window, calm in contrast to all the chaos in the area. "Didn't use to be like this, must have spread here from the church district. Someone aught to do something about this before it spreads any further." he continues glancing menacingly towards the gathering of rats. "If this continues, the entire city will be in the hands of The Envoy of Gods, and at that point it will be a uphill climb for everyone involved." The man turns his gaze towards the absolute madness on the streets. "Tell your master to act, or let other mages know before it's too late."
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 05:52 PM
(Do your rats do anything at that point?)
Suri Kerrington 22-Dec-21 06:00 PM
"And from whom do we deliver this message?"
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 06:42 PM
The man is caught somewhat off guard at hearing the rats speak, but seems slightly amused. "Name's Walter"
Suri Kerrington 22-Dec-21 07:18 PM
"You've been most helpful, Walter." And the rats scurry away.
Cindurion 22-Dec-21 11:46 PM
Nighttime Phase day 6. Your Servant returns, having investigated the Motel. It appears that a large chunk of it had been destroyed, connecting straight from the Motel down into the sewerline below. Further into the sewers it looks like another part of it has collapsed. It doesn’t appear to be from an explosion, at least not manufactured, but something caused the ceiling of the sewers to collapse at multiple points. It appears to have been from a fight, as it also noticed blood at the scene which doesn’t appear to have been from any of the occupants. of the motel Your swarm was unable to grow. What do you, your servant and your swarms do for your nighttime phase?
Suri Kerrington 24-Dec-21 01:25 PM
I would like to send my servant to the Count in Craig Hill. I would like to take the GROW action with all my swarms.
Cindurion 24-Dec-21 01:58 PM
(Interesting. Are you planning on a mini-scene with the count? We should be able to finish one tomorrow provided you are able to, otherwise you could just say what you want to ask him about and we can fast-forward it. Either way not something you need to do today, I just needed to know where you were ^^)
Suri Kerrington 24-Dec-21 06:26 PM
(Was planning on providing information on the riots for that reward!)
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 12:08 AM
(Ah, I see! Are you busy on saturday or do you think you can have a mini-scene for it?)
(Still over text, just that I probably won't have a ton of time on sunday to play out a mini-scene so whatever we do with regards to that would have to be tomorrow!)
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 12:10 AM
(I should) (edited)
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 01:31 AM
As your Servant approaches the mansion, it can tell that it is a rather luxurious mansion with many, many rooms. Its rather large garden is fenced in by a fence that looks imposing, but still trivially easy to climb for your Servant. There's a Main Gate with some sort of device next to it. How does your Servant proceed?
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 03:41 AM
Would this device be something along the lines of a com-radio?
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 03:46 AM
(Hmm, I'm actually going to assume that you're watching through it and one of your swarms so I won't be as cryptic with basic information. Yes, it appears to be a com-radio)
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 03:47 AM
Let's hail the master of the house!
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 03:47 AM
(What do you say?)
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 03:48 AM
Is there a response from the other side when I press the button?
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 04:10 AM
As your Servant walks up to the intercom and presses it, it waits a while to hear if there's any response. After a short while, an elderly man's voice responds "...Yes? Who's there?" (edited)
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 04:10 AM
"We seek to speak with the Count. We hold information he has sought."
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 04:22 AM
"Very well. Hold." The voice speaks, and there is a long silent moment before the voice says "The Count will see you. Don't try any funny business." At that point the gate opens and I'm assuming you enter. As you do, you detect some kind of magical field surrounding the house. You're unsure what it is as it is not any type of magic you are familiar with. Do you walk through it? (edited)
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 04:22 AM
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 04:28 AM
There's no discernable effect as you do so. Once you get to the main door it opens and a butler is standing inside. "Follow me, I will take you to the..." He stops mid-sentence as he looks upon you, seemingly disgusted and annoyed, and sighs. "The Count. I would refrain from trying to leave one of you behind after this meeting. I am quite proficient at cleaning and finding things that don't belong..." At that point he turns around and starts leading you to the Count. Do you follow silently or say/do anything?
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 04:35 AM
This butler is of no interest to me right now. I follow in silence.
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 04:35 AM
You are taken to a lavish room where the Count is already waiting for you, glass of wine in hand, seated on a large couch with several chairs around it. He takes one look at your Servant and seems to recoil slightly with a somewhat disgusted expression. "I was told you came here with information? If it's useful I will reward you accordingly, but I wouldn't try to waste my time if I were you. I may not be a participant of this Mage War, but I have no qualms about killing one of you if you upset me."
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 04:36 AM
"We have managed to gather some information on the riots overtaking the city."
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 04:39 AM
"Excellent. What do you have?" (It's not quite enough to say "I give him all I have" out of character, but you can give a rough summary of what you tell him if you don't wanna play out the scene fully)
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 04:47 AM
(Don't really feel like I have the time atm and I have a lot of information to provide, so I'll just give the summary) I'll give him a description of the mage I've seen inscribing the sigils ( as well as his monsters. I'll tell him how I've seen these sigils wherever I've seen rioting and how I managed to remove them at the docks. I'll also tell him the location of the Lair I found and warn him of the monsters lurking within. I'll also tell him that some seem to refer to this mage as 'The Envoy of the Gods'. (I think that was all. If I remember something I missed could I add it on tomorrow, or would that be too late?)
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 04:49 AM
(No, that's fine, until we end the scene you can just add on info I'd say. Just don't do it through edits, I gotta notice it :P)
The Count would correct your misinformation. It appears as if the Envoy couldn't be behind this at all, but judging by your descriptions, it appears as though a priest working within the church has been using corruption magic to turn everyone mad, including the Envoy of the Gods. He would also ask if you know anything about Davey Bones or the Mage causing the diseases, eyeing you Servant suspiciously as he does.
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 04:58 AM
I'll tell him that I don't know much about either, but that Davey's boat appears to be alive by some description. As for the disease my investigations have come up short, as I have had very little to go on, and only began my investigations very recently.
Aside from common knowledge, that is.
Actually, I will tell him about what I saw at the meeting, leaving out the identity of Boromir unless asked. (edited)
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 05:02 AM
He would also ask if you know anything about any other Mages participating in the Mage War. After all, every little bit helps when it comes to narrowing it down who might be responsible.
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 05:03 AM
Well, in that case I will tell him about Boromir, but will stress that I highly doubt that they are involved in either problem. (edited)
I will describe the monster that got the sword however.
(Was Walter a mage? You didn't specify in your description of him.)
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 05:05 AM
(He was in the Base, but could've just been a random dude for all you know.)
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 05:07 AM
Might as well mention Walter as well. He was sitting in a Base in the hospital district. Might be related, might not be.
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 01:21 PM
Hmm, so you've told him about the priest, the otherworldly creatures, the madness, the lair beneath the church, the meeting between Boromir and Davey, the monster you fought and lastly about Walter. Anything else? He would ask about you as well, clearly hinting at the fact that you are looking through a Servant in some way. (edited)
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 05:45 PM
Or is that about all you're willing to tell him?
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 06:00 PM
Think that'll be it. I prefer to keep my exact identity secret. If he asks for a name I will simply tell him to call me the Swarm.
I will offer to investigate the rest further, however.
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 06:05 PM
"I see. Well, you've been very helpful, and while I may not have gotten all that I wanted I still received information that would have taken me days to find. Days in which this chaos could have spread unopposed, so I thank you for this. Before I give you your reward, I would ask if you could join us in assaulting the Mage who has spread this corruption? Your answer will determine your reward."
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 06:07 PM
"It would depend on your planned timeframe. Our current capabilities for combat are somewhat limited. Something that could be rectified given a few days to prepare." (edited)
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 06:09 PM
"I see. I'm putting together a team right now, and expect to be ready for an assault not tomorrow night, but the night thereafter. Would that be enough time for you to get ready?"
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 06:14 PM
"That should be sufficient, although we won't be able to investigate much during that time, as our time will be otherwise occupied."
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 06:25 PM
"That is fine. Very well, I shall have Darby fetch your reward. I should have some useful magical items lying around. Is there anything in particular you'd be interested in?" The Count says as he rings a bell to call the butler back into the room.
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 07:15 PM
"Anything that might help improve the power of the Many."
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 07:23 PM
"Hmm, I see... Darby, fetch me the Crown." "Of course, sir." Some time passes as Darby fetches whatever object he was sent to fetch, and he returns, placing a golden crown with multiple gemstones within it. "I've gathered that you are somehow indirectly controlling this puppet of yours from a distance. This crown will allow any creatures that you are controlling to gain a sizeable boost to their performance." (Mechanically, you have a +2 Mod when taking direct control of a creature.) "In addition, I'm sure you could trade that away for a pretty penny, even if I'd rather you didn't." (You can trade it for the Rich keyword.) "Is that to your satisfaction?"
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 07:28 PM
"This will be quite sufficient. Will we be meeting by the church in two nights, then?"
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 07:36 PM
"No, I suspect meeting there would be a foolish idea as we would be scattered almost immediately due to the chaos. Come here by nightfall and if you encounter any like-minded individuals, bring them along as well. Let them know there is a reward."
Suri Kerrington 25-Dec-21 07:49 PM
"Then we shall meet here." And I start moving towards the door.
Cindurion 25-Dec-21 07:52 PM
"Excellent. I shall see you then, Swarm."