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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / hoboking
Between 02-Jan-22 10:08 PM and 09-Jan-22 09:20 PM
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:12 PM
Daytime Phase day 8. During the night, you perform the ritual, killing whatever life in the area to mend your broken body. The ritual is successful, but only just. (You no longer have the reduced max health, nor are you in critical condition. You are still at 1 HP however. Any amount of damage will force your soul back into the phylactery.* What do you and Vera do for your daytime phase, and where will you keep the phylactery? (edited)
Davey Bones 02-Jan-22 10:14 PM
(Wait, I had reduced max health? When did that happen?)
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:14 PM
(Check my message two messages up)
Davey Bones 02-Jan-22 10:15 PM
(Ah, I see.)
Davey is going to create a small pool of seawater in the boat he is currently in. He is going to deconsecrate it, and basically try to create a unholy healing pool of water that should heal any undead that rests in it. It's fine if it only works once, as long as it gets him back up to full health.
(Do I make a Pirate King roll?)
Also, my phylactery will be with Davey. If he can find some good compartment in the boat that looks sturdy enough to protect it, he will examine it and place it in there if it seems safe.
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:20 PM
(Yup, DC 9 check to finish it this phase, or guaranteed after next phase if you fail.)
Davey Bones 02-Jan-22 10:20 PM
(Alright, what did I roll?)
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:20 PM
(Got a 14)
Davey Bones 02-Jan-22 10:21 PM
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:22 PM
(So next phase you can rest, bringing you up to full HP regardless of your current HP at the time, provided you aren't fully dead.)
Davey Bones 02-Jan-22 10:22 PM
(I'm scared.)
(Also, fuck the Envoy, fucker got what he had coming to 'em!)
(On a related note, I feel that everyone is still alive?)
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:23 PM
Davey Bones 02-Jan-22 10:23 PM
(God, I hope nothing happens.)
(Actually, come to think about it, does it really make sense that this is how this would work?)
(It does occur to me that this isn't a very efficient use of my time as Davey, seeing as creating this thing and resting in it would take two turns.)
(Which is the amount of time it would take me to just get back to full health waiting normally.)
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:29 PM
(Sure, provided you don't take any damage. This would get you from 1 to full in one phase regardless of interruptions or damage sources)
(But yeah, if you don't wanna secure that, it's not a very efficient use of Davey's time, no. It's all just a safeguarding action.)
Davey Bones 02-Jan-22 10:32 PM
(I mean, we have already started, so may as well see this through.)
(Btw, do I find a good compartment to put my phylactery in?)
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:33 PM
(I'd allow you to stop the process and do something else if you prefer)
(A good enough one. Not gonna be particularly hidden from a Mage but a non-Mage might have a hard time seeing it)
Davey Bones 02-Jan-22 10:34 PM
(Could I use the sort of health pool idea that you suggested and empty it immediately?)
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:37 PM
(I don't see why not. You could make a pirate king roll and on a 9+ you have enough water to heal 20HP, and for each DC above that you can heal an additional 20 HP, with a nat 20 healing 100HP total. Seem fair?)
Davey Bones 02-Jan-22 10:37 PM
(Sounds good.)
(What'd I'd get?)
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:38 PM
(Got the roll, but I'll just let you mull over it just in case you get another idea :P)
Davey Bones 02-Jan-22 10:38 PM
(Honestly I'm fine with locking myself into this one.)
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:39 PM
(Fair enough, rolled an 11, so can heal for 20HP. Wanna spend a CCP to re-roll?)
Davey Bones 02-Jan-22 10:39 PM
(Ain't got any left.)
(But I'll for sure take 20 hit points.)
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:39 PM
(Actually, you do. One was never used.)
Davey Bones 02-Jan-22 10:40 PM
(I think I will save that point in that case, actually.)
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:41 PM
(Cool, and just to be clear, you won't have this ready until the end of the phase, but I'll just assume that you'll use it right at the start of the next phase before anyone has a chance to perform any other actions then?)
Davey Bones 02-Jan-22 10:41 PM
(For sure, yeah.) (edited)
👍 1
(God this is stressful.) (edited)
(I miss Scurvy.)
😿 1
Davey Bones 02-Jan-22 11:43 PM
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 11:44 PM
(Already done, you got a 17, not enough)
Davey Bones 02-Jan-22 11:45 PM
(Ah, alright, fair enough.)
Cindurion 05-Jan-22 09:43 PM
Nighttime Phase day 8. You finish the deconsecrated water and pour it over yourself, and it soothes your body. You now feel healthier than you’ve been in some time. (You are now at 91/140HP) What do you and Vera do for your nighttime phase, and where will you keep the phylactery?
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 10:49 AM
Well, this be around the time I be expecting the magus agents to come around. But on the off-chance that I am able to get them in time, I am gonna go ahead and summon those Sirens that I meant to summon before. I would probably at the start of the phase check in with Vera just to make sure she's cool, then go back to summoning the sirens. (Again, I should make it clear that the sirens are not allowed to go after Vera, and if Ms. Blake shows up they are prohibited from enchanting/eating her too).
(Also, my phylactery is gonna stay in that compartment in the boat, seeing as that seems to be the safest place for it at the moment.)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 11:13 AM
As you work on your ritual to summon the Sirens, you suddenly hear a loud crashing noise from warehouse Vera is in. As you look up, you notice that pesky half-Orc Warrior and the Cleric trying to sneakily make their way towards you, seemingly by walking on water! As they notice that you have spotted them they start running towards you. (They are currently at Long Range) The half-Orc seems to have a few scars since the last time you saw him. Both of them have very grim, determined expressions. (You get the first turn! What do you do?)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 11:17 AM
Laughing in a voice that echoes sinisterly in the wind, Davey is going to suddenly make grabbing motions in the air with his hands, conjuring two aquatic hands which will attempt to grab onto both the warrior and the cleric, and pull them down into the water. As he does this, he says, "Ye know, I was expecting that ye would show up tonight. Ye and ye ilk are nothing if not consistent," (Let me know how it goes!)
(Where the hell is Blake?!)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 11:23 AM
(Hmm, so attacking both of them would increase the AP cost quite a bit, but if you're only doing a grapple and no damage you can offset that quite a bit. 30 AP for no damage, 60 AP for 30 damage as well. Let me know what kinda attack you're using.)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 11:24 AM
(Will settle for no damage for now.)
(We are going full Lapis Lazuli on this one.)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 11:24 AM
(All right, got a 19. Do you have any CCPs and would like to re-roll any rolls in the future, or are you out?)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 11:25 AM
(I do have a CCP, and we may end up wanting to use that, yes.)
(Not for a 19 though.)
(Also, if the cleric avoids being captured by this, I would like to use my movement to move the boat back one distance if possible.)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 11:37 AM
"Heh, guess that's what we get for hiring low-life mercenaries to track you down. Oh well, we can deal with you just fine even if you did know we were showing up!" the Cleric responds as you attack. The cleric brings up his shield to fend off the attack, but is easily grabbed. The fighter tries to win the grapple, and it might've succeeded if it weren't for the fact that the water simply separated where his strength was focused and showered over him. Both of them are pulled underwater, but you can feel how it is very difficult to actually keep them down there. Something seems to be pushing them towards the surface, and the further you push them down, the more difficult it is to keep them from surfacing. (You can move into extreme Range if you like, but casting any new spells would cost a lot more AP at that range)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 11:46 AM
(Hmm, kinda wishing I had my spellbreaker rounds right about now.)
(Gonna stay where I am for the moment, but would it be possible for me to try to curse/jinx the water in such a way that it cancels holy magic? Like, say, the ability to walk on water, or bless weaponry, etc...)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 11:53 AM
(You probably could've, but that would've been a pretty hard phase action. As it stands you can probably try to do so, targeting a magical effect individually rather than an AoE.)
Both the Cleric and the Warrior try to free themselves. (You got a 13 against the Warrior and a 16 against the Cleric. Keeping those rolls?)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 11:55 AM
(I don't suppose I see any undead animals around, do I?)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 11:55 AM
(Not currently from what you can see, no)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 11:56 AM
(Well, shit.)
(I assume that may be because that player hasn't declared their action for this phase yet, would that be a possibility?)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 11:57 AM
(It's possible. They may also have decided that they wish to do something else this phase)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 11:57 AM
(Yeah, I'm sort of low-key worried about that second possibility...)
(Another thing I'd like to clarify: I could remove one magic effect from them, but it would only work on one magic effect. I assume that means that if I choose to target the water walk ability, that would mean that I would have to chose between one of the two, right?)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 11:59 AM
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 11:59 AM
(They should probably have some sort of time limit on how long that would work if that is a spell they are using, right?)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 12:00 PM
(Presumably, yes)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 12:00 PM
(Lovely...) (edited)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 12:04 PM
(I take it you kept those rolls then?)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 12:04 PM
(Yeah, I think we will.)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 12:06 PM
The cleric barely manage to break free wasting a lot of time flailing around, but the Warrior remains pinned. The Cleric then uses Holy magic to push away the water around the warrior to try and free him as well. (He gets a 15 against your 11. Keeping that?)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 12:11 PM
(This is a tricky one...)
(Against my better judgement, we will try to re-roll that.)
(Please hurry before I change my mind.)
(I am not at all sure about this.)
(Kinda panicking, ngl.)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 12:13 PM
(15! Defender wins, which in this case is you as he is trying to dispel your effect.)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 12:13 PM
(My dog is wondering what the hell is up with me right now. xD )
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 12:15 PM
The Cleric is freed but remains underwater, and the Warrior remains pinned underwater. What do you do?
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 12:15 PM
(Pulling a Ludvig is tempting...)
(Very tempting...)
(You mind if I wait a bit to give my decision? You know, maybe wait and see if backup shows up or not.)
(Oh god.)
(Blake might be the one who died...)
(That would be just my luck...)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 12:19 PM
(Sure. Just don't time out this phase's action. If you do that would mean certain death for you. You need to buffer enough time for this battle so don't resume it in the last 15 minutes of this phase :P)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 12:20 PM
(Of course, of course, at most I would be planning on waiting until tomorrow...)
(I can still use Trash-talk, right?)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 12:21 PM
(Ofc, up until you die)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 12:22 PM
('kay, cool, time for desperate measures.)
(Let's hope that someone is either feeling very generous or up for some bragging.)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 12:27 PM
(Hehe, I thought you were going to go for a general distress call, which would've been very risky :P)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 12:28 PM
(Oh god, I said desperate not suicidal.)
(Push comes to shove, I may try to use it to remind my friend about our appointment, but I am gonna try to avoid that unless need be.)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 01:38 PM
(That cash of gold I gave the Broker...)
(Where is it right now?)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 01:40 PM
(Currently in the Hudson Green Park sub-district.)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 01:40 PM
(Same as before?)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 01:40 PM
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 01:40 PM
(This bitch better give me a refund when I get to him.)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 11:37 PM
As you are contemplating what to do, you notice a rat swimming in the water towards the boat.
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 11:53 PM
(Does it appear undead?)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 11:55 PM
(Hard to say, you could let it get closer and inspect it)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 11:55 PM
(I've had a bad rap with rats... But I was expecting Ms. Blake to come over tonight...)
(Dammit all.)
(Would it take a action to drive by and pick up the rat and then drive towards extreme range from the other two people?)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 11:58 PM
(Not really. At this rate all you gotta do is wait for the rat to get to you and then you can drive off, it's pretty close but you need it to get closer before you can determine if it's an undead rat or not)
Davey Bones 06-Jan-22 11:59 PM
(Yeah, but it's the idea of letting it reach me on it's terms that worry me... Hmm...)
(Starting to wish I had taken the scout action.)
(I'll give a response soon.)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 12:05 AM
You feel your phone vibrating as you get a message. Checking it?
Davey Bones 07-Jan-22 12:05 AM
(But I be keeping an eye on the rat.)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 12:06 AM
"Random gibberish." (edited)
Davey Bones 07-Jan-22 12:07 AM
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 12:08 AM
(Oh shoot!)
Davey Bones 07-Jan-22 12:08 AM
(You done goofed!)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 12:08 AM
(Yeah, try not to play on that! :P)
Davey Bones 07-Jan-22 12:09 AM
(I will try not to, but that works pretty well with what I was going to do.)
(I have never been so amused and annoyed at the same time in my life.)
The two wisps that serve as Davey's eyes flicker between the cleric, the half-orc, the rat, and his phone, as if deciding something. Then, making another yanking motion with his hand, he is going to attempt to sever whatever enchantment it is that keeps the heavily armoured cleric afloat. Then, with his other hand, he is going to wait for the rat to get to the boat, and let it get aboard (he will help if need be), and he is going to say, "I think I ought to tell ye that I be unable to read, but I will presume ye be with our mutual friend. If ye be pressed to talk with me, I suggest ye call me instead."
(This is hilarious and annoying as hell, that illiterate trait should definitively have been worth points. XD )
(Fuck, this is so dumb. I'm fucking dying. xD )
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 12:44 AM
The rat crawls aboard the ship and you can tell that it seems to be of the undead variety. It sits there, just looking at you and starts cleaning its whiskers. You turn your attention to the Cleric in the water and start using one of your old pirate jinxes to dispel a magical effect. You can't rightly tell if it worked or not at this distance, especially as you aren't grappling him anymore, but you can only hope you did. Suddenly, you feel your grip on the warrior loosening. At this range you can't really see what's happening, but as you squint you can see what appears to be a man running on the water with incredible speed towards you. What do you do?(Medium range)
Davey Bones 07-Jan-22 12:45 AM
(Is the man different from the other two people?)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 12:46 AM
(Hard to say at this range and with the speed at which he's moving along with the waves bobbing, etc.)
Davey Bones 07-Jan-22 12:49 AM
Davey sighs, looks at the rapidly approaching figure, looks at the rat, and looks back to the man, groans and says, "This day just be getting better and better," As he says this, he is going to move the boat back one space away from the figure to get some distance, and try to make another aquatic fist to grapple the figure and drag them down into the water.
(As he is doing all this, he is going to keep a careful eye on the rat).
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 12:57 AM
You bring another watery hand from under the sea and attempt to grasp at the man, but he deftly jumps over it in an acrobatic manner, whilst continuing his movement. You try to get away with the boat but the man which you soon see is the half-orc rushes at the boat with incredible speed. Just as he is about to make the final jump aboard, a wave trips him up and instead of landing on the boat he hits the side of the boat with his head. Suddenly, you notice a golden shine in the distance. And then, a light appears right above you. As you look up you see a giant Holy Hammer has been conjured and is about to strike the boat, with you along with it! What do you do?
Davey Bones 07-Jan-22 01:01 AM
Davey will give a startled laugh as he spots the golden hammer, and will attempt to block it by sending a wave of water to intercept and block it.
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 01:06 AM
You instinctively use the water around you to shield the ship. As the Hammer strikes you are first uncertain if you've fully stopped the impact of the hammer, but as the wave sloshes past, you look up and the hammer is no longer there. Only the half-orc can be seen. (He is at near range, just beyond the boat. Your AP is currently at 40.)
Davey Bones 07-Jan-22 01:08 AM
(Now that he is closer, can I see what appears to be allowing the half-orc to float?)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 01:09 AM
(Not this turn. Feel free to ask in future turns.)
Davey Bones 07-Jan-22 01:09 AM
"This is rather odd, in me opinion," Davey says to the half-orc conversely. "Ye have a entire city out there with mages killing envoys, spreading plagues, and inciting riots, and what do ye do? Ye go after an old relic," Davey chuckles, and continues, "Good to see me popularity hasn't wavered in recent years! I barely need to try!" As he says this, he is going to create a whirlpool around the half-orc, taking particular interest in seeing how he stays afloat, and is then going to move the boat back another space. (edited)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 01:43 AM
(Oof, nat 1 for the whirlpool. You choose a bad outcome.)
Davey Bones 07-Jan-22 01:44 AM
(Is it possible that I sink my own boat instead?)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 01:44 AM
(I can see it)
The half-orc gives you a glare as you speak, getting back on his feet and wiping some blood off his face with the back of his hand as he readies for your attack. You create a whirlpool but underestimate the force it has on your boat as it gets caught and flips over, beginning to sink slowly. The warrior takes this opportunity to rush over to you, attempting to strike you with his fists. (Attack roll is a 14)
Davey Bones 07-Jan-22 01:52 AM
Davey will attempt to block the attack with his Saber. And, if successful, will attempt to make a strength check to push the Half-Orc down into the water. (edited)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 01:56 AM
The Half-orc strikes true and you feel the familiar sear of Holy magic from his Cestus. (You take 46 damage. It's now your turn.) (edited)
Davey Bones 07-Jan-22 01:58 AM
(Can I see what is keeping him afloat?)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 02:01 AM
(Not exactly, no. But you could try to dispel effects focused on other parts of his body aside from his hands. If there are multiple effects and you succeed it'll be random which effect it hits, but if there's only one aside from the Holy enchant you should be able to hit it.)
(You are running low on both HP and AP just so you're aware. 45 HP and 40 AP currently)
Davey Bones 07-Jan-22 02:06 AM
Davey will grab onto the boat, look at the rat, border lining on a glare, and say, “Are ye intending on actually aiding me, or are ye merely here to enjoy the spectacle?” As he says this, he is going to us a blast of water to propel the boat down and away from the half-orc.
(To clarify, I am looking to sink myself and the boat more than already have.)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 02:26 AM
You blast the ship underwater, as the half-orc desperately swings at you, almost hitting you before you sink out of his reach. You grab the rat with one hand and blast with such force that you hit the bottom of the ocean. (You are now at Long range from the surface, and unable to see the half-orc who is presumably on top of the surface)