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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / Walter Keane
Between 02-Jan-22 10:08 PM and 09-Jan-22 09:20 PM
Walter Keane 02-Jan-22 10:09 PM
(wait, do I have split news now?)
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:10 PM
Daytime Phase day 8. You stalk the district for quite some time, taking turns taking a quick nap during the night. When you awake you feel quite refreshed and mentally clear. Perhaps that kill brought some kind of clarity that allowed you to tap into your old potential, or perhaps you just needed some shut-eye, you canโ€™t be certain, but you feel great. Your fellow assassin, less so. Occasionally drifting off and not answering questions. He assures you heโ€™s good to fight, but you think him being here for too long could be a risk. What do you do for your daytime phase?
(Yes, it appears as if you can see both Madness news and Maineral news right now, almost as if peering through the veil, but it takes effort to do so.)
🤘 1
In addition, you've been awarded 3 CCPs for winning a battle! Make sure to note it down!
Walter Keane 02-Jan-22 10:17 PM
(whoop whoop!)
(I take it these are Free investment points? or mark them as Re-rolls?)
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:19 PM
(Even better, they are Character Creation Points, the stuff you used when creating your character. Can be used as a re-roll, to gain traits or be exchanged for 4 IPs)
(You can mark them however you wish, just make sure to keep a track of them)
👍 1
Walter Keane 02-Jan-22 10:26 PM
(Waiting for priest mage to return to base, shoot him down when I see him)
(Giving clear description to fellow assassin. If kill doesn't go off this phase, he needs to go somewhere else)
Cindurion 02-Jan-22 10:34 PM
You realize quickly that giving a description for your target is not an easy task, as they are very non-descript, and any attempt to describe them is hard. It's probably best if the two of you stick together for this one if he's to help out.
Walter Keane 02-Jan-22 10:36 PM
(At least we I should get a heads up if a mage approaches) (edited)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 08:49 AM
Suddenly, out of nowhere you pick up the signal of a Mage in the area. At first you figure you got company, so you relocate and do your best to keep out of sight and locate where the signal came from, but you soon realize the signal is coming from within the church, which is strange since no one has entered or exited the church from what you've been able to see... Do you remain in your vantage point or do you want to investigate the church? If you remain, feel free to detail your ideal position.
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 01:42 PM
As you consider what to do, your target suddenly exits the church, their monster following closely. He seems to look around and you swear that he stares right at you for a second before moving on with his gaze, but you're unable to tell whether or not he saw you. What do you do? (Also detail what is currently loaded in your guns) (edited)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 02:19 PM
(sniper: bleed, pistol: regular, tracer and max round. Going by logic of me being able to turn gun to decide order on the fly, like special revolver)
"that's our man" Walter hisses and pulls the trigger
(at mage)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 02:38 PM
The shot hits the man cleanly in the chest, and you can see him jolt as the bullet expands inside of him. You hear your fellow assassin take his shot, but the man rolls out of the way as the shot hits the massive wooden door behind him, causing a large, gaping hole to form. The priest then quickly orders the monster something and points at your building. As the monster charges towards you, the priest heads into the church out of line of sight. Shortly thereafter several priests rushes out of the church towards your building as well, armed with books and goblets. They are nowhere as fast as the Monster, which quickly runs and makes it inside of the building you're currently in and slams into it, causing the whole building to shake and topple a bit. You almost fall out of the window from the violent force of it smashing against the building, but you manage to maintain your balance, as does your fellow assassin. (Monster is within Near range inside of your building. The other priests are at Medium range, with several rounds to go before they make it to you.) How do you and the assassin proceed? (edited)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 04:21 PM
(how many stories is the house? Are there any watersports or similar things to make it down to the ground?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 04:23 PM
(Sounds like a luck check! How many would you want there to be?)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 04:29 PM
(Not super relevant, was thinking how high up we were and such, monster fast)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 04:35 PM
(There are three stories. You're currently on the second as that's where you had the best angle on the church. As for making it to the ground, there are ledges outside the windows, you might be able to make use of them and some acrobatics to get down safely)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 04:56 PM
(man I hate that thing...)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 04:57 PM
(Well, at least this time you aren't alone :P)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 04:57 PM
(This is true... But my effective range is compromised)
(is stealthing out of the side of the building an option? Or is it way too loud?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 04:59 PM
(You could certainly try. Would be an opposed Stealth-Perception check)
(Just remember, escape is no longer an option. At best you can hide and relocate to a better spot but it would likely keep searching for you. Granted, that would be what it would be doing as its action each turn so might be worth it.)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 05:01 PM
(Risking the assassin to go mental is dangerous, sneaking past the beast is a decent cause of action I think)
(my thought was duck out of the building, hope the beast doesn't follow and bolt for the church to finish the job)
(Risk is getting caught and having to fight the beast on it's terms, which is dangerous, but probably the same risk as trying to fight it in the building)
(๐Ÿค” )
(is chucking all three grenades at once a no no?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 05:04 PM
(Not a no-no, but there is diminished returns in terms of damage)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 05:04 PM
(Fair enough)
Walter silently motions to his companion, before bailing out the side of the building as quietly as possible (edited)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 05:07 PM
(You got a 5, wanna keep it? Can spend CCPs for re-rolls)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 05:07 PM
(may I know the assassin's result first too? Or does he share mine?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 05:24 PM
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 05:24 PM
(CCP reroll)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 05:24 PM
(11, keep?)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 05:25 PM
(probably not enough, but sure)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 05:38 PM
(relevant question, would you say that magical rounds that hit a target within anti magic area trigger their effect after leaving the area? So a Mex dmg round would deal 30/40 depending on weapon, and then add the difference up to 80 when leaving area?)
(I'd argue for tracer rounds doing that, but your call on the other special rounds)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 06:04 PM
(I agree with Tracer rounds, and you can design others to do that but by default I would say no, they trigger on impact)
👍 1
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 06:14 PM
In the distance you hear some shooting. Seems like your friend drew the short straw and is currently fighting the monster
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 06:15 PM
poor bastard, kid had potential
(how close are the priests? Entered the building or no?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 06:23 PM
(At close range, they seem to have spotted you and are headed your way. They are just running down the streets)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 06:26 PM
(how does the dash action work?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 06:32 PM
(It's an Agility check, for each DC you reach you can move an additional distance)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 06:34 PM
(So I need 9 to go past them to safe range, yes? They seem to move 1 space per turn)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 06:43 PM
(Asking cuz I'm not super familiar with the system and don't want to fuck myself over)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 06:47 PM
(You could take a long way around if you wanna kite them and move at a safe distance. But yes, if you run straight towards them you would need a 9 to remain at close distance by moving past them. Nothing stopping you from rolling first and deciding what happens after though) (edited)
(They could theoretically charge you though so may wanna stay at a further range than close)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 06:48 PM
(roll first think later)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 06:55 PM
(Got a 6, so you can move 3 distances, unless you re-roll)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 07:00 PM
(Fuck it, he needs to die, reroll)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 07:10 PM
(19! You could probably make it straight into melee range with your target inside the church if you wanted, provided he hasn't moved!)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 07:13 PM
(Sounds good! If possible just outside of melee, since you know, muh range)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 08:07 PM
You rush past the priests and quickly make your way towards the church. On your way there a pack of flying beasts fly at you, but you evade their attack and make it inside the church where you can see your target.
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 08:16 PM
(has he seen me? How damaged is he looking?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 08:17 PM
He looks like he has just staunched the bleeding. the two of you have locked eyes as there isn't really anything to hide behind.
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 08:17 PM
(Enough room to throw a grenade without me getting caught in the blast?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 08:19 PM
(Probably not, unless he stays at one side of the church and you at the other. You could go out, throw it in and go back in though)
(Not your turn yet though, running takes your action. Feel free to write some final words to him though :P)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 08:20 PM
(fair enough)
"Hey freak, you're shit out of luck"
(wanna deliver that one with the last shot tho...)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 08:21 PM
Out of pure desperation, he charges at you and tries to grab you... (He rolled a 20... Wanna Evade or Guard? Doesn't really matter which, you need a 20 :P)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 08:22 PM
(Guard seems cooler)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 08:23 PM
(Nat 20!!! You get to counterattack for free, using your strike stat)
😲 1
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 08:24 PM
(May I hold one-liner until if I know whether I hit or not?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 08:24 PM
(Sure. What kinda strike do you do?)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 08:25 PM
(Put my gun to his chest and pull the trigger) (Regular round) (edited)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 08:34 PM
(You got a hit! He's looking reaaaal hurt)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 08:36 PM
(Did not expect the hit, but nice! :D)
As the priest staggers backwards, Walter points his gun at the father for the last(?) time and pulls the trigger (If it hit's I'd like to retroactively add a statement before shooting, if that's okay)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 08:46 PM
As you struggle with your target, he calls out for his Servant in pure desperation. You hear a gun shot in the distance, and soon a rhytmic rumbling that grows in intensity. Suddenly the door slams down as the Servant enters the room and roars.
(Do you still perform that action?)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 08:48 PM
(technical question, does he seem to have 20 hp or less? ๐Ÿ˜‡ )
(And you remembered that pistol deals 30, right?) (edited)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 08:49 PM
(You wouldn't be able to tell, but he looks veeery hurt.)
(Remember Last Chance though as well)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 08:49 PM
(Right, how does that work now again?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 09:02 PM
(If someone goes down to 0 HP they have a chance to use a willpower check to stay alive, but any additional damage after that will kill them)
(Do you still shoot the Mage?)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 09:05 PM
(Grenade feels way more safe, but thinking) (How large is the church? How close is the big boy?)
(Because if it's possible I'd try to step away (if big boy isn't in melee) to be in near range and fire the SMG or chuck a grenade, but a 'nade would probably hit me too) (edited)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 09:19 PM
(You could probably go deeper into the church and hit them both with the nade, but since you're in melee he can try to block your movement)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 09:20 PM
(I'm fine with that, as long as you don't mean that the monster is in melee range)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 09:23 PM
(It is.)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 09:23 PM
(ah... well, will it block movement or attack if I try to move?) (edited)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 09:23 PM
(You can still see if they block you. Then they get an attack if you wanna move anyway)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 09:24 PM
(Let's see if they block me then)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 09:26 PM
(You got a 17. Keeping that?)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 09:26 PM
(eh, yea)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 09:26 PM
(Cool, you beat the Servant! You may move freely)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 09:26 PM
(Boom boom time)
(May I do the honors?) (edited)
(Of accuracy roll that is) (edited)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 09:28 PM
(Ah, already rolled it.) (edited)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 09:28 PM
(Nvm then)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 09:28 PM
(You can roll any future rolls)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 09:28 PM
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 09:29 PM
(You got an 18, take it you're not re-rolling? :P)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 09:29 PM
(But then I won't have the patented Stellan-Luckโ„ข)
(Keeping that one ^^)
"See you in hell, father"
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 09:33 PM
The Priest falls over from the blast, but barely drags himself to his feet, saying "Heaven awaits me if you would slay me here, heathen!"
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 09:38 PM
(Does the assassin act or is he dead/dying/running away?) (edited)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 09:48 PM
(He presumably acts)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 09:48 PM
(Hoping he pulls through, or at least helps)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 10:18 PM
The priest uses some sort of magic to collapse the roof which is too tall to be negated by your anti-magic field. (Attack roll is an 18, how do you defend?)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 10:19 PM
(Oh fuck, what's the aproximate dmg on that? How much does brace help me?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 10:20 PM
(Probably 30-50 damage on a full hit. Brace will realistically reduce it by 10-15 unless you flubb the roll at which point you might take more damage)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 10:21 PM
(Doesn't evasion do the same if I fail dramatically?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 10:21 PM
(Only on a nat 1. For Brace you need to reach at least 4+)
(You have a -1 mod when bracing, so a 4 or lower would mean an extra 10 damage)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 10:22 PM
(fuck it, dodge it is)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 10:22 PM
(Cool, feel free to roll!)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 10:23 PM
(Open dodge?)
(can't roll hidden I don't think)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 10:23 PM
(You can but only I see it)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 10:23 PM
(welp, good thing I didn't choose brace) (edited)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 10:23 PM
(Keeping that roll?)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 10:24 PM
(there's only a 1 in 4 that I succeed that dodge, I'll keep)
(Why have I taken 20 dmg already?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 10:26 PM
After taking the hit, his Servant runs up to you and attempts to grapple you with its tentacle (Rolled a 6)
"If this temple of god shall have to be sacrificed in order to stop you, an assassin of the magus organization, then so it shall BE!"
Do you simply evade towards the Mage at that point or out of a window?
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 10:28 PM
(Chucking a grenade through a window should be very easy, yes?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 10:28 PM
(Should be, yeah)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 10:33 PM
"Whatever loonie" Ducking away from the monstrous creature, the assassin dives through a window Not a second later a small metallic object comes flying in again, it rolls up to your feet, and explodes
(you want me to roll?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 10:33 PM
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 10:36 PM
(aww yee!)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 10:49 PM
The grenade lands at the priest's feet and explodes in a rain of flesh, spraying the walls with blood. As you look inside to confirm the kill you notice your fellow assassin, peeking in and seems to be ready to assist. do you give him a signal?
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 10:52 PM
(Does the beast seem to still be up and running?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 10:52 PM
(Yup, and it looks pissed)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 10:54 PM
(Hmm, to run or to fight...)
(Do I have anything to gain fighting this one?)
(OH YEAH, is any more of my insanity lifting?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 10:58 PM
(Not really, you've already won. But this thing will probably try and hunt you down to the ends of the earth, but if you escape it should be fine)
(What do you mean? You are just as sane as before!) (edited)
😜 1
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 11:01 PM
(How's my health looking? It says 80/100, but doesn't completely add up with what you said about collapsing-roof-dmg before)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 11:03 PM
(Yeah, should be 70 I think, probably wasn't reset from your last fight?)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 11:03 PM
(There, at 70 now)
Walter nods towards the monster, visibly drawing his pistol and starts moving towards the entrance of the curch. Not all the way there, but so it's close (edited)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 11:09 PM
The assassin takes aim at the monster, but instead of pulling the trigger, he puts his hands towards his head to seemingly block out something, as he seems quite distracted. The monster jumps out the same window you jumped out of and runs at you, and once again tries to grapple you (Attack roll is a 17)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 11:10 PM
(oh so close)
(eh, eh, panic, thinking) (edited)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 11:11 PM
(It's a glancing hit, so no grapple!)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 11:11 PM
(oh phew!)
(did it do the ranged grab or very close thing?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 11:11 PM
(Just 18 damage)
(Its ranged grab)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 11:11 PM
(aight, let's bail)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 11:14 PM
(Fair enough. So you can either make a run action to set up an easy escape for next turn, or you can try to make an escape roll right away. DC would be 14+ if you just move and try and escape from Medium range, 9+ from Long, and 4+ from Extreme)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 11:14 PM
(running action sounds like a plan)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 11:15 PM
(Oh jesus, that's a 20)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 11:15 PM
(Hey... that's pretty good...)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 11:15 PM
(Uuuh, it's gonna try to keep up, but yeah...) (edited)
(You need a 4+ to escape basically at this point)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 11:16 PM
(so, as long as I don't roll a 1 or a 2 now, right?) (Jinxing it, but hey)
(is there a disengage button, or just agility?)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 11:17 PM
(Just agility)
(You're out! 17.)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 11:17 PM
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 11:17 PM
(Gonna roll for the assassin as well.)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 11:18 PM
(hopefully it helps that the beast is focused on me)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 11:19 PM
(All right, Obviously you don't know what happened to him unless you go and interact with the mercs again, but that was an interesting fight! Lots of high run rolls... You guys were basically teleporting around!)
(Might have to implement my optional rules on long and extreme ranges requiring 2 distances to move between when moving more than one distance.) (edited)
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 11:20 PM
(that would be fair, and in my favour ๐Ÿ˜ˆ )
(If I successfully set up ambushes again that is)
Cindurion 04-Jan-22 11:21 PM
(Hehe, true, but it would just make sense. Felt off that it could run straight at you in a single turn despite starting at Long range)
(Granted, with its roll it could still do that at that point, but at least it feels more right ^^)
😨 1
Walter Keane 04-Jan-22 11:23 PM
(also makes it harder to run away, so that's also interesting)
Walter Keane 05-Jan-22 03:48 AM
(oh right, winning a fight gave you 3 CCPs, do I get anything extra for killing a mage or first blood?)
Cindurion 05-Jan-22 08:39 AM
(For killing a Mage, no. For first blood, could've been interesting but I didn't post anything about that so not really)
Walter Keane 05-Jan-22 10:34 AM
(oh well)
Walter Keane 05-Jan-22 11:08 AM
(I wonder if this will affect the "church riots", and if so to what extent. I'll just wait and see I guess)
Cindurion 05-Jan-22 09:42 PM
You've been awarded 3 CCPs for winning a battle! Make sure to note it down! Nighttime Phase day 8. After making it back home, having taken one of the Mages of the war out, you expectantly lay down, hoping that the madness and the external thoughts would be gone. Alas, you can still feel them tugging at your mind. While the recent battles have brought a moment of clarity, you cannot be certain that it will last. Something else needs to be done to get rid of this chaos. What do you do for your nighttime phase?
Walter Keane 06-Jan-22 12:26 PM
Walter Keane 06-Jan-22 05:45 PM
(Well Rosendo is annoying. I feel tempted to, when the next mage dies, letter bomb him in hopes he'll think it's Davey's phylactery. Had Davey not been so vocal in the trash-talk cannel it would've been more of an alternative)
(alternatively craft a rocket launcher and do a base assault, problem would be the fucking MO being on my ass)
Walter Keane 06-Jan-22 07:13 PM
(was also thinking of responding to the man in chat, but seems like Davy solved that for me)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 07:20 PM
(Haha, fair enough!)
(Trash-talk has certainly been interesting today!)
Walter Keane 06-Jan-22 07:22 PM
(very much so, so much hate thrown my way tho... Only fair that Rosendo gets some too)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 07:24 PM
(Hehehe, so do you have any plans on what you'll be doing, or still considering that one?)
Walter Keane 06-Jan-22 07:25 PM
(some form of crafting, pondering to move base honestly. Rat person knows my base, so I'd feel safer if I could get away from their prying eyes)
Cindurion 06-Jan-22 10:51 PM
(That's fair. Would reset your upgrades though!)
Walter Keane 06-Jan-22 10:52 PM
(Yeah, which I don't like)
(They haven't done anything yet, other than crowdsourcing my murder, so should be fine for the time being) (edited)
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 04:40 PM
(You know what? Fuck it, I'm going to the Warehouse district of Cassava Point)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 04:52 PM
(Cool! Have you kept a tally on your grenades and magic rounds from your previous fights? Also, remember that you haven't had a proper rest yet, so any HP lost has not yet been regained, if any?)
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 04:56 PM
(yes, I put count in my character sheet on Google.) (I am aware, but seeing as a maximum of two has showed up every time, last time being only a familiar, I feel like it's worth the risk. Then again, more than me may feel that way...)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 05:01 PM
(Cool, just making sure! ^^) As you make it to the warehouse district it seems eerily quiet. You can feel the tension in the air as you have no idea what's about to unfold. The minutes pass slowly as you walk the district in silence, waiting for the clock to strike 8...
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 05:07 PM
(this feels like a trap... Very much like a trap...)
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 05:38 PM
(relevant question: once I die and you announce that a mage is dead, may I say to friends in game that my character is dead? Or is that a burden that only the killer and other dead may carry?)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 06:27 PM
(You may only tell other dead players that you are dead, and obviously people outside of the game. Anyone still in the game must not know that you specifically died as that might affect their actions)
👍 1
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 07:07 PM
Suddenly, from atop one of the warehouses you hear "If you wish for a chance at the artefact, you will need to get closer to the center. We can show you the way to your competition, should you wish it." As you look up, you see a pigeon looking down at you.
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 08:19 PM
had this been any other day, Walter would've questioned the situation he was in, as well as his sanity. But considering that he had talked with rats, fought monsters and seen a city brought to it's knees after a bit more than a week, it didn't phase him in the slightest Instead he suspiciously eyed the bird and asked "How do I know you're not with the competition?" (edited)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 08:28 PM
"Oh, we are quite busy elsewhere. We are only hoping for scraps. But there won't be any scraps if no one is fighting!"
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 08:38 PM
(Is this before or after 8 o'clock?)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 08:38 PM
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 08:39 PM
(I do NOT like this)
(is there any way to see if this "probably familiar" belongs to another participant in the mage wars?) (edited)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 08:42 PM
(Not sure how you would tell)
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 08:42 PM
"Who do you seve?"
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 08:43 PM
"We serve ourselves. We are the Swarm."
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 08:43 PM
"Who the hell are the Swarm?" (edited)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 08:44 PM
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 08:44 PM
(rolls eyes internally)
"Right..." pause "Well, what's the competition like tonight then?" (edited)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 08:46 PM
"A stitched together monstrosity that shoots fireballs out of its maw."
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 08:46 PM
Walter does a long blink "Come again"
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 08:58 PM
"It's not so bad, we've fought it before!" "Hurry if you want a chance! Follow me!"
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 08:59 PM
(Do I feel any mages in the area?)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 08:59 PM
(You do not)
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 09:00 PM
Walter grumbles internally, but follows the bird quietly at as safe of a distance as possible (edited)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 09:19 PM
You follow the bird towards the center of the sub-district. Once you get closer, a beam of purple light suddenly appears! If you squint you think you can see something coming down from the top of it, but it is very far away. Do you head towards it or do something else?
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 09:20 PM
Walter quickly pulls out his rifle and uses his scope as binoculars
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 09:21 PM
You think you can see a treasure chest inside the beam of light, slowly being lowered.
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 09:26 PM
(Any fire breathing amalgamations visible from where I am?)
(And what time is it?)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 09:39 PM
(You don't see anything in particular from where you are currently.)
(It is now past 8)
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 09:40 PM
(same rounds loaded as last fight; pistol with regular, tracer and max. sniper with bleed)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 09:42 PM
(All right! Do you approach the beam or try to stealth or something else?)
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 09:42 PM
Carefully, mr Keane circles in closer to the beam, treading softly with eyes open
(stealth approach, preferably getting a better view of the immediate area before getting close) (edited)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 10:04 PM
The bird gives you directions to the "creature". Do you incorporate that into your plan in any way?
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 10:05 PM
(Can I spot it through the scope? How crowded are the buildings? How long uninterrupted sight is there around the beam?)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 10:24 PM
(Not from your current position. There are multiple warehouses lined up, each with two stories. There are containers strewn about the area and multiple container stacks, so not many open lanes of fire, but you could possibly get up on one of the container stacks or second story of the warehouses to get a clear view of the beam from a pretty good distance)
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 10:31 PM
(I like that plan, let's climb a container stack)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 11:42 PM
You get into a position to snipe from. The best spot was at Medium range, and the bird flies towards you, seemingly to sit next to you, when suddenly it shakes its head and flies off.
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 11:42 PM
(No mages or sight of the beast?)
(Chest in sight?)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 11:44 PM
The chest is still being lowered, and as it is about one combat turn away from landing, you catch sight of a horrific, stitched together abomination of human corpses waddling towards the light beam.
What do you do?
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 11:45 PM
(sigh Does it radiate mage energy like the servant in the hospital did?)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 11:46 PM
(It does not. This doesn't appear to be a Servant. At least not a proper one.)
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 11:47 PM
"This better be worth it" Walter thinks to himself as he fires the bleed round into the flank of the beast (Gonna need some rounds of crafting after this...)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 11:48 PM
(You making the rolls or should I?)
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 11:48 PM
(Risking bad luck, but I wanna roll myself) (edited)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 11:48 PM
(All right, start with a Stealth check as you're hidden)
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 11:49 PM
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 11:49 PM
(You got a nat 20 stealth and nat 20 accuracy)
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 11:49 PM
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 11:49 PM
(That's what I said! :P)
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 11:50 PM
(This usually doesn't happen...)
(Walter has tasted blood, he's back in business baby!)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 11:53 PM
You exhale your breath and get ready to take the shot. At first you figure you can easily take a shot at center mass, but this thing doesn't appear to be particularly perceptive or mobile, so you scan around the creature and locate one body in particular that seems to be controlling the movements, and take the shot. You hit it in the head and the creature immediately collapses to the ground, just as the chest lands and the beam of light disappears.
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 11:54 PM
Walter stays still for a couple seconds, before heading quietly towards the chest with suspicious eyes
(does this count as a combat encounter for the sake of CCP gain?)
Cindurion 07-Jan-22 11:58 PM
(It would)
Walter Keane 07-Jan-22 11:59 PM
(Do I roll stealth again or perception or something as I approach the chest?)
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 12:00 AM
As you start approaching the chest, a pigeon comes by and says "You might want to make sure it's actually dead. That seemed almost too easy, wouldn't you say?"
Walter Keane 08-Jan-22 12:01 AM
"Unless it has multiple lives, it's very dead" After contemplating a second he adds "Which wouldn't surprise me at this point"
Walter puts a hand on his pistol and gives the beast a second glance now and again as he moves for the chest
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 12:05 AM
"Now, we helped you, and you took one of ours from us. We deserve some share of the bounty, wouldn't you say?"
"We'll even keep an eye on Stitches there for you so you can browse in peace."
As you get to the chest, the creature is still not moving. Do you open the chest?
Walter Keane 08-Jan-22 12:10 AM
(honestly, don't like this bird, I feel like it's trying to make a fool out of me) (edited)
(Rob me of the treasure)
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 12:10 AM
(You did do all the hard work of rolling 2 nat 20s :P)
Walter Keane 08-Jan-22 12:11 AM
(Yeah, this thing is an annoyance more than anything, it's interference honestly did nothing other than alarming me of an enemy, which I would've been cautious of anyway)
"Yeah go keep an eye on the Amalgamation" Walter says as he gets to the chest (edited)
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 12:13 AM
(Do you open it?)
Walter Keane 08-Jan-22 12:13 AM
(where's the bird?)
(Also, check for traps, trust no one)
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 12:16 AM
The bird flies decently high above. (At Close range) It does a belching motion and then spits up what appears to be some green acid at the monster, seemingly to see if it reacts, which it does not.* (You can't find any traps)
Walter Keane 08-Jan-22 12:18 AM
Walter opens the chest with intention to scan it's contents quickly and grab the valuables inside, not giving the pigeon a chance to snatch or properly see it if possible
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 12:19 AM
As you open the chest and quickly look over the contents there appears to be a large amount of crystals, beads and trinkets, all brimming with energy. On top of it all lies a white cloak.
Walter Keane 08-Jan-22 12:20 AM
(Urge to kill pigeon rising)
(also, is it feasible to carry all of this on my own?)
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 12:22 AM
(The chest and all? No. But you should be able to pocket the smaller items or just wrap them up in the cloak and grab them that way.) (edited)
Walter Keane 08-Jan-22 12:24 AM
(How many items more than the smaller ones are we talking? Other than the cloak ofc)
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 12:25 AM
(5 beads, 5 green crystals and 5 blue crystals)
(And then the cloak)
Walter Keane 08-Jan-22 12:28 AM
Walter swiftly place the gems and such in his deep pockets and stuffs the cloak under one of his arms, preparing to head off
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 12:30 AM
"Before you leave, what's your name?"
Walter Keane 08-Jan-22 12:38 AM
"A mystery" The man responds with a large grin (edited)
(I feel like such a child xD)
queue dramatic walking
(And I am on the lookout if that pigeon is following me)
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 12:45 AM
As you dramatically walk away, before you are out of sight of the chest, you suddenly see a whole swarm of pigeons descend on the monster, spitting acid on it to dissolve it. Some of the pigeons fly over to open the chest...
Walter Keane 08-Jan-22 12:46 AM
Sneak away as quickly as I can
(Playing a regular ish human makes this way creepier, I love it)
(Honestly, I completely forgot that I was at 52, for some reason my brain thought I was at 70 up until after the fight ๐Ÿ˜… )
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 12:52 AM
(Clearly didn't need it. Since you took no damage you will recover all your health by the next phase!)
Walter Keane 08-Jan-22 12:52 AM
(xD) (edited)
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 12:53 AM
As you start heading back, you notice that you have a tail. A couple of pigeons seem to be trailing you.
Walter Keane 08-Jan-22 12:54 AM
"Get lost, flying rats"
Tense, ready to fight, but trying to sound confident (edited)
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 12:55 AM
"You didn't share the spoils. You owe us."
Walter Keane 08-Jan-22 01:02 AM
"Technically, I never agreed to share any reward, nor did your "help" actually affect anything that transpired here tonight." "But I since I'm feeling generous you can have this" The man adds and flings a green crystal the way of the pigeon swarm as if it was a coin (edited)
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 01:04 AM
"Thank you, we were only after spoils, after all."
The pigeons take off.
As you take an extra long way back to ensure you aren't being tailed, you eventually return home and start inspecting the crystals. They appear to be 5 Re-roll beads (Used to re-roll any rolls), 5 Skill crystals (Can upgrade your stats), and 4 Crystals of Potential (CCPs). In addition, the cloak seems to have changed color, and you can feel it has molded to you in some way! (Please describe what color the cloak is and its function. It has some sort of defensive or utility based effect.)
Walter Keane 08-Jan-22 01:11 AM
(Ehm, gotta ask, does it work inside my anti magic field? ๐Ÿ˜… )
(Also, very dope!)
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 01:13 AM
(That's a fair point! It is currently completely white. Also, it appears that the cloak resets while inside the anti magic field, meaning you get to re-imprint it every time the field turns off for a new magical effect! Unintentional bonuses ho!)
🤘 1
(So yeah, you consider what, if any, stats you would like to upgrade as well as what you would like to spend your CCPs on.)
Cindurion 08-Jan-22 01:25 AM
(And feel free to ask me for a chat, as there are quite a few things you could get now)
Walter Keane 08-Jan-22 03:23 AM
(Will do, I probably need it : P)