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Tales of Battle
Mage Wars / kazztruul
Between 09-Jan-22 09:21 PM and 16-Jan-22 08:36 PM
Cindurion 09-Jan-22 09:23 PM
Daytime Phase day 9. After sending the letter, you head to bed knowing you’ve stirred quite the hornet’s nest. Hopefully it won’t backfire on you! What do you do for your daytime phase?
Zamesi 11-Jan-22 01:07 PM
(If I would like to go and buy something and also set the purchased goods up within my lair, would this take one or two actions?)
Cindurion 11-Jan-22 01:26 PM
(That depends on what you're buying!)
Zamesi 11-Jan-22 01:43 PM
(Let's say a bunch of explosives? xD)
Cindurion 11-Jan-22 03:14 PM
(Also depends on how much :P What're you trying to do exactly?)
Zamesi 11-Jan-22 03:54 PM
(I'm considering rigging the sewer lair with explosives that would go off if someone stepped inside πŸ˜› Making a trap room if you will)
Cindurion 11-Jan-22 04:08 PM
(Hmm, fair enough. That would definitely be 2-3 phases to fix up depending on rolls)
Zamesi 11-Jan-22 04:10 PM
(Mmkay, in that case, how likely would this be to actually kill anyone who triggers it, or would it suffer from the same "deal-damage-but-not-kill" effect as Death?)
Cindurion 11-Jan-22 04:11 PM
(It would be similar to "Death", yes.)
Zamesi 11-Jan-22 04:32 PM
(Welp, that's unfortunate xP )
Cindurion 11-Jan-22 04:37 PM
(That being said, again, "Death" can kill someone, it's just that there are saves involved, so it's not guaranteed.)
Zamesi 11-Jan-22 04:38 PM
(Sure, but how hard would these saves be to pass?)
Cindurion 11-Jan-22 04:39 PM
(So the first save is a 4+ will save. Even if they pass that one they later have to do a 9+ Vitality save unless they are taken to a hospital or similar.)
Zamesi 11-Jan-22 04:41 PM
(Yeah, not sure I wanna spend 2-3 phases and whatever gold itd cost for something with ~50% chance of working out πŸ˜› )
Cindurion 11-Jan-22 04:44 PM
(That's fair. That being said, once you end up in a 1v1 situation you'll need to consider how to finish the game, as all types of indirect damage falls under the same category)
Zamesi 11-Jan-22 04:45 PM
(I do have a bit of a plan for that too, but I need to see how some things turn out first)
Cindurion 11-Jan-22 04:45 PM
Cindurion 12-Jan-22 11:03 AM
(Don't forget to decide on an action! Deadline is 21 tonight.)
Zamesi 12-Jan-22 11:21 AM
(Weeeell actually two action because of Invigorated πŸ˜‰ But yeah, I'm aware)
(General question though, if I write a letter to an NPC, can I expect a response from them? If so, how long would the estimated time for that be?)
Cindurion 12-Jan-22 11:28 AM
(Unless you provided contact details, that might be hard :P But even if you did, that depends on the NPC!)
Zamesi 12-Jan-22 11:29 AM
(What if it's an NPC who supposedly has prior knowledge of my identity and probably whereabouts? :P)
Cindurion 12-Jan-22 11:31 AM
(Knowledge of identity, sure. Whereabouts, presumably not since you are technically wanted by them so if they knew where you were they would have likely approached you in some way :P)
(If you want him to be able to contact you for sure, I'll let you ret-con the mail to include your contact info, that's fine)
Zamesi 12-Jan-22 11:55 AM
(I feel like I should've named that trait something different, since the idea is more that they keep a closer eye on him and are more strict if he breaks any rules rather than actively look for him for some actual crime hes wanted for xD i wouldnt mind a retcon as such, but i kinda wanna make sure i have no reason to think theyd just immediately show up with hostile intent if contacted that way)
Cindurion 12-Jan-22 11:57 AM
(As far as I'm concerned they have their eyes on you as you are heavily implicated in some things, but don't have any concrete evidence. If you give them any reason to you will get fucked however as you are under scrutiny far more than any other non-wanted player)
(So you have a much thinner line to tread, but no, they aren't actively out to get you currently)
Zamesi 12-Jan-22 11:59 AM
(Yeah, that's fair enough πŸ™‚ Alright, in that case feel free to also add a return address!)
👍 1
Zamesi 12-Jan-22 01:02 PM
(Quick question, if i would roll an omen for a character that either doesn't exist or is dead, would I get to know this somehow?)
Cindurion 12-Jan-22 01:03 PM
(Yeah, I've considered that, and I don't think so, no. Means you've gotta keep an eye on your opposition a bit)
Zamesi 12-Jan-22 01:06 PM
(Yeah, I kinda assumed as much πŸ˜› Oh well, thanks anyway) Deciding that it's probably for the better to make sure to handle the most threatening competition as much as possible, Zamesi decides to shuffle up his decks and see what's in store for himself and the sharply dressed Walter.
(I don't suppose I could choose and resolve the Convenient Gossip effect before choosing an omen?)
Cindurion 12-Jan-22 01:14 PM
(So technically you should keep the rolls entirely separate, so you need to roll on one table, pick the effect, and then you can roll on the second table. The order you roll them in doesn't matter but you shouldn't be able to cherrypick the best combination of effects.) (For this one, I'll let you roll a d2 to see which roll you made first if that seems all right? 2 for blessings, 1 for omens. In the future, just do them one at a time in whichever order you wish)
Zamesi 12-Jan-22 01:15 PM
(Alright, sure thing)
(2 it is)
Cindurion 12-Jan-22 01:16 PM
(Yup, so you resolve the blessing effect in its entirety, then the omen effect)
Zamesi 12-Jan-22 01:18 PM
(Cool, then Convenient Gossip please! πŸ˜„ )
Cindurion 12-Jan-22 01:22 PM
"Did you hear? I heard there's a young woman hiding down in the sewers, talking to rats! They say she lives somewhere in the Downtown district!"
Zamesi 12-Jan-22 01:23 PM
(I'm assuming this isn't coming from a source I can question for more information? xD )
Cindurion 12-Jan-22 01:24 PM
(Nope! That's the info you get!)
Zamesi 12-Jan-22 01:25 PM
(Yeah, I guessed as much πŸ˜› Oh well, let's go with Public Incident for the omen then!)
Motivated by his seemingly good fortune, Zamesi continues divining the fates of himself and Walter (edited)
(Unless otherwise noted, I'll just do Omen rolls before Blessing rolls)
(Tragic Accident will be the omen)
(Aaand I guess Delayed Blessings for me)
Cindurion 13-Jan-22 12:06 AM
Nighttime Phase day 9. After performing a day of scrying on the man named Walter, you get ready for your nighttime activities. What do you do for your nighttime phase?
Zamesi 13-Jan-22 01:56 PM
Figuring it's always nice to spread some dark "gifts" around, Zamesi decides to shuffle up and see whats in store for himself and the renowned miss Blake
(I feel like I may have already accomplished the Suspicions on her, so let's go with Weakness xD )
(And I guess Shielded by the Loa, assuming it's not time limited?)
Cindurion 13-Jan-22 02:40 PM
(It would be. Though I can see it being 50% within 1 week)
Zamesi 13-Jan-22 02:54 PM
(Sure, let's go with that then :P)